Why no Pc version?

Started by Luciano, July 16, 2008, 02:42PM

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I think we all pc gamers need an answer, why no pc verion?
Pc gamers are more than conloses gamers i think, all persons have a pc, i but the original mua and i want to buy this mua2 also if there come a pc version.
Activision, pc version more money, so open your eyes and don't do the error like Sega with ironman and hulk pc versions.

Nothing has been said that there is going to be or not going to be a pc version .
So wait and maybe something will be announced .

Well first off, when MUA was originally announced a few of the consoles weren't mentioned yet their orders were still filled - the consoles that have been mentioned NOW are probably the one's the game will be built for - the PC version and a few others will probably be ported from those consoles *shrug*

That and I honestly don't think MUA1 did nearly as well on PC.  I bet it'll still be ported, but it probably won't be released until after the console versions.  Then again, we're talking about Vicarious Visions.

According to the IGN and the Wiki the game IS coming out for the PC... but since both those sites are about as reliable as my father, I'm remaining skeptical.

Wikipedia sources IGN, so consider it only one source.  And it's a well known fact among video game Wiki writers that vendor sites pretty much guess what platforms a game will come out on until all of the platforms are announced.

Ok, now this is kinda weird. In a YouTube, MUA 2 is only for:
XBOX 360 LIVE, Nintendo DS & Wii, we know there will be on PS, but i don't
know which one/two:
PLAYSTATION 3 & PlayStation 2/
Playstation 2 & PSP


This 3 PS(2, 3 & Portable)System.

Game Informer Magazine confirmed only the PS3, 360 and the Wii.  The DS was confirmed in the trailer for the game.  PSP might get it, but PS2 probably won't.

Or they'll just keep it under wraps the same way they did with MUA *shrug* we're probably just gonna have to wait and see <_<

Quote from: Grig 32 on July 17, 2008, 02:27PM
Or they'll just keep it under wraps the same way they did with MUA *shrug* we're probably just gonna have to wait and see <_<

True, true.

Off-topic, who's the dude in your avatar?  He looks like the new Dr Who.

He's David Tenant, the 10th Doctor from Doctor Who.
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What Horace said Winnie

I'm a big DW fan - if Christopher E. was still the doc I'd have him as my avi - but since Tennant is the tenth he's my avi.

I don't understand, why the original Mua come for pc and the sequel not.

Vicarious Visions haven't made a PC game for years.
Please do not contact me for any help in modding-related matters.
It is likely that you'll find what you need by searching the forum.

Quote from: Luciano on July 19, 2008, 04:17AM
I don't understand, why the original Mua come for pc and the sequel not.
Like I said before nothing has been said about that there is not going to be one.