Marvel Vs Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds

Started by ragincajun, April 20, 2010, 07:45PM

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I wouldn't be surprised, if she would destroy more, than she wants to in her ending

I doubt it, because they want to make people happy with this game and if they do this people will get upset so im sure they will do no such thing, and I mean look at Wesker he is very powerful and he could probably kill alot of people to but they wont make him do that, and another thing if they wanted Jean that powerful then they could say bye bye Galactus for final boss and hello Dark Phoenix :D

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There will be personal endings for everyone. And if you think about it, Jean sacrifices herself very often (how strange this sounds), so I wouldn't be surprised

I still dont think they will make her overkill, Because even me as a Phoenix super fan would be a little upset that they did this because it would be unfair, but I still want her in no matter what the cost!

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Also, it is written into her character to be either ridiculously underpowered, or absolutely godlike. She isn't meant to be a stable, balanced character, which makes her impractical for video games. Plus, when you have female characters like Rogue, with her classic super strength, and storm, Jean isn't the logical, practical choice. I know all you fangirls love her to death, but I think you're just going to have to play X-Men Legends for your good Jean Grey gaming.

Though, if they manage to balance her character, and do put her in the game, I am happy for all of you!

I agree with you in everything you just said

December 27, 2010, 10:26AM #216 Last Edit: December 27, 2010, 10:29AM by midnightphoenix123
I do agree, but they have made her balanced before, everyone needs to think of Jean in X-Men Legends, and before Phoenix days, Jean was perfect in XML and XML2 she wasnt overkill nor underpowered either she was perfect to me, and before she was phoenix she was very balanced, and now with the Phoenix all they need to do is give her a little of everything, and remeber this is Phoenix/ Jean Grey we are talking about not Dark Phoenix, << She is overkill but Phoenix/ Jean is not she is the balanced, Marvel girl is the underpowerd, so she has like 3 levels, they can do it I am sure of it!

Edit: And remeber she isnt the only super powerd person in this either, if she gets in, we have Wesker who has died a ton, hmm just like Phoenix maybe, I think so and he has come back, and people think he is dead dead this time after RE5 but we could be surprised :/ and Galactus is overpowered aswell so its not just Jean, people need to think about these other overpowered chars as well besides Jean!

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Then why include Thor and Hulk. They are very overpowered. In Mortal Kombat vs DC they made all heroes/villains on the same level so Joker and Superman were equally powerful. How do you know they won't do that here. And I doubt they will involve the death of a character at the end of the game because then how could we play as that character.

Anyway I'm really interested in knowing costumes for Thor, Storm, Hulk, and Jean. They are just color swaps so for Hulk I'm betting green, red, grey and ?

Have you ever played Tekken 6? In some of the playable character's ending, the character died, but everyone knows they are not really dead, as not that ending is canon. So, anyone could be killed, as long as that isn't the main story-line

Lets just all say, that if Jean happens to make it in then we will all be very curius as how she plays instead of arguing about it when we dont know if she is in yet, and MarvelFan I am excited to see the costumes aswell, I hope they do something good, I herd that jill gets her BSAA costume also which seems more of a color change to me but we will se :)

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Well, I agree. BTW, Will Deadpool get alternate costumes?

Quote from: Suigetsu on December 27, 2010, 11:09AM
Well, I agree. BTW, Will Deadpool get alternate costumes?
Every character gets alternate costumes. Only thing is they are just color swaps (if you read on the MvC3 site you will notice the released costumes and all they are are color swaps)

except on She hulks alt its that red ff costume with an added 4 and spidermans costumes all look pretty different :/ not to bring Jean back again, but like that twitter accoutn said she would have Phoenix costume and Marvel girl if I remeber right, so like Jill's, that seems more then a color change

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Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on December 27, 2010, 11:38AM
except on She hulks alt its that red ff costume with an added 4 and spidermans costumes all look pretty different :/ not to bring Jean back again, but like that twitter accoutn said she would have Phoenix costume and Marvel girl if I remeber right, so like Jill's, that seems more then a color change
I think Marvel Girl was said by the guy who claimed to be fake.

ohh I just hope if she is in and her main costume is Green phoenix, that we dont just get Dark phoenix, white phoenix, and like here comes tomorrow I would liek to see her New X-Men costume, Jim Lee, and Marvel girl but idk

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