Modding rundown: Sound

Started by Noelemahc, December 05, 2006, 11:53PM

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Dude, awesome. I'll test this and report back asap.

November 11, 2007, 06:19PM #181 Last Edit: November 11, 2007, 06:38PM by BliZZ
It says to open the configuration file, but there is no configuration file as far as I can tell. What should that file be named?

Just so I don't lose track of it, here are some of the sounds:

3 cable 285 332 c/a/cable_v
4 cannonball 333 387 c/b/cball_v
5 colossus 496 594 c/o/coloss_v
6 cyclops 685 788 c/y/cyclop_v
7 darkphoenix 789 846 d/a/darkp_v
8 ironman 1454 1559 i/r/iron_v
9 sabretooth 2296 2359 p/c/pcsab_v
10 phoenix 2360 2467 p/h/phoenx_v
11 profx 2585 2633 p/r/profx_v
12 sabretooth2 2698 2756 s/a/sabre_v
13 xman 3813 3866 x/m/xman_v
14 pyro2 2645 2697 p/y/pyro_v
15 beast 111 124 b/e/beast_v
16 archangel 94 110 a/r/archa_v
17 blob 253 275 b/l/blob_v
18 garrok 1261 1284 i/g/igarr_v
19 grizzly 1285 1307 1/g/igriz_v
20 bishop 145 252 b/i/bishop_v
21 iceman 1049 1158 i/c/iceman_v
22 gambit 1159 1260 i/g/igam_v
23 pyro 2243 2295 p/c/pcpyro_v
24 toad 3460 3570 t/o/toad_v
25 rogue 3571 3676 v/o/vogue_v
26 wolverine 3677 3785 w/o/wolv_v
27 storm 3029 3137 s/t/storm_v
28 sunfire 3179 3285 s/u/sun_v
29 switch 3343 3452 s/w/switch_v

you're right.. forgot to include the config file in the zip lol
sorry gonna up again

Thanks it works great. I successfully extracted Magneto, Juggernaut, and Scarlet Witch's voices :)

Except, for some reason, some of Scarlet Witch's "sight" sounds get played instead of the "respaffirm" sounds when you change to her from another character. Do you know why it might be doing that?

Quote from: BliZZ on November 11, 2007, 06:47PM
Thanks it works great. I successfully extracted Magneto, Juggernaut, and Scarlet Witch's voices :)

Except, for some reason, some of Scarlet Witch's "sight" sounds get played instead of the "respaffirm" sounds when you change to her from another character. Do you know why it might be doing that?
not sure, but probably is not the right sound number range. I gonna make some test.

so far, cable and gambit also worked pretty well here.

Ugh, can anyone up this little app somewhere else, I'm getting the d/l limit exceeded error.  I'll host it too once I've got ahold of it.


If you could try and see why I got the switch error I did, and if you get the same error, that'd be great.

November 11, 2007, 08:45PM #188 Last Edit: November 11, 2007, 09:13PM by Teancum
Okay, what's the usage of convall.bat?  It doesn't do anything at all when I run it.  I assume it's supposed to rip the wavs out of the zss too.


Looks like everything works fine on my side on PC sounds, still need to figure out how to get convall to work so I can try it on Xbox sounds. 

It runs towav. Step one is to c/p x_voice into the folder for the program.

Yeah, it didn't work for me.  Guess it didn't like Xbox wavs.  I'll keep fiddling. 

@ Winstrol -- If I uploaded the Xbox version of x_voice.zss do you think you could write a Xbox version of xml2split?  It would make working on Xbox mods lots easier.

Thanks for the program!

I can try but not sure if it's gonna work.

The format is really close, I can tell you the differences that I've noticed later this evening.  I know that all of the HASHID values are exactly the same.  All of the files are in the exact same order as well.  The only differences are that each file has an extension of .xbadpcm instead of .wav, the header says ZSNDXBOX instead of ZNSDPC, and a few other things I can't think of right now.

November 12, 2007, 01:18PM #194 Last Edit: November 12, 2007, 01:59PM by BliZZ
So far; Magneto, Juggernaut, Phoenix, Pyro, Gambit, Nightcrawler, Mystique, and Sabretooth's sounds work; while Cable, Professor X, X-Man, Rogue, Bishop, Toad, Sunfire, Cyclops, Blob, and Scarlet Witch's sounds are played at the wrong times. I will keep testing more of them.