
XML2 Booster Pack

Started by Teancum, May 31, 2007, 06:33AM

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cool, cant wait, im looking forward to the Havoks skins
Please search the forum before asking a question. I dont answer
PMs about modding, those questions should be posted in a public thread.
What im currently working on:
My mods are mine to booster/update, I will not give anybody permission to do it

Teancum if you would like you can put these in too.  I can upload what you want.

Havok (Mutant X), Emma ("Naughty") and Emma (Diamond Form)

These can be used for Dark Phoenix or Jean Grey:

Dark Phoenix (White eyes and red costume with no black neck), Phoenix (Green with white eyes), White Phoenix of the crown is also pictured is not mine, I just converted it so you would need Darkmythology's permission first)

Dark Phoenix as Black Queen (Black Queen skin with red hair and white eyes, I can't do the bun!  :banghead:)

and Finally I also have the edit I did for the Goblin Queen based on nodoubt_jr's design.  You have my permission but please also get nodoubt_jr's.

Also here is an attempt done by me for Dark Phoenix (Dark Future and AOA) but she gets blotches on her cheeks.  Any recomendations?

PS: sorry for the long post, but it doesn't work as well without images.
  From the Ashes she will rise.

The black blotches may be due to the black parts of the skin "invading" into the face/neck region. Have you tried painting more flesh off the edges of the face in the square BMP?

Quote from: matt710 on June 07, 2007, 09:35PM
Teancum if you would like you can put these in too.  I can upload what you want.

Havok (Mutant X), Emma ("Naughty") and Emma (Diamond Form)

I was actually going reskin Xbox Human Torch.  I thought about doing Angel too but the X patch on his chest sortof ruins it for me.  I'm not doing any Emma skins in the pack, but you should totally pitch those to Emma's release thread.

QuoteThese can be used for Dark Phoenix or Jean Grey:

Dark Phoenix (White eyes and red costume with no black neck), Phoenix (Green with white eyes), White Phoenix of the crown is also pictured is not mine, I just converted it so you would need Darkmythology's permission first)

I used White Phoenix :D

QuoteDark Phoenix as Black Queen (Black Queen skin with red hair and white eyes, I can't do the bun!  :banghead:)

I've only got one slot left for Jean, and it'll probably be one of the Dark Phoenix skins.  Haven't decided which one yet.

Can someone do this skins for  :deadpool:  :nightcrawler:  :gambit: and  :wolverine: .


Deadpool skins won't actually be in the booster pack since I've replaced him with Havok.  The second one doesn't look too hard to skin, so I might try it.  Probably won't though.  the Gambit pic doesn't look much like Gambit, and the Wolverine pic needs a new model to have the cowboy hat.  Thanks for the suggestions though!

I suggest to do skins from X-men the movie.It would be great!
:bowdown: And i want these  :nightcrawler: Nightcrawler skins:

P.S. These is ultimate gambit and it's realy bad that you replaced Deadpool with Havok.  :(

Deadpool sucks in XML2.  His voiceovers are really quiet and he's tons, TONS better in MUA.  I have both so I wanted and actual X-Man in XML2.

June 19, 2007, 01:44PM #23 Last Edit: June 22, 2007, 07:38PM by Gevth
2 posts and not a single please. If I made skins I would be pretty annoyed.

But I got to give it to you, brokeback-Wolverine is hilarious!

Edit: I was refering to BlowFly, for the record.

Yeah, I'm actually done doing skins except for a few last favorites of mine.  After that I'll release the final version of the booster pack so I can get to work porting it to Xbox.

Kid Deadpool should have 'canthrowally on' and only be used with Juggernaut. At the begining of every area, Juggs grabs him, throws him off from the Helicarrier, Mandarin's Palace, Doom's Castle and so on. THAT would justify having the little brat around (or somebody please make a skelly to replace him with Widdle Wade!)

OK, stupid hour is over.

Do NOT "bumb" threads that you posted in mere hours ago.

Make sure there are a proper amount of line breaks between entries in herostat, and try again.

If you continue having problems, post the contents of the file you are trying to compile under the [ code ][ /code ] tags. (without the spaces, of course) Then we will be able to determine your problem and help you. As it stands, posting "i have a problem how do I fix?" is meaningless to us, as we cannot determine where your problem derives from without your files.

Try to compile the herostat in a folder where there is no file named "herostat.engb", then copy it and paste it in the data folder. Maybe that's the problem.

Why am I answering a herostat question in a Booster Pack thread?

What's your mother language? Cause if it is Spanish, I would be actually able to understand what you're trying to say (if its English, you should work on it). Of course, that's just me, and I'm not one of the guys who know best all the technichal stuff here.

Y es "bump", no "bumb", por si acaso.

So, you expect people to help you when you have problems, yet you're not willing to make a minimal effort to ask your questions as clear as possible?