Tell the Truth: Game

Started by jonchang, November 21, 2007, 06:45PM

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English, Bangla(/Bengali), Hindi, Urdu, Punjabi, Farsi and German. but dude, why bring this up here when u already have a thread for it?

Who is more likely to win in a battle between Marvel's Psylocke and Mortal Kombat's Jade? (Please do not answer saying you don't know who these people are)

psylocke!!!go marvel :)!!!

who wins, x-23 or wolverine?
Icons made by me(i could only pick the best b/c of ltr limit):

banshee(but i dont know very much about black canary...)

hmmm....would u rather go bowling or play tenis?
Icons made by me(i could only pick the best b/c of ltr limit):

Bowling - I suck at Tennis. 

What's your favorite Star Wars game?

jedi acedamy i guess....havent played one in a while...

are u crazy for ping pong???(I AM!!!!)
Icons made by me(i could only pick the best b/c of ltr limit):

not crazy for it but do enjoy it not as good as i enjoy skating.

Are you a spot person or more like a electronic person?

i think im pretty evenly balanced....ganna let som1 else answer...
Icons made by me(i could only pick the best b/c of ltr limit):

Electronics are my life!

How good is the new Incredible Hulk movie?

 Way better than the First one!! What an amazing job they did on it.

Which did you like better, Hulk or Ironman 2008 film?

:hulk_icon:     Vs.     :stark:

Ironman rocks :P though i like ironman more :P lol
would you like another xmen movie???

yes but i'd prefer a reboot. not a sequel.
do you believe i have read all the previous 17 pages?

I think you have IDK.

Will crystal apear on f4 3?


will spiderman be involved in the next ironman/hulk movie???
Icons made by me(i could only pick the best b/c of ltr limit):

probably not.
who do u want as villian(s) in spidey 4? (nota bene : lizard has been confirmed as one of them but who else wud u like?)'