
Tell the Truth: Game

Started by jonchang, November 21, 2007, 06:45PM

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Thanks midnight curse about your explanation between cable and x-man. And please excuse my ignorance but what is DLC?

Its either Venom or Nightcrawler ...
DLC = Downloadable characters for xbox 360 from xbox live / gold edition
Which DLC would you replace and who would you add ?

As good as he is, Doom doesn't fit in the game. I'd get him out for Iron Fist.

My second vote would be for Hawkeye, as he is already a PSP exclusive. Otherwise, remove him from the PSP exclusive spot and put in a different character.

Your favourite standard 23-man roster hero?

iron man

have u read secret invders #1 yet and if not do u plan do and if so did u likw it?

I plan to, but haven't yet.

Are you afraid of the dark?

April 12, 2008, 06:23AM #185 Last Edit: April 12, 2008, 06:28AM by bleedingcowz
Not really but i am afraid of Cloak

Do you watch American Idol?

Nope. :)

Do you play any MMORPG's? If so, which one?

Yes. World of Warcraft is on top of my list, RF online goes next, but then again there is Hellgate London.....

Would you wear tights in public for $1,000?

Nope, not even for 10K. Well, maybe.

X-Men Legends II or Justice League Heroes?

X-Men legends II!!! Mutants rock!!

Which talk show do you like the most? Oprah,Dr.Phil, or Maury??

None of the above...but if I have to choose...I guess Oprah.

Do you still watch the old Marvel cartoons? (Like X-Men, Spiderman or Hulk, etc.)

I do. They are much better than the newer ones.

What is your favourite web browser?
You may freely use and modify my work as long as you give me proper credit - there's no need to ask for my permission.

Mozilla Firefox Junglebuffalo.
P.S. The Mozilla Firesomething plugin rocks.

Vanilla or chocolate ice cream?

Crimson Dynamo says:
In Soviet Russia, the games mod YOU!

If anyone needs any art for icons or portraits, feel  free to ask, I'll see what I can do.

Dog 'cause cats are lazy animals and are independant but dogs needs hugs and are usually affectionate.

Which team do you think will win the NHL series?