Make Your Own X-Men Teams

Started by MarvelFan12345, November 15, 2010, 06:56PM

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I made one team using Paint.  Then I made this one which I liked better using Photoshop.

Where does everyone find their Micro-Heroes?
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Quote from: fox456 on December 28, 2010, 09:26PM
I think I finally figured this out:


Love this Team!!!! Thanks!

† Reach Heaven before the devil learns of your death †

Now, my Avengers Team:

Yes, once again, only one big team. No need for several Avenger teams, it's just an excuse to sell more titles. Well, I'd rather have more issues per month of a single title that includes the major players in Avengers history. That's how I like them: The World's Greatest Heroes united against threats none of them could face alone. With that good old Lee/Kirby way of making comics. Unashamed of being a superhero book that's just that. That's why I like the classic Avengers a lot more than I like the New Avengers and all their subsequent splited teams.

Their HQ is the Avengers Mansion at 5th Avenue. Some have their own place, but some live in the mansion full time (Quicksilver, Hawkeye, Scarlet Witch, Falcon and Vision). When Thor is in Midgard he lives there too. Hank and Wasp live in her penthouse but he works nearly every day in his lab at the mansion.

Once again, since they each have their own lives and solo careers as superheroes or otherwise, they don't all always work together. Active roster variates depending on the mission and on who is avaliable at the time.

Captain America and Ironman are the ones that generally decide the path of the team as a whole. The main field leader is Captain America, but several others (Wasp, Ironman, Thor, Black Widow, Ant-Man, Hawkeye, Ms. Marvel) take leadership in his absence, depending on the mission. If it's in Asgard it would be Thor, if it's against Ultron it would be Ant-Man, if it's stealth it's Black Widow and so on.

How I envision each member:

Captain America: Although he has his own place he's a full time Avenger and takes his role as the leader very seriously. The Avengers are allowed to exist partially cause of him, cause he's the one with a Full Champion License from SHIELD. He's also the PR guy for the team, considering his unstained and inspirational image among the general public, government and superhero community. He's also kinda like a moral compass for the team and trains most of them in self-defense and strategy. I like his modern ultimate costume.

Ironman: The other big reason why they can exist, considering he funds the Avengers and has done so for almost the entire history of the team. He's the swiss army knife of the team, being able to detect the weaknesses of the foes and prepare accordingly. I like his extremis armor.

Thor: The most powerful member or the team, of course. He's emotional and stoic at the same time and I just love his flamboyant speeches before the battles. Several avengers see him as the greatest avenger of all time and it's justified, considering his honorbound determination and restlessness. I like his modern costume.

Ant-Man/Giant-Man: There's a guy who's one of the smartest characters in Marvel. Yet, he's been misused and underrated by most writers. That's why I like how he's been portrayed in the new Avengers cartoon as the most pacifist team member and brainy lab-rat kinda guy. Is married to Wasp. Yeah, I like his original identities and powers, but with the revamped look and increased size-manipulation powers. He's able to go from subatomic sizes to taller than the highest skyscraper in NY.

Wasp: Another underestimated avenger. I mean, she's the most intuitive member of the team, having deduced Ironman's identity before anyone else and having been one of their best leaders. She's also light hearted and has a spunky attitude. I like her modern black and yellow costume.

Ms. Marvel: She's totally a survivor. I mean, she's been through so much and emerged from everything with a stronger spirit. Also, she has great military training and has been successful at everything she's ever tried in her life. I know that for Marvel readers she's not in the same league of popularity as Ironman or Thor, but for me she's one of their greatest heroes. I like her classic black costume with the mask that shows her eyes.

Quicksilver: His powers are just such a great asset in battle, specially now that he's faster than ever, running up to mach 10. He's a hothead indeed, but I don't like how he's been portrayed by several writers as an anti-hero or even as a villian. I like him as an impulsive hero, but unquestionably a hero. Is very protective of his sister, having taken care of her from an early age. Is divorced to Crystal. I'd use his ability to think fast a lot more, like having him read books superfast for a specific purpose and so on. And considering how he thinks faster than everybody else it's understandable why he's so annoyed all the time. I like his black and white costume.

