What do YOU want in a sequel?

Started by jonchang, February 10, 2008, 12:25AM

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Quote from: Midnight Curse on March 24, 2008, 01:45AM
Deadpool isn't really an X-Man. I don't really know why he's in XML2...:scratchhead:

Didn't he join them for a bit as there's some pics of Deadpool in an X-Men outfit? Plus he's part of the 'X-Universe' and, in GLA/Deadpool, Deadpool himself claims he is a member of the X-Men (to Storm's protest).

A speedster would be cool to see as there's no true superfast powers (that i can remember)...

Yeah, I can go for a speedster, like Quicksilver.

Do you know any translator that translates professionally?

I would really dig some comic book missions based on.....COMIC BOOK MISSIONS. I know some of them are vaguely similar to comic storylines, but my favorite comic book mission so far was in XML1 when you had to play as the Original X-men and stop Juggernaut running through the mansion, because that's in an actual early issue. It just bothered me that the comic book levels were just so poorly put together. You fight him, and your done.

I like the idea of a superspeedster, but some size-changing heroes would be my favorite. Totally need to redesign how the camera follows the characters, and how levels are set up, but if you got to run around New York, Giant Man would be the best!

April 12, 2008, 11:53AM #63 Last Edit: April 12, 2008, 11:56AM by SpongeSpider
Another thing I would like is for them not to torture the X-Men so much in the next game, too many terrible things happened to them in the first game.

Heheheh...never thought of that. :chuckle:

Quote from: dark_raven on February 10, 2008, 05:51AM
Characters?Well I hope in this sequel there are more X-Men and more villains jeje

So my list of characters would be:

Iron Man (as director of  S.H.I.E.L.D.)
Captain America
Miss Marvel
Luke Cage
Silver Surfer
Jean Grey (I'll explain later an idea that I had)
Venom (with an alternative costume of Carnage)
Scarlet Witch
Doctor Doom
Doctor Strange

Dark Phoenix: After all that happened in Mephisto's Realm "she rises from the ashes" and becomes evil. However after the heroes battle her she becomes good again and you can unlock her as a playable character.
Nova maybe? because Galactus needs an herald(I don't know anymore heralds jeje)

and I didn't thought anyone more jejejeje

Well the fight with Dark Phoenix in the Blue Area of the Moon, of course

And the others in different planets of the space, that would be cool

totally agree.i would like to see b\c\series Cardiac,Bloodaxe etc

and,for Stan Lee's Sake..MORE PLAYABLE CHARACTERS!!

I would like to see the Thunderbolts, She-Hulk, Venom, Punisher, Tigra, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, Hulk, and Hercules added and Ms. Marvel, Iceman, and Spider-Woman taken out

Eh, first post... But I have wanted to reply to one of these types of topics for a while...

First off, characters. A list of returning characters from the various versions of MUA1:

Black Panther
Black Widow
Captain America
Captain Marvel
Doctor Strange
Ghost Rider
Human Torch
Invisible Woman
Iron Man
Jean Grey
Luke Cage
Moon Knight
Mr. Fantastic
Ms. Marvel
Nick Fury
Silver Surfer
The Hulk
The Thing
The Vision

Total: Thirty-seven.

I left out Doctor Doom (following the ending to MUA1) and Ronin (he can be made a seperate custom for either Moon Knight or Hawkeye).

From there, added characters I would enjoy seeing as playable characters:

Iron Fist
Pete Wisdom
Professor X
Scarlet Witch
Super Skrull
The Punisher
The Sentry

Total: Thirteen.

Making the grand total of playable characters fifty, which seems to be a pretty good number, in my opinion.

From there, I would like to see move branchs more similar in relation to XML2, though keeping the same free-point moving system from MUA1. That is just a personal preference on that call though.

For costumes, I would like to see a depature from the four-costume with set abilities introduced. But, modified it would not be overly bad. Each character has there set of costumes, for example, say Cyclops has all the outfits he did from XML2. In MUA2, each character has those traits in the costumes, though they can be willingly spent and freely moved into any costume. So, keeping with Cyclops, he would list something like:

Beam Damage
Melee Damage
Max Health
Max Energy
Protective Force
Reflect Damage

So on, so forth. Certain characters would have different traits as well (Iceman having cold related traits, while a character like Ghost Rider would not). Then, you can move one of these traits into a custom, and exchange them from an extraction point. However, you cannot take points out of a custom (similar to MUA1).

Levels, eh. I think A lot has been covered in the XML/MUA games so far. Nexus of Realities and Asteroid M are a couple I did not see (I never beat Legends 1, so if the latter was there, my bad). The Exiles home base is another one that could be traveled to, along with the Initiative headquarters.

From the comics, make note or reference to events like Secret Wars (both), Secret Invasion, Civil War, World War Hulk, Onslaught/Heroes Reborn, etc etc. Some tongue-in-cheek stuff I suppose.

For villains (minor and major) I'd like to see:

-Minister Sinister: Keeping in line with the XML2 ending, I think Sinister could be pulled off as a side villain nicely.
-Galactus: I guess 'dur' is a good one here.
-Thanos: Surprised not to see him to be honest. Note to the Infinity Gauntlet would be good here, maybe even a smark remark to 'Marvel: The End'.
-Annihilus: I think I spelled that wrong, but regardless, I think this would be an interesting character to use, considering his past with the F4, and Surfer/Skrull/Nova.
-The Galacti (Zombie Wolverine, Hulk, Spider-Man, and Iron Man): The New F4 encountered them in 616, so I do not see why they could not be a sub-battle you encounter (a la dark clones in MUA or genetic clones in XML2). Be some interesting dialogue too, especially with Magneto or their counterparts.
-Vulcan: I could see this being an interesting battle, having energy being a near immunity to this character.
-Green Goblin: I was surprised he was not in the first game.
-Doctor Octopus: Same as Goblin.

There are a lot more to choose from, not sure who else to add there.

A return to XML-style items would also be nice. Gets kind of boring when Blackheart's Corruption, Norn Stones, Spider's Bite (etc etc) or about the prime items. Character specific items are nice, but nothing like the special items. Also, having the three slots was nice...

Eh, I would go up and add costumes to the above lists, but I am getting lazy... That is pretty much just a rough idea of how I would like to see MUA2, but that is just me.

Give me Howard the Duck as a playable character or as a NPC and I'll be happy.

Ugh, that is what I forgot to put in. If the Nexus was a location of visit, then there could be an NPC of both Howard the Duck and Man-Thing (I do not see either being playable).

Howard might work.  Plus, I think he has enough costumes.  Regular outfit, Quack-Fu garb, Rat, v3 attire.

Dimension hopping perhaps to allow characters like AOA Sabretooth to make an appearance?

I also want Baron Zemo, just to hear what he sounds like.

May 19, 2008, 08:50AM #73 Last Edit: May 19, 2008, 10:47AM by Larcetin-32
Id like more powers who are kinda exclusive for characters and make them unique, like IWs invisibility or Spideys web zip ability.
My mods:
My mods in progress:
No time for modding at the moment, sorry.

Please tell me you all are kidding about Howard the Duck.