
Knowing that MUA2 is Civil War, which characters do you want in the sequel now?

Started by iammingy, June 23, 2008, 01:31AM

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We originally have a thread for 45 heroes, but we didn't know that MUA2 is about Civil War.

Activision states:
QuoteIn this new Marvel Ultimate Alliance action role-playing game, Civil War erupts and the world's greatest heroes and villians must choose sides. Select your side in the conflict and assemble your team from a roster of over 20 Marvel Legends, including the Hulk, Wolverine, Spider-Man, Venom, and the Human Torch. Combine your team's power to create new unique ones that transform your favorite Marvel superheroes in unexpected ways, such as fusing Spider-Man's power with Storm's to give Spider-Man lighting webs. Expermentations can lead to discovering multiple fusions and different roads to success. Amplify your team's superpowers and wield your custom arsenal wisely if you hope to the war, re-unite the Earth's mightest heroes, and save the Marvel Universe.


So, assumming that:
1. we are getting 25 heroes/villains on each side, meaning 50 playables (though very unlikely)
2. ALL the characters mentioned in the paragraph above will make the cut
3. stupid licensing issues have been sorted out
4. Iron Man and Captain America will be the boss for each side
what does your wish list look like now?

* you may want to read about the list of characters for each side:

This is mine:

1. Iron Man
2. Venom
3. Ares
4. Wonderman
5. Sentry
6. Deadpool
7. Bullseye
8. Taskmaster
9. She-Hulk
10. Black Widow
11. Shang-Chi
12. Songbird
13. Ms Marvel
14. Doctor Samson
15. Talisman
16. Doctor Octopus
17. Wasp
18. Yellow Jacket
19. Falcon
20. Green Goblin
21. Sasquatch
22. Radioactive Man
23. Beta Ray Bill
24. Black Cat
25. Squirrel Girl
1. Captain America
2. Spider-man
3. Wolverine
4. Human Torch
5. Hulk
6. Cable
7. Daredevil
8. Ronin
9. Sub-Mariner
10. Punisher
11. Iron Fist
12. Invisible Woman
13. Storm
14. Luke Cage
15. Doctor Strange
16. Steel Spider
17. Spider-woman
18. Ant-man
19. (Arch)angel
20. Black Panther
21. Cloak
22. Dagger
23. Thor
24. America Eagle
25. Howard the Duck

Hulk wasn't involved in the Civil War in comics, but I think he will probably be on Cap's side...
The real Thor was thought dead during the Civil War, but I think he will also be on Cap's side

Game released. Topic closed.

So its now confirmed that its civil war that sounds pretty cool and venom has been confirmed :D
On the site that has supposed leaked information it doesnt have a price for pc down the bottom ,
if activsion doesnt make Mua:2 for pc their losing heaps of buyers .
Heres my list :

1. Iron Man
2. Venom
3. Blade
4. Captain Marvel
5. Deadpool
6. Black Cat
7. Mister Fantastic
8. Morbius
9. Penance
10. She-Hulk
11. Beetle
12. Doctor Octopus
13. Green Goblin
14. Taskmaster
15. Bullseye
16. Vulture
17. Beast
18. Bishop
19. Yellow Jacket
20. Shang-Chi
21. Jack o' Lantern
22. Falcon
23. James Rhodes
1. Captain America
2. Spider-man
3. Wolverine
4. Human Torch
5. Hulk
6. Cable
7. Daredevil
8. Black Panther
9. Sub-Mariner
10. Punisher
11. Iron Fist
12. Nick Fury
13. Living Mummy
14. Luke Cage
15. Doctor Strange
16. Steel Spider
17. Spider-woman
18. Ant-man
19. (Arch)angel
20. QuickSilver
21. Cloak
22. Dagger
23. Thor

You realize of course, that the modders 'll have characters switching sides within weeks :P

As for me, I'm fighting with the captain ;)

I always thought the X-Men were a neutral party...

I'd like to see a Young Avengers and Runaways cameo though.
Please do not contact me for any help in modding-related matters.
It is likely that you'll find what you need by searching the forum.

Urrgh. It looks like Shellhead's gonna be the enemy this time. Great friendship bonds can be builded up over the years, but severed in a matter of seconds.

Pro Registration
1. Iron Man
2. Venom
3. Blade
4. Sentry
5. Deadpool
6. Captain Marvel
7. Taskmaster
9.Doc Ock
10. Radioactive Man
11. Mr. Fantastic
12. Bishop
13. Beast
14. Falcon
15. Shang-Chi
16. Ms Marvel
17. Bullseye
18. Boomerang
19. War Machine
20. Green Goblin
21. Squirrel Girl
22. Yellowjacket
23. Black Cat


1. Captain America
2. Spider-Man
3. Wolverine
4. Human Torch
5. Hulk
6. Cable
7. Daredevil
8. Namor
9. Multiple Man
10. Punisher
11. Iron Fist
12. Storm
13. Thor (the real one!)
14. Invisible Woman
15. Black Panther
16. Cloak & Dagger (preferably as one, as they need each other to sustain their powers)
17. Archangel
18. Firestar
19. Nick Fury (surprised he didn't join his fellow S.H.I.E.L.D. comrades)
20. Quicksilver
21. Ms. Marvel
22. Spider-Woman
23. Dr. Strange

I will also stand by my fellow Captain to aid him in battle by commandeering his forces.