Hawkeye: It's like it's shown in Secret Avengers, he's just as noble and valorous as Captain America, but with an edge. That's why he's always clashing with caps and that's what makes him so interesting. He has a mind of his own and decides for himself what is right and what is wrong and stands by his decisions always, no matters who disagrees. I admire that a lot. I also love the fact that he's a smartmouth. I like his House of M costume.

Scarlet Witch: With her shy and emotional personality, she's the teams ace cause although she's quite powerful regularly, she can't control her awesome powers very well and many times finds herself in a damsel in distress position. But if you push her buttons she turns into the deadliest and most versatile avenger of all, being able to go against pretty much any kind of foe, from matching Morgan LaFay's magic to destroying Ultron's adamantium body. She does indeed have an inconstant mood, but she's not mentally unbalance and nowhere near crazy. I like her Avengers Disassembled costume.

Vision: Even though he's a robot, he's actually one of the most humain avengers. Some writers have turned him more robotic, but for me I like him best when he's that emotional synthozoid who loves his wife and genuinely cares for people through empathy. Is married to Scarlet Witch. His powers are great and the fact that he can interface with other machines and can avoid most attacks make him a great asset. I like his classic revamped costume.

Wonderman: Aside from being so freakin' powerful and the fact that he's probably the avenger that's the hardest to kill, he's also compared to Thor as the second greatest avengers of all. That's because he is truly fearless and the fact that his brain patters were the ones used for the Vision speaks volumes about his character. He's also the avenger that likes the spotlight the most, having been an actor and stuntman himself, he feels quite at ease in front of a camera and loves stardom. I like his look in ionic form.

Black Widow: Well, she can speak 8+ languages, is a hacker, one of the best fighters there is, can use any gadget, is a manipulative seductress, cold and calculating, outstandingly smart, an infiltration expert, lvl 10 SHIELD agent, has the greatest scores in the Red Room ever and is the worlds greatest spy. Plus, she's over 70 and still looks hot as hell. Need I say more? She'd be the black-ops avenger, information gatherer and SHIELD liason for the team. I like her modern costume.

She-Hulk: How can you not love her? She's just so funny and the avengers need that, otherwise it would be kind of an uptight team. I love how she always manages to infuriate the foes with her sassy comments. She's also really smart and an expert in superhuman law, which certainly comes in handy for this team. I like her modernized purple/white costume with the biker gloves.

Falcon: The fact that he always feels that he has to prove himself (even though he doesn't) makes him work that much harder to do what has to be done. He certanly gets a 10 in effort. He has definitely earned his position among the avengers and isn't filling any racial quota. He's also one of the most skilled fliers in the marvel universe, being able to best people who are much more powerful than him when on air. Plus, the ability to look through any birds eyes makes him a great sentinel for the team (much like Angel is for the X-Men). I like his Avengers disassembled costume, with the bird-like wings instead of the hard light one.
My Releases -

  "Beneath this mask there are ideals and ideals are bulletproof."

Very nice! well done!

† Reach Heaven before the devil learns of your death †

a half of this team appears in the upcoming Avengers movie, hope in the sequel there will be the rest of these Avengers

Who else of you clowns think I'm crazy and ugly??? None? Good, 'cause I need to go to the next circus and kill other clowns. Why, you ask? 'Cause I HATE CIRCUS!!!

thanks! I think the only big player in Avengers history not present in the Black Panther, but he's a king and national superhero. I like for things to make sense, he simply wouldn't have the time.
My Releases -

  "Beneath this mask there are ideals and ideals are bulletproof."

Thanks for posting your Avengers team, Nowhere Man.  I really enjoyed reading through your character descriptions and logic for choosing your team.  You inspired me to make my own Avengers team.  However, I simply like these guys and gals -- no other logic than that I suppose!

