
Arclight Mod v.1

Started by мaгvel wатcheг, March 05, 2009, 11:57AM

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March 05, 2009, 11:57AM Last Edit: March 05, 2009, 12:12PM by marvel watcher
Arclight Mod v.1

Note: She is currently using sebastian shaw's icons, but I think it work good.

Back up anything that you might not want to lose, im not responsible for any thing
that is lost in the installation of the mod.

Credits and thanks:
16601,16602 and 3d huds by shafcrawler
Conversation hud, menu portrait,sounds,some effects and a lot of help by nodoubt_jr
Citizen V for the icons
Midnight Curse and Shadowbox for the nice powerset ideas
Everybody for the incentive to make her. Enjoy :) 

Very good. Congratulations

i enjoyed playing as her in my game, she actually is a very powerful foe if you want to go up against her in the dangerroom.[she scares me in that room] LoL
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I personally think the effects would look better if they were grey, but that's just my personal preference.
Please do not contact me for any help in modding-related matters.
It is likely that you'll find what you need by searching the forum.

just a question.does she have her movie skin(shafs)
My deviant art page!!!
$$$ $$$

Yes,and I will probably doing an update for her with other skins and skeleton someday.

well good luck no those
Give your life meaning when you come to Xaviers Institute.  Join us so that we can develop your mind as well as those devious powers that you may have ::wink::