Jean Grey VS Emma Frost

Started by White Fan, June 22, 2010, 01:25PM

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Oh that one! it's a shame they removed some scenes though. You saw Storm's deleted scene right when she summoned a huge wave of water from the sky?
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yep it was great they should have kept that scene then make Callisto jump on her

I hated Callisto in the movie cos she freakin bruised Storm haha it looked funny in a way. Idk what they were thinking but taking off those scenes was a mistake, dont u think
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Quoteyes here!!! and its the same dialogs from the original scene
it was better  :(
i hate her clothes and she should have fire effects
she looks more like scarlett witch...

QuoteI hated Callisto in the movie cos she freakin bruised Storm haha it looked funny in a way. Idk what they were thinking but taking off those scenes was a mistake, dont u think
I hated her too  :chuckle:
i was so dissapointed about mystique.... I know her skin was hard to make but WHAT A SHAME!!!

HECK yeah but Storm usually gets beat up then she attacks the enemy like in X-men saber tooth chocked her almost to death and almost broke her neck and toad probably gave her the beating of a lifetime lol.Taking those scenes out was a mistake cause im sure when people left the movies they were thinking of how awful it was.But im sure if they kept in some of those deleted scenes people wouldn't think X3 was that bad or heck,if they showed a scene where scott was alive people would love the movie cause there gonna get there powers back,mystique will probably get revenge on magneto, and Xavier is alive in another persons body on Muir Island.And the Phoenix will rise from the ashes

@mj fan she definitely could have been given a bigger role! what they did was turn her into a human! 

@jeanfan321  yeah, i dont know but i didnt like the idea of having storm beaten up all the time esp by callisto lol also, if they gave it a better plot, im sure a lot of fans will go watch the 4th one or something
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yeah but did you forget Callisto can run fast in X3 and has high sense so she pratticaly knows what your gonna do before you do it.And Storm is suppose to be good in hand to hand combat so i think they wanted storm to go to-to toe with someone instead of always making a storm

nope but idk maybe im just biased as i am a storm fan too lol
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yess so am i remeber how i used to have the name stormfan321? haha i love storm and emma frost than i do emma the only reason my name is jeanfan321 cause it's shorter than storm321 and im lazy

so you are stormfan321? i didnt know that! lol
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X3 really did need a Phoenix Raptor. Scott should not have died. I think Jean did need to die because her death is a symbol of the DPS Saga. However her resurrection is too so she should come back.

there have been negotiations with Bryan Singer to make X4 a reality but what about people's reactions if they brought back Scott,Jean and Xavier after killing them? (Scott's body is found, Xavier transferred his mind and Jean Grey ressurects once again)
but without these characters the X-Men will not feel the same again, so maybe the best way is by rebooting the third film
Jean Grey is my number 1 heroine :P

Agreed. So there deaths wouldn't have meaning.

well then they're gonna have to look for a smarter plot if X4 happens.However, I have a feeling X4 will be under a different plot, probably not a continuation of X3 because some of the old characters like Famke and i think Mardsen won't be reprising their roles.
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