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I'm glad I inspired you. I like your team. it's quite balanced in terms of skill.
My Releases -

  "Beneath this mask there are ideals and ideals are bulletproof."

I really love both of your Avengers teams! Feels like the classic Avengers all over again. Here is my take on a more realistic X-Universe (like Fox I was inspired by Nowhere Man. The guy sure is smart and creative creative!) It feels more like the classic X-Men that was the primetime of the X-Men for the majority of the team's fans but it also has many modern touches. The main X-Books would only be Uncanny X-Men and X-Men (2nd series) which would feel like the family books they once were; full of action, romance, and the little personal touches that made the X-Men so realistic. Additional X-Books would be New Mutants, X-Factor, and Academy X-Men (based on the former New/Young X-Men).

Basically the same backstory from my previous idea is in use here. A few things are changed though..

Xavier is crippled from using all his telepathy to project the events on Earth to Wanda and Jean (the two women then decided what needs to be burned away and what is correct). Although his legs can heal, using his telepathy slows down the process so he is making a sacrifice to be an X-Man.

With mutants no longer endangered, Magneto no longer sees Cyke as the King of them all or the need to be an X-Man. He leaves the team for his own agenda but does not remain as the mutant terrorist he once was. He is a sort of anti-hero now as he wants to redeem himself (particulary in the eyes of his children and grand-children) but has a hard time doing so. He remains a weird type of ally to the X-Men and the Avengers as the majority of the two teams still distrust him. While growing to accept Xavier's dream he still doesn't completely agree with it. Often this leads to actions that the other teams don't agree with and can often cause clashes between Magneto and the Avengers or X-Men.

All previous depowered mutants remain depowered. Only Jubilee is an exception for she was on Utopia and near Jean and Wanda when they reversed the spell and brought the world back to balance. As such she was affected and regains her power making her quite a special mutant. Despite this the spell is now broken so new mutants can be born.

The X-Men return to their old way of Xavier's dream. Cyke is no longer "King of the Mutants" a role he took on as he felt that only he could lead all of mutants to survival. The X-Men can't return to Xavier's dream overnight but they are heading back there.

Utopia is sunk underwater and becomes a part of Atlantis. Now ruled by Namor, Utopia serves as a sanctuary not only for Atlanteans but for mutants who need a home and don't feel safe on shore. Namor leaves the X-Men to rule his kingdom and his lover Emma Frost follows to lead and rule with her king.

The X-Men return to the X-Mansion (reconstructed thanks to the hands of several super-smart X-Men, two women with manipulation powers who happen to have red and green hair, and tons of Shi'ar devices). The Xavier Institute is reopened as a school for all mutant students who need one and the New/Young X-Men return to their former roles as students although they are now unofficial members of the X-Men (but they are still young and still need an education. Because of this they won't be official X-Men until graduation).

Professor X - One of the four leaders of the X-Men, Xavier must deal with the sacrifice of his legs if he wants to continue using his psychic powers to help the world. He also questions whether he has truly redeemed himself in the X-Men's eyes.

Cyclops - One of the four leaders of the X-Men, Cyke is reunited with his wife, brother, and two children (Nathan and Rachel). Despite this Cyke also feels the strain of being the only X-Man who has not yet developed his power as well as having lost his "King of the Mutants" title.

Phoenix - Finally returned to her home and family, Jean is raising her two kids Nathan and Rachel with her husband Scott. Jean's role in the X-Men is much different for she is now one of the official leaders of the team and she is also in the most control of her powers than she has ever been, due to her final transformation into the Phoenix. She continues to develop her powers and master them.

Storm - The fourth and final leader of the X-Men, Storm now has regained her leadership of the team. She is still the wife of the Black Panther as well as the Queen of Wakanda, but her heart now lies as a leader of the X-Men.

Wolverine - Although he will never admit it, the X-Men is his family and the X-Mansion perhaps his only home. No longer leader of the black ops team X-Force, Wolverine's loyalties are fully with the X-Men and of course himself. He remains a member of the Avengers but only assists when he isn't with the X-Men or out on one of his own missions.

