Jean Grey VS Emma Frost

Started by White Fan, June 22, 2010, 01:25PM

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Jean is branded as an omega level mutant, right? and that is with or without the phoenix?
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Defintally without. She doesn't need the Phoenix to be powerful.

QuoteDefintally without. She doesn't need the Phoenix to be powerful.
totally agree with MarvelFan even without she is very strong

if that's the case, based on facts alone, then maybe jean will win. i mean how does one kill an omega level mutant anyway like seriously lol both women are aweomse nontheless
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Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on June 22, 2010, 09:11PM

BTW how did you guys feel on the original X3 storyline where Emma would be an empath (not a telepath) and a villain? In that story she would have controlled Jean and made her Dark Phoenix. At the end Jean would overcome her evil because of her love for the X-Men and release her rage on Emma. That Emma would certainly have been better than the one in Wolverine. That Emma needs to be retconned. Plus Jean, Xavier, and Cyke would have lived in that story (from what I believe) and there would be no reason to have to resurrect them in X4 as the writers will surely do if they make X4.

where can I find the expanded original X3 storyline?
all I know is just Emma being the villain who controls Jean's powers and that's all
it would be much more interesting if Bryan Singer didnt leave X-Men to direct Superman,
in X2 we can see they showed us some fiery phoenix effects on Jean (even the phoenix raptor at the end of the movie) but they just disappeared in Brett Ratner's X3 in favor of the horrible dark skin effect which makes her look like a mad old witch
what really bothers most people I believe was Singer's decision to cast Sigourney Weaver as Emma,but it's good that it didn't happen
she should have been played by a hot seductive blonde actress, not an aged Ellen Ripley.
Jean Grey is my number 1 heroine :P

Well in the actual Dark Phoenix Saga Cyke and Jean were in their 20s and Emma was a 40 year old woman. Maybe that influenced him.

Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on June 24, 2010, 07:43AM
Well in the actual Dark Phoenix Saga Cyke and Jean were in their 20s and Emma was a 40 year old woman. Maybe that influenced him.

40?? Lol you must be joking, or maybe you must be talking about the X3 plot.
I already explained to you the age of Emma and she's younger than both Cyclops and Jean.
Phoenix Force: No. He loves Emma Frost.  He loves me.
Jean Grey: He wants her. Not you. Not US. And now it's time... to leave this behind.
Phoenix Endsong #5

yes, emma back than was supposed to be older than scott and jean, but since her age was never stated they have rejuvenated her later on and now she's supposed to be 29 when scott is supposed to be 31 and jean 29 as well though a few months older than emma. and 40 is waaay too much. she was older, but not 40.

also, originally emma's appearance is based on faye dunaway, did you know that?

see the resemblance? I do
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Dear, I'm an Emma Frost fan, Of course I knew that ;)
Phoenix Force: No. He loves Emma Frost.  He loves me.
Jean Grey: He wants her. Not you. Not US. And now it's time... to leave this behind.
Phoenix Endsong #5

In the 80s she was introduced as 40 or at least older than everyone else. Morrison retconned her age to 27. As she has had plastic surgery done on her and being a telepath she could easily appear younger than she really looks.

Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on June 24, 2010, 04:43PM
In the 80s she was introduced as 40 or at least older than everyone else. Morrison retconned her age to 27. As she has had plastic surgery done on her and being a telepath she could easily appear younger than she really looks.

I was waiting that you say that ^^

Emma is described as a young and brilliant woman. She was headmistress of the Hellions.

"Despite her youth..."

Emma Frost solo series, an official source for info about her, accepted by Marvel as part of her big retcon.
In that picture we have a cameo of the Fantastic 5 original X-men. As we know Xavier recruited then when they were teenagers, Hank being the oldest and Bobby the young one.
Emma Frost was 15 when she left home. Emma would be 15 or less in this scan. She sees Xavier's mutants on T.V for the first time. This would actually make her younger than the Original 4 (Beast, Jean, Cyclops and Angel) and much closer to Iceman's age.

27 was the age that morrison gave to her during his New X men run.

Deadly Genesis #5

Do you really think that she's on Xavier's age??

Generation X #34

"As for Emma's age, you can safely put her between 25 and 30"

Generation X #-1, her first meet at the Hellfire CLub. 16 years old.

"Her name is Emma Frost, sweet sixteen and never been kissed."

As you can see, official stuff state that she was young when she joined the Hellfire CLub and become the White Queen, so it's true that she was more or less on the same age of Jean and Scott or younger than both.
Morrison was right after all, she was 27 then and she must be 28/29 now.
Based on what you posted and compared with the scans I posted, if Emma was 40 then, Jean should had 41 :P
Phoenix Force: No. He loves Emma Frost.  He loves me.
Jean Grey: He wants her. Not you. Not US. And now it's time... to leave this behind.
Phoenix Endsong #5

Lol. What I was trying to say that when she first appeared she was supposed to be an old woman. Later they decided to make her younger. So 27 is her canon/official age. At least in Morrison's run.