Who is your favorite X-Men character?

Started by TEGC Rocco, December 07, 2009, 03:59PM

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Does deadpool :deadpool: count cuz he's weapon x but if not then wolverine :wolverine: lol

I'm in love with Emma Frost (fucking Cyclops) but if I were an X-man I'd be Gambit.

These days? Xorn. (I can pretend he was real if I want!) Followed by Cyclops. (Emma rocks too~)
When I was a kid? Chamber, followed by Gambit, followed by Wolverine.

Gotta go with Logan.  Even though he's in waaay too many comics right now.

Ah man, tough choice. Find it hard to go past Iceman and Nightcrawler though.

Cyclops, Colossus, Gambit, Nightcrawler, Psylocke, and Rogue.

Yeah to hard to pick one.

All time favourite are Wolverine and Nightcrawler