Rogue - One of the most changed X-Men, Rogue now has full control over her powers. She is no longer emotionally unstable and can channel any power she has absorbed at will. Rogue and her lover Gambit are dating once more and seeking to fully develop their relationship. Rogue now also has a close mentorship to several of the students and serves as the school counselor.

Beast - He remains the X-Men's main technician and medic as well as a close ally to the Avengers. However much like the others, his home is with the X-Men and there is no other place he would rather be. He has also resumed his relationship with the news reporter Trish Tilby.

Iceman - Bobby is now more serious than ever about unlocking his full potential and continues to develop it in astonishing ways. While still a jokester in the heat of battle, Bobby has matured and become more serious. He now also seeks to win the heart of his first love, Polaris.

Gambit - Like many of the other loners Gambit has found a family within the X-Men, but most importantly with his love Rogue. Now the two can finally touch each other and resume their relationship. Now the only question is what happens next for the Rajun Cajun and his southern Belle.

Dazzler - Alison still loves the stage and continues to perform for all of her longtime fans whenever she can get the chance. But her home is now with the X-Men and she is a full-time member. Despite this Dazzler will continue to remain in the spotlight and hopes to become something even greater beyond the disco stage.

Cannonball - Sam's duties are torn between the X-Men and the New Mutants. Having graduated into the X-Men's ranks he feels a need to stay with his new friends, despite having no official leadership rank. But just as often as he is an X-Man, Sam joins his other old friends, the New Mutants, as their co-leader along with Dani Moonstar. His hope is that he can continue to balance out his duties on both teams while retaining a personal life.

Colossus - Piotr is more than glad to have been reunited with his lover Kitty as well as his sister Illyana who regained the pieces of her lost soul and returned from limbo, although the latter has left the X-Men to rejoin her team, the New Mutants. With the X-Men having reached their Heroic Age, Piotr continues his passion of painting while remaining a loyal friend and fierce enemy.

Shadowcat - Kitty is yet another X-Man who has been reunited with the team. Thanks to the actions of Jean and Wanda, Kitty has regained control over her form but found her phasing ability to be unstable at times. As such she has not yet remastered the ability and begins to wonder if her power will ever return to normal. Kitty and Colossus are finally back together again and plan to stay that way.

Nightcrawler - His brief death and resurrection has left Kurt Wagner a changed man. He begins to wonder what death truly means in the eyes of God, as for the majority of superpeople it doesn't stay constant. He also has doubts on whether or not he should truly be alive again as he was so close to reaching his paradise.

Psylocke - Psylocke remains a warrior at heart but has begun to use her telepathy more and more and return to the skill level she once had. She has also discovered that her telepathy and telekinesis can cancel each other out and become unstable, but luckily that is what her training in martial arts is for. She has also resumed dating with Angel.

Angel - Warren still has seeds from Apocalypse within him, seeds that can took over during the most desperate situations. Whenever this happens Angel is transformed into Archangel, one of the deadliest mutants ever. However as Angel, Warren is a gentle and kind spirit although can still be spoiled at times. He is the X-Men's main benefactor and has resumed dating Psylocke.

Jubilee - Jubilee has become something of an enigma within the mutant universe. As the only mutant to regain her powers, she is being pursued from everywhere in the world as a cure to M-Day. But Jubilee is just happy to have her powers back and once more be in the world of the X-Men. She also has begun to unlock her true potential and become one of the most powerful X-Men.

Havok - Alex is reunited with the X-Men on Earth, but loses his lover Lorna in the process. Unlike other times Alex only wants the best for his love, even if it means he won't be sharing a life with her. He is still one of the most powerful X-Men and although he has cooled down in his relationships with Cyke and Havok he can still often have arguements with them.

