If you could change the Roster how would you change it)

Started by marvelfan12345, August 10, 2009, 01:58PM

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I'd replace:

Deadpool = Black Widow
Gambit = Hawkeye
Green Goblin = Spider-Woman
Jean Grey = Emma Frost
Penance = Wiccan
Songbird = Dazzler
Venom = Cloak (with Dagger "special attacks/xtreme")

I'm glad they took some chances by including the likes of Sonbird, Penance and Iron Fist this time around--but I'm very "meh" on the whole villains/Thunderbolts thing.  Emma Frost > Jean Grey in personality and playability IMHO.  With the proper coding I think Emma Frost would be a great playable--with a proper diamond form she could function as a tank, with her psi powers she could be ranged/crowd control.  I think they have kinda pinned themselves in a corner with the game though, since there's not much use for anything besides physical or energy attacks and you're basically just button-mashing.  Characters like Wiccan and Dazzler have a very versatile/diverse range of powers--not to mention very visual.  Hawkeye and Black Widow were loads of fun in MUA--I know I'm probably in the minority but I'm getting soooo sick of Deadpool in these games.  I'm still surprised Spider-Woman is missing since not only was she a fun playable but she's had quite a prominent role the past few years.  Never been big on Cloak & Dagger, but with their dual nature and his teleportation/dark dimension abilities it could be fun and interesting.

Quote from: Tetragene on September 08, 2009, 03:04PM
Hawkeye and Black Widow were loads of fun in MUA--I know I'm probably in the minority but I'm getting soooo sick of Deadpool in these games. 

totally agree with this, i loved Hawkeye and Black Widow in MUA, and i guess im part of that minority too because im sick of Deadpool as a playable character.
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September 08, 2009, 04:02PM #33 Last Edit: September 08, 2009, 04:10PM by marvelfan12345
My new roster.

Gambit - Cyclops
Penance - Psylocke
Venom - Spider-Woman
Green Goblin - Scarlet Witch
Iceman - Shadowcat
Secret Character - Rogue
Iron Fist - Elektra
Deadpool - She-Hulk
Luke Cage - Polaris
Juggernaut - Dazzler

Cyclops is better than Gambit and would be the better choice.
I don't care for Penance and Psylocke is one of my favs
I don't want Thunderbolts so take out Venom for Spider-Woman as she should be in the game
No Thunderbolts so Green Goblin gets replaced with Wanda as she is awesome!
Iceman looks good and everything but I like Kitty better.
The Secret character seems to be dump and Rogue is awesome!
Iron Fist isn't that cool to me and nothing compared to Elektra
Deadpool is fun and everything but Shulkie is always gonna be cooler
Cage is really cool but I don't want to many brusiers and Lorna is cool with magnetic powers
Juggs has no reason to be in so I pick Dazzler as Tetragene's mod has inspired me.

Quote from: nodoubt_jr on September 08, 2009, 03:11PM
totally agree with this, i loved Hawkeye and Black Widow in MUA, and i guess im part of that minority too because im sick of Deadpool as a playable character.

That makes at least three of us because I have already "replaced" Deadpool with Quicksilver.
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see, deadpool is currently the only gun character, the only teleporter, and he's a great plot device. i can see how hulk, thing and juggs can be repetitive in the bruier catagory, but cage seems to be (more) unique if only because he has plot importance and he caries a chain.

Quote from: deedooo on September 08, 2009, 05:27PM
see, deadpool is currently the only gun character, the only teleporter, and he's a great plot device. i can see how hulk, thing and juggs can be repetitive in the bruier catagory, but cage seems to be (more) unique if only because he has plot importance and he caries a chain.

Luke Cage (and Spider-Woman) really grew on me since New Avengers started.  Luke > Thing and Juggernaut, for me anyway.  I'm still scratching my head over Juggernaut though.  He was over in New Excalibur when Civil War went down... so if they weren't bothered including characters that had nothing to do with the storyline (Juggs, Gambit, Jean Grey, Deadpool) then why waste a spot on yet another bruiser/tank when there were plenty with more interesting/versatile powers that also had no role in Civil War?  Part of the fun in these superhero games are the characters' crazy, visual powers.  IMHO it's a bummer when they dedicate slots to so many bruisers/scrappers/gunsman.

With Deadpool, I understand he has a sizeable fanbase.  But him being in over Spider-Woman, Hawkeye or Black Widow?  Nah.  I don't think he belonged in XML2 as a playable (nor did Iron Man when there were so many X-Men members that still weren't playable: Shadowcat, Banshee, Dazzler, Emma, etc) and I could see him in MUA.  But it looks like they want to make him a mainstay for these types of games and I'd much rather them give other characters a chance to shine, he's had his in the past 3 games (MUA2 included)

Quote from: fox456 on September 08, 2009, 05:24PM
That makes at least three of us because I have already "replaced" Deadpool with Quicksilver.

I replaced him with Black Widow :)

And to stay on topic, i would change Deadpool for Hawkeye. I was really hoping Hawkeye would be in right from the start, he's pretty unique and was awesome in MUA1.
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What im currently working on: http://marvelmods.com/forum/index.php?topic=2275.0
My mods are mine to booster/update, I will not give anybody permission to do it

Yeah he is back in my roster and I enjoy him so I do wish he was there instead of Deadpool.

Blade - MACH-IV
Iceman - Rogue
Nick Fury - Punisher

Blade: As a Wii\Ps2\PsP exclusive he's gonna have his MUA1 powers thus he goes, and he need another t-bolt, perferably an original one
Iceman: I don't really care for Icey, and Rogue keeps the Xmen at five as well as adding another female to the roster.
Nick Fury: Did anyone really want Fury back in the game, let alone as a cyborg? And Punisher needs to be in a MUA (officially not modded)

Quote from: Tetragene on September 08, 2009, 06:00PM
Luke Cage (and Spider-Woman) really grew on me since New Avengers started.  Luke > Thing and Juggernaut, for me anyway.  I'm still scratching my head over Juggernaut though.  He was over in New Excalibur when Civil War went down... so if they weren't bothered including characters that had nothing to do with the storyline (Juggs, Gambit, Jean Grey, Deadpool) then why waste a spot on yet another bruiser/tank when there were plenty with more interesting/versatile powers that also had no role in Civil War?  Part of the fun in these superhero games are the characters' crazy, visual powers.  IMHO it's a bummer when they dedicate slots to so many bruisers/scrappers/gunsman.

With Deadpool, I understand he has a sizeable fanbase.  But him being in over Spider-Woman, Hawkeye or Black Widow?  Nah.  I don't think he belonged in XML2 as a playable (nor did Iron Man when there were so many X-Men members that still weren't playable: Shadowcat, Banshee, Dazzler, Emma, etc) and I could see him in MUA.  But it looks like they want to make him a mainstay for these types of games and I'd much rather them give other characters a chance to shine, he's had his in the past 3 games (MUA2 included)
Well, the developers said, that they want to include characters for the story, characters they like and characters, who are loved by the fans.

360/wii roster changes:

Blade - Bullseye
Mr Fantasic - Hawkeye
Invisible Woman - Rogue
Nick Fury - Punisher
Juggernaut - Moonstone

Green Goblin-Firestar
Penance-Cipher (the girl)
Iron Fist-X-23
Venom-Polaris/ or Scarlet Witch
I feel that the games need more females

I'm curious -- does anyone think Namor was considered at all?
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For some reason I don't think so. I don't see him fitting in this game though.