1. Iron Man :stark:
2. Bishop
3. Beast
4. Blade
5. Deadpool
6. Black Cat
7. Shang-Chi
8. Ms. Marvel
9. She-Hulk
10. Venom
11. Doctor Octopus
12. Green Goblin
13. Bullseye
14. Wrecker
15. Thor (real one)
16. Mr. Fantastic
17. Sentry
18. Captain Marvel
19. Tigra
20. Wasp
21. Swordsman III
22. Yellowjacket
23. Paladin
24. Morbius
25. Scarecrow

1. Captain America  :capamer:
2. Spider-Man
3. Wolverine
4. Human Torch
5. Hulk
6. Punisher
7. Storm
8. Cable
9. Daredevil
10. Iron Fist
11. Hawkeye
12. Invisible Woman
13. Nick Fury
14. Cloak & Dagger
15. Archangel
16. Firestar
17. Doctor Strange
18. Spider-Woman
19. Namor
20. Prowler
21. Quicksilver
22. Black Panther
23. Luke Cage
24. Siryn
25. Mutiple Man

If Spider-Man is anti-registration why did he unmask himself at a press conference with Iron Man?

Also, was Hawkeye under the Ronin identity during the Civil War?  If so they'd better have a Hawkeye skin.

He switched sides from Pro-Registration to Anti-Registration later on.

Many heroes & fans switched to Anti after Goliath's death. Such as me.

Isn't Ms. Marvel with Cap? Not so according to Mingy's list. But the Marvel Sides link clearly states she is Anti.

As an afterthought, why not make it 50 characters, 25 on each side?

Sharon Ventura Ms. Marvel is on Anti-Registration. Carol Danvers Ms. Marvel is on Pro-Registration. ;)

I agree about the 50 characters thing, what would be so bad about it?

maybe all of the playables will be on the side u choose. it just spits out others based on ur decision. maybe later u can play as both teams against galactus?

Ok, this is an interesting post... since like Iammingy said... know we know a little bit more about the possible roster... I am REALLY thrilled about the new 23 PER SIDE number... that's A TON of characters ^^

- Chars already in MUA will be in Italicized
- I also believe the SOME characters would only "FIT" as long as there are OTHER character IN THE GAME... so those chars will have a "*" and an explanation next to them
- Last but not least, i will add a few more chars that could have been "nice" additions... and say WHY i believe they should NOT be in.


CAP.AMERICA (w/US AGENT costume)(we'll probably see his death at the end)

Antman (w/Yellow Jacket Costume)
Black Panther
*Cloak (only if Dagger is in it)
*Dagger (only if Cloak is in it)
Human Torch
Invisible Woman
Ms Marvel
*Luke Cage (only if ironfist is in)
Doctor Strange
Iron Fist
Spider Woman
Wolverine (#1!)
Sub-Mariner (a.k.a. Namor)

Nick Fury (too bad, but i thought he was a lame/story-killin/unbalance adition to the MUA roster)
Winter Soldier (yeah, he's the new cap, but with THE CAP in the game, and PUNISHER as the WEAPON MASTER style of character... Winter who?)
Cable (too bad, but not everyone can make it)
Mutiple Man (only if other BIG X-Factor chars are IN)
Strong Guy (same as above)
Siryn (same as above)
Wolfsbane (same as above)


Blade (hope they make him decent this time!)
Cap Marvel
*Wasp (only if ANTMAN is in it)
Wonder Man
Black Cat
Mr Fantastic
James Rhodes (a.k.a War Machine)
Green Goblin
Doc Octopus


It would be cool to have more X-MEN but since the story doesn't "allow" it... i guess this is a pretty good roster ^^

Either way... 46 chars is AWEOME so i can't really complain ^^


Sorry for the double post, but what if muafan is right??
Quotemaybe all of the playables will be on the side u choose. it just spits out others based on ur decision. maybe later u can play as both teams against galactus?

What if... we only get 23 chars and that is it??

What if you decide only going pro or anti registration and the whole roster swings your way depending on your choice??

Do not know what you guys think... but i think that would suck! :S


Quote from: Rasdel on June 23, 2008, 08:20AM
Sorry for the double post, but what if muafan is right??
What if... we only get 23 chars and that is it??

What if you decide only going pro or anti registration and the whole roster swings your way depending on your choice??

Do not know what you guys think... but i think that would suck! :S

thatsb what i was saying.
i dont think it would suck...... i think that would be great!

It might actually be kinda fun to put together a strike force to go and 'bring in' the renegade vigilantes hiding in the sewers. You'd have a big checklist of characters you'd have to go capture and return to '42'.

On the other side, you'd have to fend off the attacks from the pro-forces. 

That said, I would still prefer a story based adventure, where you could pick your teams as you see fit, like in the first MUA. I hope this civil war thing isn't too restrictive.

I like the idea of characters being able to switch sides part way through the game. Like Spiderwoman.
Or the fact that some characters might not be who they say they are, like maybe... (ahem)

I know they made an effort to bring the characters' stories up to the present in the first MUA.
I wonder if they'll do the same, considering all the crazy changes going on in the books right now?


I'll need a PLAYABLE Iron Man (I won't be buying this game if you can't play as Iron Man)
The mighty Avengers, Ms. Marvel's Lightning strike force, S.H.I.E.L.D., and the various
Initiative teams (Omega Flight, the 50 State teams) provide lots of characters for the pro side.
The Thunderbolts are still villains if you ask me...

Cap and Luke Cage's renegade underground Avengers, the Young Avengers, and Marvel's street
level characters (since they seem to have the most to lose by registering) would fill out
the anti-reg side nicely. (Punisher, Moon Knight, Iron Fist, Cap , Spidey...)
Check out issue #74 of Advanced Iron.
Iron Man In Action columnist, Advanced Iron Magazine.