Polaris - Lorna has been a changed woman in the past few years, from her personality, heritage, powers, and her lovelife. Returning to Earth has reminded Lorna of the pain caused to her by Havok and she has left him. Now in the open field she realizes she loves Iceman but wonders who her heart will end up with at the end.

great ideas MF! interesting thinking of Emma ending up with Namor. that's a heck of a powerful Rogue, huh?

interesting how you like Iceman with Polaris. I always thought that she belonged with havok and that Iceman should end up with Northstar :P

also great that you hooked up Hank back with Trish. haven't seen her in quite a while.

ah, and loved the idea of having Nightcrawler question his faith.Iguess dying can have that effect on people :P
My Releases -

  "Beneath this mask there are ideals and ideals are bulletproof."

Amazing! love all!!

† Reach Heaven before the devil learns of your death †

Thanks guys.

I always felt that the Scott and Emma relationship wrecked the 2 characters as well as Jean. How could two people who's love saved the universe, married after so many obstacles, raised their child for 12 or 13 years in an apocalyptic future, etc. simply leave each other (although according to Here Comes Tommorrow they didn't really want to.)

I also felt as though Emma would want a stronger man who could give her more. While Fraction's Scott can, imo Fraction's version of Scott has really changed him into an unidentifiable person which is why the majority of Cyke fans seem to hate him these days. Emma and Namor are so interesting because he is a king and something Emma could really fall for. The fact that she actually loves him is also interesting as while Emma has been with powerful men, she has never really loved them (Sebastian Shaw or Tony Stark). And I'm sure Emma would love to take on the role of a queen and rule a kingdom.

The Iceman and Polaris relationship was defined during her first apperance. She actually fell for him but then met Havok and went for him instead. Despite this it has been quite evident that Lorna and Bobby still care for each other and have more feelings. Havok/Polaris's relatonship has really bothered me because of all the pain Havok has put her through and at the end he still expects her back. So I thought I would play with this love triangle a little.

Iceman and Northstar would be interesting especially since Northstar should have a boyfriend if he plans to remain gay. All of Iceman's failed relationships with women could make him seem the type but I decided to keep his love triangle going. But who knows, maybe Iceman does have other feelings that are hidden.

I've always liked Hank and Trish from their days in X-Factor to the 90s and was upset to know that she has been in writer's limbo since.

The Nightcrawler idea interested me because this was his first death and being so religious, a resurrection would have lasting effects on him. It seemed natural for him to have such feelings.

Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on January 25, 2011, 02:20PM
I always felt that the Scott and Emma relationship wrecked the 2 characters as well as Jean. How could two people who's love saved the universe, married after so many obstacles, raised their child for 12 or 13 years in an apocalyptic future, etc. simply leave each other (although according to Here Comes Tommorrow they didn't really want to.)

Simply. It's called monotony.
It happens all the time, pairs that seems perfect then suddendly break up, why? because the relationships are not perfect all the time, and grown boring over time.
If you read carefully Morrison's run without paying extreme attention to the drama about Emma & Scott's psychic affair (Like most if not all Jean's fans do it), you can clearly see that their marriage was over because none of them wanted to do more about it. They probably still feel love for each other, but that doesn't really make a difference...
The fact that Emma was there is just circumstantial, Morrison saw the potential of these 2 together and made them a pair, but could have been any other woman, was only a matter of time.

Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on January 25, 2011, 02:20PM
I also felt as though Emma would want a stronger man who could give her more. While Fraction's Scott can, imo Fraction's version of Scott has really changed him into an unidentifiable person which is why the majority of Cyke fans seem to hate him these days. Emma and Namor are so interesting because he is a king and something Emma could really fall for. The fact that she actually loves him is also interesting as while Emma has been with powerful men, she has never really loved them (Sebastian Shaw or Tony Stark). And I'm sure Emma would love to take on the role of a queen and rule a kingdom.

