
Shard/Longshot/Polaris/X23/Shadowcat/Angel/Banshee/Domino Mods Released

Started by Norrin Radd, January 21, 2008, 05:32PM

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Domino Mod, by Norrin Radd

Download Here

-5 skins
-Unique icons, huds, banner, and loadscreen
-bolton weapons

Dual Slice: Knife attack with a high chance of getting a critical hit.
Hail of Bullets: Spin around while shooting nearby enemies with an additional chance of doing bleed damage.
Flash Bang: Toss a flashbang, which blinds and stuns enemies in the area.
Sniper: Use high-powered rifle to shoot a single enemy. Fires on release. 25% chance for instant knockout, if victim is stunned, chance increases to 50%.
Grenade Toss: Throws several grenades in a spread pattern, which explode doing energy damage.
Perfect Aim: Domino's luck causes increased damage and chance of critical hits.
Healing Time: By chance the team regenerates life for a short period of time.
Deadly Assassin: Leaps into the air, finds a spot to hide and starts shooting enemies, doing massive physical damage. Also boosts damage of team's xtreme powers by 50%.

-Ultimate skin and hud by BLaw
-uses fightstyle from BliZZ's fightstyle pack
-Knife and Desert Eagle boltons by iammingy (only the brightness and contrast were modified from the originals)
-Voice sounds were derived from Teancum's voice pack
-mannequin by Ravencore

Banshee Mod, by Norrin Radd

Download Here

-5 skins
-Unique icons, huds, banner, and loadscreen

Earful: A powerful sonic force blast.
Panic Attack: A radial blast of sonic waves that confuses enemies and makes them flee.
Irish Fury: Quick four hit melee combo.
Strong Blow: Widespread attack that damages enemies nearby.
Sonic Whirlwind: Creates a wind vortex capable of lifting and throwing objects and enemies in its path.
Head Crunch: Enemies are disoriented, allowing increased damage and chance of critical hits.
Mentor: Reduces damage taken by the entire team for a time.
Sonic Waves: Radial sonic attack.

-mannequin by BliZZ
-uses fightstyle from BliZZ's fightstyle pack

Angel Mod, by Norrin Radd, powers based on matt710's XML2 mod

V1.4: Download Here

OLD: Download Here

-6 skins
-Unique icons, huds, character selection screen banner, and loadscreens

-base mod by matt710
-first power modified from darkmythology angel mod (also grabsmash)
-original skin by iammingy
-leather skin by shafcrawler
-archangel and original loadscreens by Cates
-original and death huds by BliZZ
-mannequin by Overload

Neural Feathers: Launches a barrage of poisonous feathers at the enemy, stunning them briefly.
Winged Fury: Attacks with wings to barage enemies and causes knockback.
Rushing Gush: Flaps wings causing gusts in a 180 degree forward arc.
Aerial Dash: Charge against enemies, and objects, knocking them back.
Angelic Transfusion: Tranfuses Blood to raise health regeneration rate for the whole party for a time and instantly remove any harmful effects.
Humming Bird Essense: Angel increases his heart rate and wing speed to increase his speed and evasion rating, which makes it hard for enemies to attack him.
From The Heavens: Radial wing attack that causes wind and physical damage as he dives to the ground.

X23 Mod, by Norrin Radd, conversion of nodoubt_jr's XML2 mod

V2.0: Download Here

-5 skins
-Unique icons, huds, loadscreen, and character selection screen banner

-nodoubt_jr for original mod and powers
-mannequin by iammingy
-x-force skin and hud by BLaw
-all skins (except x-force) by shafcrawler
-claw boltons by iammingy
-sounds derived from clips provided by Teancum

Brutal Slash: Brutal claw slash and stab.
Foot Slash: Foot claw slash.
Artery Strike: Strikes enemies in an artery, causing bleeding.
Ruthless Slice: A powerful claw stab that inflicts physical damage.
Claw Flurry: Multiple slashing attacks.
Trigger Scent: Enters a raged state.
Skilled Presence: All allies turn 20% of damage inflicted into energy.
Savage Rampage: Dashes from enemy to enemy brutally slashing them.

Shadowcat Mod, by Norrin Radd, conversion of nodoubt_jr's XML2 mod

V1.8: Download Here

-4 skins
-Unique icons, huds, loadscreen, and character selection screen banner

-nodoubt_jr for original mod and powers
-mannequin by iammingy
-agent of shield skin by boreman
-classic skin by Tetragene
-x3 skin by shafcrawler
-sword and gun boltons by iammingy

Phase: Shadowcat becomes intangible and can pass through solid objects.
Solid: Shadowcat comes out of phasing form and becomes solid again.
Claw Slash: Increased melee attack with knockback.
Sai Throw: Throws sai at enemies.
Ninja Blades: Deadly multi-hit sword attack.
Blade Cyclone: Spins around, attacking with swords.
Electrical Disruption: Absorbs damage for Shadowcat and allies and damages those that touch them.
Claws: Gives self retractable artificial claws for a time adding blade damage to melee attacks.
Agent of SHIELD: Jump in the air and do a 360 spin, taking down every enemy in sight.

