Which Psychic do you want for DLC?

Started by marvelfan12345, July 19, 2009, 07:55PM

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Which psychic would you prefer. You may pick 2. I pick  :emmafrost: :psylocke:. I love Psylocke so she has to be DLC. Moondragon is not popular or well-known so forget her. Cable has probably too big of a role in the game to even be DLC which is fine with me. I also love Rachel but don't need her with her mom in. Prof X and Emma had a big battle for me. Xavier would be nice but Emma is wanted more so I chose her cuz many would be happy with her inclusion. I don't really like her but she could be cool in the game.

Well my friend my choice is obvious, Emma Frost. I'm still have hope that she will be announced at the last moment, but if not, DLC could be good
Psylocke would be also a great adition.
Perhaps this is no the topic to say it, but I want Moonstone too, lol :)

:emmafrost: :psylocke:
Phoenix Force: No. He loves Emma Frost.  He loves me.
Jean Grey: He wants her. Not you. Not US. And now it's time... to leave this behind.
Phoenix Endsong #5

(Off topic: I want Moonstone too.)

Cable.  He's like Bishop (guns) + psychic powers.  How can you beat that?

I went with Emma Frost and Cable. Emma could be fun if they mixed her psychic and diamond form powers, and Cable can have psychic, tk, and some gun moves. Psylocke would be awesome too, but i rather have the other two.
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Quote from: Teancum on July 19, 2009, 08:48PM
Cable.  He's like Bishop (guns) + psychic powers.  How can you beat that?
+1 Cable would be cool because he would have a wider range of powers ingame.

i voted for cable because i like him the most out of those choices, but in all honesty im sick of psychic characters, i think there's too many :)

Only one is initial and then I say two more for DLC. We always shave many tanks and energy characters so three psychics should be good enough. And hopefully both Strange and Wanda for two magical characters.

Cable and Psylocke. I just don't like Emma Frost neither Xavier. They are kinda lame for me. But Cable with his guns and Psylocke with her psychic katana, that is just great.

Emma Frost is my first and probably only choice. I wouldn't mind Psylocke but she's been through so many power upgrades and changes it hard to pick what version. For psylocke I'll probably go with the ninja asian version period after Ravanches death with a slice of the Crimson Dawn effect.

I'd probably go with Cable (just like what Teancum said) and Psylocke, but as the mod is, with some improvements for her extreme.
What Would You Do... If You Only Had... One More Day?

August 29, 2009, 05:22PM #11 Last Edit: August 31, 2009, 01:34PM by shadow
Cable or Psylocke, very low explored characters in Marvel games...

I think we will end up getting Psylocke, Cable, and Emma as DLC.

Quote from: marvelfan12345 on August 31, 2009, 01:18PM
I think we will end up getting Psylocke, Cable, and Emma as DLC.

Seriously, I honestly doubt they're gonna release 3 psychics as DLC, above all 3 X-Men...

Well I do think we will get Cable. The others are probable due to popularity. I still see them all being DLC.