
Dark Phoenix Beta (Final? Updated 05/12/08)

Started by matt710, June 03, 2007, 07:01PM

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ok just to clarify by name i mean this

   talent {
   descname = Psychic Spike ;
   description = Fires a mental homing projectile ;
   descshort = Projectile ;
   icon = 0 ;
   icon_texture = textures/ui/emmafrost_icons1.png ;
   name = emma_ment_burst ;
   power = power1 ;
      talentvalues {
         talentvalue {
         level = 1 ;
         name = emma_ment_burst_req ;
         value = 7 ;

         talentvalue {
         level = 18 ;
         name = emma_ment_burst_req ;
         value = 58 ;

         talentvalue {
         level = 1 ;
         name = emma_ment_burst_dmg ;
         value = 30 36 ;

         talentvalue {
         level = 18 ;
         name = emma_ment_burst_dmg ;
         value = 195 217 ;

         talentvalue {
         level = 1 ;
         name = emma_ment_burst_pwr ;
         value = 24 ;

         talentvalue {
         level = 18 ;
         name = emma_ment_burst_pwr ;
         value = 128 ;


      level {
      count = 18 ;
      description = %emma_ment_burst_dmg $DMG_MENTAL\n%emma_ment_burst_pwr $EP ;
         require {
         cat = level ;
         level = %emma_ment_burst_req ;


Please search the forum before asking a question. I dont answer
PMs about modding, those questions should be posted in a public thread.
What im currently working on:
My mods are mine to booster/update, I will not give anybody permission to do it

Yup, I got it.  I am just about to test it with new engbs and xmlbs
  From the Ashes she will rise.;8046052;;/

Updates her data files.
  From the Ashes she will rise.

would it be possible to make a dark phoenix skin from X-men The Last Stand out of the skin emma frost has in the game?

I guess it would be but I am kind of done with skins for her, now I just have to finish her last one (Emma Frost Dark Phoenix).  Feel free to do it if you want or if anybody else does.
  From the Ashes she will rise.

Here is an update of her.  This fixes the hair on skin 0259 so it doesn't look greenish, updates her ps adn talent files for her Cosmic Goddess and Force Mastery to get rid of little bugs, and gives a new icon for Force Mastery cause it was the easiest to change rather than changing Emma's or Goblin Queen's. 
  From the Ashes she will rise.

Newest update for Talent and she now uses ps2 skins for her AOA and Future skins (no sash).;8190877;;/
  From the Ashes she will rise.

Preview for new stuff:

  From the Ashes she will rise.

hey i got her special aura to work, i set it up as a powerup, so it remains on the whole time.  It doesnt look too cool, but it completes the character.

just add these lines to the powersytle
   event {
   inherit = powerup ;
   life = -1 ;
   name = phoenixaura ;
   no_stack = true ;
   tag_name = aura_on ;
      special_fx {
      bolt = Bip01 Spine1 ;
      effect = char/drkphoenx/special_aura ;
      fxlevel = 1 ;
      how_used = primary ;


   FightMove {
   animenum = ea_idle1 ;
   handler = ch_idle ;
   lockchaining = false ;
   name = idle ;
   noncombat = true ;
      trigger {
      name = phoenixaura ;
      time = 0 ;

      chain {
      action = walk ;
      result = walk ;

      chain {
      action = jog ;
      result = jog ;

      chain {
      action = run ;
      result = run ;

      chain {
      action = sprint ;
      result = sprint ;

      chain {
      action = strafeleft ;
      result = strafeleft ;

      chain {
      action = straferight ;
      result = straferight ;

      chain {
      action = advance ;
      result = advance ;

      chain {
      action = retreat ;
      result = retreat ;

      chain {
      action = guard ;
      result = guarddecide ;

      chain {
      action = attack ;
      result = attacklight1 ;

      chain {
      action = smash ;
      result = attackheavy1 ;

      chain {
      action = groundattack ;
      result = groundattack ;

      chain {
      action = move ;
      result = jump ;

      chain {
      action = special ;
      result = boredloop ;

      chain {
      action = powers ;
      result = powers ;


(hard to see, but it surrounds her in a circle)
Please search the forum before asking a question. I dont answer
PMs about modding, those questions should be posted in a public thread.
What im currently working on:
My mods are mine to booster/update, I will not give anybody permission to do it

Thanks.  Maybe that could be her glow for Cosmic Goddess.  I also realised that an important aspect of her is missing.   She never dies.  I am going to experiment with a passive to make it so she has a chance to resurrect.  Probably in Force Mastery.
  From the Ashes she will rise.

ghost rider has a passive that allows him to have a chance to ressurect a fallen teammate, maybe you can alter it to allow her to be ressurected.
Please search the forum before asking a question. I dont answer
PMs about modding, those questions should be posted in a public thread.
What im currently working on:
My mods are mine to booster/update, I will not give anybody permission to do it

Wolv/Creed have that as their 2nd xtreme, IIRC.

Ok I did the whole chance of ressurection thing.  After about 10 different tries I got one to work.  Anyway I also added the special aura that nodoubt_jr showed.  She has a 25%-75% chance of ressurecting her with 10%-100% HP.  I had to add it to her idle and make the life -1.  Works well, but remember not to depend on it too much cause even at her highest level there is a chance it will not happen and if she is the only party member left it will not give her a chance to ressurect.  After I finish some other things I will upload it.  I have 4 projects running at the same time so I am trying to devote 30% Dark Phoenix, 30% Black Cat, 30% Emma Frost skins, and 10% MUA 2nd Xtremes.  Once either of the first 3 are done it should make the others go a lot faster.
  From the Ashes she will rise.

Link to a catelog site I am doing.  It isn't meant to look pretty but more to show the costumes from X-Men: Next Dimension.  Currently Dark Phoenix is up, soon I will do Mystique and Rogue.  Gives skinners ideas possibly.  Click on her picture to see her costumes.
I will be doing costume 1a and 3a.  4b was a cool color swap.
  From the Ashes she will rise.

Are those costumes based on the designs from comics or are they made up for X:ND?

Sorry, I am not very familiar with Jean Grey/Phoenix/Dark Phoenix...

I like 3a and b personally.