Knowing that MUA2 is Civil War, which characters do you want in the sequel now?

Started by iammingy, June 23, 2008, 01:31AM

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Quote from: Teancum on June 23, 2008, 05:37AM
If Spider-Man is anti-registration why did he unmask himself at a press conference with Iron Man?

That was the stupidest event in Civil War. He switched side later on, like what SpongeSpider said.

Quote from: Dihan on June 23, 2008, 02:31AM
I always thought the X-Men were a neutral party...

I'd like to see a Young Avengers and Runaways cameo though.

Yep, that's why there are no Professor X, Cyclops, Colossus, Emma Frost, etc...

Quote from: Rasdel on June 23, 2008, 07:00AM
Ok, this is an interesting post... since like Iammingy said... know we know a little bit more about the possible roster... I am REALLY thrilled about the new 23 PER SIDE number... that's A TON of characters ^^

Yeah, Teancum's thread had 45, so I made it 46. It's 50 now. :P

Quote from: Rasdel on June 23, 2008, 08:20AM
Sorry for the double post, but what if muafan is right??
What if... we only get 23 chars and that is it??

What if you decide only going pro or anti registration and the whole roster swings your way depending on your choice??

Do not know what you guys think... but i think that would suck! :S


Assumming that the idea is true, who will the 20 something "Marvel Legends" fight against in the Civil War? B-list, C-list, or even D-list characters? or more big bad supervillains AGAIN? lol. I am not ruling out this possibility, but I do agree with you, Rasdel. The game would be really not interesting....  :laugh:

Quote from: SpongeSpider on June 23, 2008, 06:36AM
Sharon Ventura Ms. Marvel is on Anti-Registration. Carol Danvers Ms. Marvel is on Pro-Registration. ;)

I agree about the 50 characters thing, what would be so bad about it?

Sure, let's make it 25 on each side. It's just a wish list, I don't mind. :)
I had 23 before because MUA had only 23 officials, IIRC.
Anyway, I just added 2 weidos to the 25th spot on each side. lol

Wait, I thought of something. What if you chose sides at first, but when you beat the game, you can play as the Thunderbolts (and the Doom version of heroes from the first ones)
What FF character am I?

Cloud from Final Fantasy VII

Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7

I hope this doesn't mean its US only characters! Theres quite a few international ones I'd like to see (mainly Captain Britain but a few others'd be interesting).

Quote from: The Boy Sanga on June 25, 2008, 12:29PM
I hope this doesn't mean its US only characters! Theres quite a few international ones I'd like to see (mainly Captain Britain but a few others'd be interesting).
welll, they could change it so its an international law (by u.n. or that most countries folows the US's lead.)
i personally also wan t some forreingn chsrs, such as:
sabra(yeah right)

I know this is a long shot, but i think they should try to place shadow cat in the game. If DC co found a way to make martian manhunter's phasing powers to work, Marvel can find a way to make hers work.

Cmon...I personally hope we never see another Alpha Flight character again...

Now that Spidey has converted, isn't he on the government's wanted list now? And they know who he is since he unmasked himself, and will use this advantage against him.

Quote from: Midnight Curse on June 26, 2008, 10:22PM
Now that Spidey has converted, isn't he on the government's wanted list now? And they know who he is since he unmasked himself, and will use this advantage against him.

Things have changed recently (read One More Day) but it depends when the production of the game started as to whether they'll incorporate it into the game (plus most fans don't like that storyline, but I do)

Quote from: The Boy Sanga on June 27, 2008, 02:02AM
Things have changed recently (read One More Day) but it depends when the production of the game started as to whether they'll incorporate it into the game (plus most fans don't like that storyline, but I do)
hey i do too. i really like BND. i even wrote a letter prasing it (under my other secrert identety- spidey_is_cool) but 3 ishes a month is too expensive.....especilly with the price of gas and secret invasion being on my pull list.

i would also like angel, quicksilver, and shadowcat, even if there powers are tricky, but than again they would fit beter in xml3 instead except all of them had connection outside of x-men i hope that helps.

Kindof off-topic, but someone here keeps adding false info to the MUA wiki at Wikipedia, and they cite as the creator of that particular entry.  Stuff like Iron Man and the Fantastic Four won't be in the game because other developers have exclusive rights to them.  1) They don't, and 2) Unless you have a source, don't add crap like that.  Wikipedia isn't for "This is what I think will happen" entries.

Quote from: Teancum on June 30, 2008, 03:31AM
Kindof off-topic, but someone here keeps adding false info to the MUA wiki at Wikipedia, and they cite as the creator of that particular entry.  Stuff like Iron Man and the Fantastic Four won't be in the game because other developers have exclusive rights to them.  1) They don't, and 2) Unless you have a source, don't add crap like that.  Wikipedia isn't for "This is what I think will happen" entries.

This is very funny. This person must believe that we all work for Activision and/or Raven. :laugh:

Please please please please please please PLEASE include Jean Grey *wines and grovels*