Polaris Mod, by Norrin Radd, using XML2 Magneto powers

V2.0: Download Here

OLD: Download Here

-5 skins
-Unique icons, huds, loadscreen, and banner

-mannequin model by Overload, reskinned by Norrin Radd using shafcrawler's skin
-Ultimate skin by boreman
-Uncanny and X-Factor skins by shafcrawler
-banner used from boreman and matt710's Polaris mods

Levitation: Lift and throw objects and enemies.
Metal Spikes: Forms metal spikes and hurls them at enemies.
Death Trap: Enemies are surrounded by a cloud of flying metal, reflecting a percentage of damage back upon themselves.
Magnetic Blast: Uses iron in the blood to slow down the blood flow of enemies, which inflicts damage and confuses them.
Magnetic Grasp: Holds surrounding enemies and objects, damaging them.
Polarized Shield: Chance to block all incoming attacks.
Metal Minion: Spawn a metallic minion entity to fight alongside team for a time.
Metallic Mayhem: Blasts surrounding enemies with metallic shrapnel.

Longshot Mod, by Norrin Radd

Download Here

-4 skins
-Unique icons, huds, and character selection screen banner
-Wig by iammingy
-Mannequin by iammingy

Thanks to Iammingy for the wig and mannequin

Blade Throw: Launch a spread of blades, inflicting damage.
Rope Throw: Uses rope to fling an enemy into the air.  Charge longer to increase the distance the enemy will soar.
Confusion: Moves quickly to temporarily confuse and stun enemies.
Ricochet: Throws blades that ricochet off objects. Hold button for multiple release.
Falling Blades: Throws several blades into the air. They then crash down, slicing into enemies and surrounding objects.
Luck: Amazing luck causes increased damage and chance of critical hits.
Advanced Reflex: Slow down time except for Longshot and his allies.
Lucky Cut: Throw blades in a radius, slicing enemies as they pass.

Shard Mod, by Norrin Radd
Version 2.4 released (added sounds and updated mannequin)

Download Here

-5 skins (to unlock all skins use the skin unlock code at the character select screen: up,down,up,down,left,right,left,right,up,down, start)
-Unique icons, huds, character selection screen banner, and loadscreen
-Reskinned bolton gun
-Mannequin by MXYZPTLK
-Sounds by Teancum

Thanks to the person(s) who converted Bishop and Jubilee from XMLs, as some of Shard's powers are derived from them
Thanks to Iammingy for pointing out the talent file error
Thanks to MXYZPTLK for the mannequin
Thanks to Teancum for the sounds

Photonic Beam: Channels energy through her hands to blast foes with a beam of focused power.
Fed Up: Grab hold of nearby victim and slam them into the ground.
Light Show: Radial light attack that temporarily stuns enemies.
Future Blasts: Pull out a futuristic gun and fire as long as button is held. Allows movement and strafing.
Photonic Overload: Radial energy attack.
Hologram: Transforms into a hologram, becoming invisible to enemies, raising critical hit chances, and stunning enemies by critical attacks.
Energy Absorption: Absorbs a percentage of energy damage as health gain and boosts physical resistance.
Photonic Fury: Attracts particles and releases a massive explosion of photonic energy, which nullifies enemy powers.

looks awesome!
Please search the forum before asking a question. I dont answer
PMs about modding, those questions should be posted in a public thread.
What im currently working on:
My mods are mine to booster/update, I will not give anybody permission to do it

can i suggest a little thing ? hologram instead of make she invisible it could provide intangibility

January 21, 2008, 05:40PM #3 Last Edit: January 23, 2008, 06:36PM by cvc
That skin looks fabulous I'll be looking foreward to this.

EDIT: Oh wow she's got a new "BFG" duck!
And their turning us into Monsters its all designed!!

Quote from: Sasquatch on January 21, 2008, 05:38PM
can i suggest a little thing ? hologram instead of make she invisible it could provide intangibility

thanks for the suggestion, i thought about it, but because of the issue with getting stuck and other problems with the intangability power i decided on invisible

ok this mod probably be incridible

The icons sure look great (as well as your Shard skins!!!). Can't wait for it to be completed!

Hey Norrin!

    Just stopped by awesome job buddy! Can't wait till it's done!

thanks a lot guys, i hope you enjoy it, i hope to have it released by the end of the week

Shard mod released (see first post)! Let me know if i forgot to put something in the zip or if you have any problems

What Iammingy says :D Btw nice gun :O

Just checked. Everything works fine as far as I know. There is one thing though, I find that the talent is probably not set up correctly?

thats weird, i dont have that problem on my machine

for example, see the pic in the first post, it doesnt look that that one you posted