Deadpool movie!

Started by Quentin Hex, May 07, 2009, 08:35PM

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im glad there making a DP movie! i really want to know more about him and he wasnt show up that much in X-men origins to me!

but i also heard about X-men origins:wolverine 2! aparentlly its to be set in Japan ! im hopeing to see abit of Psylocke :D

but DP movie sounds awsome!

It won't make sense to show more of Psylocke in a Wolverine 2 movie, even if it's set in Japan! Her origin is England. We could see more of Yukio, an ally to the X-Men, though!
What Would You Do... If You Only Had... One More Day?

May 18, 2009, 12:17AM #32 Last Edit: May 18, 2009, 04:11AM by Dihan
If it's in Japan then it'll probably set the scene for Lady Deathstrike and could have a Sunfire cameo.
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And hey, a Sunfire cameo would be awesome! Silver Samurai... Who else?
What Would You Do... If You Only Had... One More Day?

What about Wolverine's wife? Or is she already dead?

Quote from: MisterTrioxin on May 11, 2009, 08:29AM
What do you mean "beautifully"? He had two subpar lines, which he read with no pizazz whatsoever, and then swung a couple swords around like a cheerleader with a baton....

He didn't play Wade Wilson.
He played VanWilder, just like he does in every movie he's in.
Dude can't act his way out of a paper bag.

The only comic book character he should ever be allowed to play is Multiple Man; and only because they began modeling the character after him.

ive got nothing against Reynolds, its the writers, wardrobe and special effects people i have a problem with. cant blame the actor for a badly written and designed character.
I do also get what you are saying about not wanting an exact copy Teancum, but laser eyes, Baraka arms and no mouth? i paid zero attention to the movie after i saw that. I also cant wait for their licence to expire, so Marvel Studios can take over and end the screwing around with the x-men storylines that have been going on. Marvel Studios managed to make a damn good movie out of Hulk, wich was terrible. I think x-men is still salvagable.