Yeah, maybe the White QUeen would love that, but not modern Emma Frost.
And I'm not talking about Fraction's run which I prefer to ignore because his stupid plots and poor characterizations. I'm talking about the one that we saw on New Xmen and Astonishing X-men, where she changed to be a better person, sometimes still a bitch but not that cold woman that was the White Queen.
It's been established by many writers and Marvel itself that she doesn't love Scott because his current position of power, she loves him because what he is, with flaws and everything, accepting him (in a way that Jean couldn't and offering him something that she can't -said by herself-). So saying that she would prefer a powerfull man to become a real Queen is just dumb.

Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on January 25, 2011, 02:20PM

The Iceman and Polaris relationship was defined during her first apperance. She actually fell for him but then met Havok and went for him instead. Despite this it has been quite evident that Lorna and Bobby still care for each other and have more feelings. Havok/Polaris's relatonship has really bothered me because of all the pain Havok has put her through and at the end he still expects her back. So I thought I would play with this love triangle a little.

I totally agree whit you here, Lorna needs to move on and start with someone who really shows something real for her, without expecting something else as retribution.

Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on January 25, 2011, 02:20PM

Iceman and Northstar would be interesting especially since Northstar should have a boyfriend if he plans to remain gay.

Just to clarify this, gay people does not choose to "remain" gay. Gay people born gay.
Phoenix Force: No. He loves Emma Frost.  He loves me.
Jean Grey: He wants her. Not you. Not US. And now it's time... to leave this behind.
Phoenix Endsong #5

January 25, 2011, 03:22PM #58 Last Edit: January 25, 2011, 03:28PM by MarvelFan12345
I don't know but Scott and Jean will always be the couple for me. Keep in mind that after Jean died Scott still loved her and felt guilty so he was unable to move on. Had he really wanted someone else he could have moved on for Emma or another woman but he still picked Jean, even when she was dead. Only this lead to a apocalyptic future as Scott wouldn't lead the X-Men and to prevent it Jean forced Scott to move on from her and pick another woman. That is why in Endsong Cyke says he picked Emma because Jean forced  him to change his decision. There is also the fact that Scott and Emma will always be in the shadow of Scott and Jean. They can't top them and if they tried, basically Scott and Emma would become Scott and Jean.

But I really don't see any point to continue this arguement as I will always want Scott and Jean, and you will always want Scott and Emma. Its as simple as that and I don't know about you but I've become tired of this argument.

Quote from: whiteking on January 25, 2011, 03:03PM
Just to clarify this, gay people does not choose to "remain" gay. Gay people born gay.

Hmm, didn't know that about gay people. Our school has taught us that gay people aren't born gay but chose it when they grew up. But I do live in the south so most people here frown upon anyone gays, lesbians, and bisexuals particularly my school (if I said something offensive to anyone, please forgive me because I didn't may anything rude).

Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on January 25, 2011, 03:22PM
I don't know but Scott and Jean will always be the couple for me. Keep in mind that after Jean died Scott still loved her and felt guilty so he was unable to move on. Had he really wanted someone else he could have moved on for Emma or another woman but he still picked Jean, even when she was dead. Only this lead to a apocalyptic future as Scott wouldn't lead the X-Men and to prevent it Jean forced Scott to move on from her and pick another woman. That is why in Endsong Cyke says he picked Emma because Jean forced  him to change his decision. There is also the fact that Scott and Emma will always be in the shadow of Scott and Jean. They can't top them and if they tried, basically Scott and Emma would become Scott and Jean.

But I really don't see any point to continue this arguement as I will always want Scott and Jean, and you will always want Scott and Emma. Its as simple as that and I don't know about you but I've become tired of this argument.
Hmm, didn't know that about gay people. Our school has taught us that gay people aren't born gay but chose it when they grew up. But I do live in the south so most people here frown upon anyone gays, lesbians, and bisexuals particularly my school (if I said something offensive to anyone, please forgive me because I didn't may anything rude).

I love your new X-Men team, and I dont think Emma and Scott are right for each other no matter what anyone says, she is just toying with him, and The gay thing, they are not born that way, It is a choice, because if they were born like it they would not be able to control it, and its not a bad thing, everyone deserves to be happy, so if they Choose this, then I will support them all the way, sorry to get off topic :P

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