Purely comic book wise, is there anyone who could defeat Apocalypse solo?

Started by kain6th, November 01, 2009, 04:52PM

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I was just wondering if there's a mutant or superhero in the Marvel universe who could defeat Apocalypse. And if there is say how they could do it. I'm no comic expert so I might be ignorant at this, but it seems Apocalypse just can't be beaten.


Any Omega Level mutants could beat him easily:

Jean Grey (and her many incarnations and offspring)
Scarlet Witch
Franklin Richards
Mister M
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several cosmic entities such as The Gradmaster, Death, Eternity, Galactus, Phoenix Force, Living Tribunal, The Stranger, Korvac, all Celestials, Ego The Living Planet, Beyonder, Kubik, Uni-Mind, Chronos and so on.

Magical entities: Gaea, Odin, Zeus, The Vishanti, Dormammu, The Octessense, Ch'ton, Set the Serpent God, Demiurge...

some super heroes such as: Thor, Silver Surfer, Nate Grey, Blackbolt and Doc Strange definitely have a good chance of winning.

some villians: Mephisto, Thanos, Surtur, Molecule-Man, Proteus and Maelstrom.

maybe: Hulk, Annihilus, Sentry, Mister M...

on power peaks: Scarlet Witch, Franklin Richards, Nova.

EDIT: oh, and I disagree that any omega lvl mutant can defeat him. Being omega only means illimited potential for power, not effective power. very few omega lvl mutants have powers developed enough to face Apocalypse.
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  "Beneath this mask there are ideals and ideals are bulletproof."

Kind of. Iceman has the capacity to do it - he just has his own barriers to overcome. Elixir could just touch Apocalypse and do anything to him. The rest can all just either tear him apart from an atomic level or just wipe him out of reality.
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Yeah Iceman needs to learn his full potential. Storm could possibly do it. And Elixir, Franklin, Vulcan, Mr. M, Rachel, and X-Man. (adding on to my list here).

So does he have some weakness that these characters can exploit? What is it?

I'll list what Mister M can do:

Heal instantly
Control all machinery
Negate or augment mutant powers
Can scramble organic molecules
Can produce any and all forms of energy
Can control any and all forms of energy
Can control all forms of matter
Use energy to make himself impervious
Create and evolve lifeforms and himself

Mister M is basically a god. He could simply reverse Apocalypse's evolution and make him a monkey with no powers. Then do whatever he wants.

Others can just wipe him out of reality.
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the big if is apocalypse's celestial technology based armor. it's impossible to predict to what it can protect him from. remember that the celestials are the ones who created mutants in the first place.
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  "Beneath this mask there are ideals and ideals are bulletproof."

That armour was a part of Apocalypse's original body. Which has since been destroyed. He's still highly resistant and has the Celestial's techno-organic virus, but he just doesn't have all that invulnerability that he used to have.
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Elixir can't handle Apocalypse. Apoc has vast psionic powers that can handle Elixir. Even his astral form would be too much for him to handle. Apoc's inherent powers grant him all sorts of physical advantages anyways.

Elixir can rewrite his own DNA so theoretically he could make himself immune to psionic powers.
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There's no such thing as immunity to psionic powers though. Telepathy, maybe (even this is a stretch), telekinesis, no. In any case, Apoc's ability to restructure himself at the molecular level should allow him to give himself any power he desires is part of the basis for all the other powers he has.

 :cyclops: If Cyclops could learn to control is powers he might be able to. He has the ability.
:iceman: I agree with Dihan and MarvelFan12345. Iceman could if he had met his potential.
:galactus:  Galactus could easy. Just step on him, if he could fit in the room.
:wolverine: Wolverine might. He could just slash him to bits if he had enough time to get to him.
:hulk_icon: and :colossus: They could just whale on him.
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