Tell the Truth: Game

Started by jonchang, November 21, 2007, 06:45PM

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corinthians, second division of brazilian soccer champioship.

What's your favorite soccer team ?

Colo-Colo (Chile). But I'm also partial to both Italy's AC Milan and Germany's HSV.

Who do you think will turn out to be a skrull (besides the ones that have already been revealed)?

tigra, wasp, no new avengers only mighty, the skrulls will pass over them and hit gov.s team. this will be earths secret weapon. at this, the goverment will gratfully repeal the S.H.R.A.
What do u think Xavin, karolina, Hand hulklins pistions will be during the secret invasion?

Frankly, I don't know and I don't care, because I don't collect comics. I collect videogames.

Your favorite official XML2 character and why?

  :magneto: Magneto all the way... While I was hoping for some better costumes, Magneto has always been a favourite of mine due to him having a very idealistic way of approaching situations and his leadership status. I mean I could go on about all the reasons why he is preferably the best character in XML2 I wouldn't..Instead a quick little list.

-Powers(Magnetism is so cool)

-Voice(Sounds like the guy that doesn't put up with crap)

-Battle Tactics(Strategy of doing things etc)

-And of course his will and domination for a universe under mutant control.

Anyways now that is settled... What movie would you rather see in production..

               :juggernaut:  or   :scorpion:

Juggernaut, FTW. He can be further powered by some unknown force, and it could take a combination of Hulk, the Avengers, the X-Men, and Spider-Man to take him down.

Your favorite official MUA character (standard 23 only ;))?

Iron Man

What's your favorite addon character?

March 17, 2008, 03:54AM #172 Last Edit: March 17, 2008, 04:51AM by Midnight Curse
Iron Fist!

Your favorite (MUA) PSP exclusive?

Captain Marvel, I like his Nega Blasts, shits hot.

What's your favorite Basketball Team?

Star Fall's his best maneuver, IMO.

I like the Celtics, because Kevin Garnett is in it.

Your favorite XML2 PSP exclusive?

Depends on the X-Men roster.

Cable and X-Man on the X-Men team, the X-Men will pwn.

Who will win in a fight: Cable or X-Man?

X-man! Well he does seem like a more powerful psychic than cable, since cable is all about warfare and stuff.

Do you like Samuel Jackson movies?

Yeah but I didn't like his performance in Snakes On A Plane

How many Scary Movies do you think they will do?
Actually there are four + a fifth that is coming.

Hopefully not as many as the 21 James Bond ones that are out, and a 22nd one in the works!

I think either 5 or 10.

@ cowz- BTW, X-Man has more power, but Cable has more experience in his powers. And I liked his performance in Star Wars and Pulp Fiction.

Your favorite DLC hero?