Which Psychic do you want for DLC?

Started by marvelfan12345, July 19, 2009, 07:55PM

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I only see Cable and Psylocke as the DLC Psychics, but Cable being more of the triggerhappy guy and Psylocke the slashgreedy woman. If I recall correctly they want each character to be unique.. So, Jean is already in the game, and I do not see Emma coming in a DLC because of her.

August 31, 2009, 02:22PM #16 Last Edit: August 31, 2009, 02:26PM by shadow
It's a point, but most of Jean's powers (as I could see in the Vignette and some gameplay) are based on Telekinesis. So Emma seems a acceptable choice if the want a unique character, with power based only on Telepathy. Although I don't believe they'll bet on her, I would be happy if they do. Emma is so phucking beautiful and ass-kicking!

The only annoying thing is that they said telepathy is a hard power so that could mean Emma won't be in at all. And if Psylocke gets in she will probably be only tk with tp was passives.

Why is everyone so sure there is going to be DLC?  Why do you want DLC?  It pisses me off to have to pay $60 for a game then piss away another $10 for a couple characters that I could make myself in just a couple hours.  DLC is a shitty attempt at making more money and for some reason people want it.  There's absolutely no reason they can't include additional characters at the game release other than "we just want more of your money".  But just because MUA had DLC what makes you think MUA2 will for sure?
Some day, someone will best me.  But it won't be today, and it won't be you.

The artist formerly known as Burning Rage.

They already announced it, said there will be females, and have started on dlc characters.

Are you serious?  They announced that they are going to make everyone piss away more money after buying the game because $60 isn't enough to throw away to begin with?  How pathetic.  I really don't see why they just can't include more characters in the game to begin with and why they have to make you buy more.  Really, it's just retarded.
Some day, someone will best me.  But it won't be today, and it won't be you.

The artist formerly known as Burning Rage.

While I would like to agree with you, there's a couple of things to take into account:
-Having DLC lets them focus on gameplay and the characters they already have in, make a polished game, and still meet a deadline. This is also important in that every day they don't release the game, it's another day they're not earning money. It takes multiple people to make characters, people you still have to pay even if there's no cash flowing through your bank.
-It's not like they made 4 characters and are forcing you to pay for the rest. You've still got 24 characters when you get the game.
-Based on amazon's price listing for MUA and MUA Gold Edition, the 8 DLC characters are worth around US$30 if you want to get them on a disc, about $20 more than what you'd pay by downloading them. http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=marvel+ultimate+alliance+xbox+360&x=0&y=0
-Even if you only play one more playthrough with whatever DLC they've released, that's 10-15 hours of entertainment you got for $10. Of course, this depends mostly on whether you think those DLC characters are worth playing the game again or not.
-And last, they're not charging you money for fixing a game-crashing bug that prevents you for playing the game. And it's not like you bought the game under false expectatives. If you don't want to pay $60  for a game with 24 characters, you don't have to. Think about it that way, instead of thinking that they're charging you for a less than complete game.

I don't know why I'm defending DLC. Maybe I've been brain washed by the whole supply/demand I see in my classes, or maybe they've brain washed me.

Quote from: havok83 on August 31, 2009, 08:27PM
I really want to play as Cable
Me too. Or Psylocke. Anyone else, just no Emma Frost, please

Well we got Psylocke! Yay. to bad it is for PS2.

Quote from: marvelfan12345 on September 01, 2009, 12:51PM
Well we got Psylocke! Yay. to bad it is for PS2.
Well, I said it a hundred times. It's still not official. That picture can be made by anyone. When I read something like this on the official site, than yay.

It is true. That has been confirmed now.

Anyway I don't see the Professor or Emma as they said no psychics or tp moves.

They also said no powers that don't effect robots or weak damageless powers so less hope. But Cable and Psylocke have back-up powers so they still can be in (well Psylocke most likely will be in due to her being an exclusive.)

thats true the game will be boring if it takes 50 hits to destroy one enemy