New Avengers *SPOILERS*

Started by BliZZ, January 16, 2007, 07:28PM

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I thought that was absolute BS...  I'm not a Captain fan, but to kill off an icon like that is just... wrong.  And the way he got killed...  A sniper?  That's like Superman walking along and tripping into a puddle of kryptonite and dying.  Very lame.
Some day, someone will best me.  But it won't be today, and it won't be you.

The artist formerly known as Burning Rage.

We'll have to see how they play it out.  They can't kill an icon like that.  I haven't been reading lately since I only visit my comic shop every 4-6 weeks and then cram everything in but maybe it has something to do with saving face from Civil War.

Why o why how could that cross someones mind the killing of Cap?What kind of dumb message is that sending?I've hashed it over for days...Still I'm left wondering why?He was just starting a come back.hopefully they can repair this somehow. :(
And their turning us into Monsters its all designed!!

Read Civil War: The Initiative #1 for more on Cap's fate...

Since this is our resident comic discussion thread and I am not inclined to make another one...
Be very afraid. What If?s keep becoming reality way too often lately.

Crimson Dynamo says:
In Soviet Russia, the games mod YOU!

If anyone needs any art for icons or portraits, feel  free to ask, I'll see what I can do.

Pretty much every character in the Marvel Universe has died at some point or other, so I wouldn't worry too much about never seeing Cap again.  As for the means and a reason I think its probably quite appropriate given the time and place it happened, Cap wouldnt really suit being an outlaw either in custody or out.

As for the 'new cap' has anyone else also seen the Iron man version?  And a little game; who can think of the most bizarre new Cap?

Quotehas anyone else also seen the Iron man version
That turned out to be a hoax, a recoloured piece of the cover art to CW: The Initiative. (I assume you refer to the red-blue-white Iron Man holding Cap's shield and the USofA flag?)
QuoteCap wouldnt really suit being an outlaw either in custody or out.
He could've turned into Nomad again... Then again, that's essentially what US Agent did when he joined Omega Flight :D
The next big shtick is that to spin-doctor the heck out of this turn of events they have to keep Steve under the ground for at least a few years, let Bucky take up the mantle and spin-doctor it even more :D

Crimson Dynamo says:
In Soviet Russia, the games mod YOU!

If anyone needs any art for icons or portraits, feel  free to ask, I'll see what I can do.

Pictures yell louder than words. Again.

Crimson Dynamo says:
In Soviet Russia, the games mod YOU!

If anyone needs any art for icons or portraits, feel  free to ask, I'll see what I can do.

Quote from: Noelemahc on March 22, 2007, 07:59AM
Pictures yell louder than words. Again.
And in this case they yell that Bendis has no original ideas whatsoever, and can only regurgitate inferior copies of other people's.*

*With his tin-eared, god-awful, bad-impersonation-of-Tarantino "dialogue" added.

Dude, I'm already afraid for the life of Kitty Pryde who he recently 'borrowed' from Ultimate X-Men into Ultimate Bendis-Ma-- er-- Spider-Man for an indefinite amount of time -- unless there is divine intervention in the shape of Ultimate Peter Wisdom (to whisk her off and, probably, shag her a few times before parting ways, just like his 616 counterpart), this is gonna get too far south.

Ahh, these days I can only count on Ennis (as Barracuda and Ghost Rider: Trail of Tears rock heaps) and Ellis (Osborn's similarity to Tommy Lee Jones notwithstanding, Thunderbolts ARE panning out interestingly).

Crimson Dynamo says:
In Soviet Russia, the games mod YOU!

If anyone needs any art for icons or portraits, feel  free to ask, I'll see what I can do.