Make Your Own X-Men Teams

Started by MarvelFan12345, November 15, 2010, 06:56PM

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Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on January 25, 2011, 03:22PM

But I really don't see any point to continue this arguement as I will always want Scott and Jean, and you will always want Scott and Emma. Its as simple as that and I don't know about you but I've become tired of this argument.
Hmm, didn't know that about gay people. Our school has taught us that gay people aren't born gay but chose it when they grew up. But I do live in the south so most people here frown upon anyone gays, lesbians, and bisexuals particularly my school (if I said something offensive to anyone, please forgive me because I didn't may anything rude).

No I'm not tired of it, besides this is a discussion topic, you post your ideas and I'm only saying that I'm not agree with some of them :)
Lol, and you are wrong , I love Scott and Emma together, but I know that at one point the relationship will become boring and it will be a writer who will think "Mmm we have Polaris, oh she would make a great couple with Cyclops" and that's it the end. It happen all time.
And you are worng in Endsong Scott said that he loves Emma because she stays when Jean just ran away, she forces him to do things that he doesn't want to do but he must. Read better ;)

About the gay disscussion, I can tell to both of you that as the gay man that I am, I never choose my sexuality. I like boys since I can remember, and I never liked girls and tried to like them. You can't control it, it's not like a flu or something like that, you just feel it. Otherwise, tell me, both of you, have you wake up someday and said "oh I like that boy on my history class! I'll talk to him", do you? No right?, it's the same thing here.

Anyway since we became more off topic I'll close the discussion (on this topic, if anyone want to open a new disscussion feel free to do it), with my X-men team (whithout the dolls because I just don't have the time)

-Cyclops- I like him, and the fact that he became a better and fearless leader in New- Xmen and Astonishing X-men (until Fraction took Uncanny X-men)

-Emma Frost- She's my favorite obviously, but I also like her because she's misterious and brings the team the "realist" factor, says everything that the others doesn't want to, and yeah she's a bitch :P

-Storm- She's probably the X-woman that I respect most after Emma. Independent, confident and powerfull.

-Dazzler- A great character with great powers that needs a better writer to shine.

-Northstar- I just love him, but again, as Dazzler, need a better writer.

-Wolverine- He's cool, but has too much screen time, if he only stay with the main team of X-men is enough.

-Rogue- Now that she's totally in control of her powers, the southern belle has just come back :)

-Angel- I like his dual being with the Angel/Archangel thing (sorry I don't know how to explain it)

-Beast-  Another one that I love :)


-Jean Grey- yes people I don't hate her, I actually like her a lot but she must return as Jean, no Phoenix, no White hot room, no drama, just powerfull and confident Jean Grey.

There are others that I love, but those are my favorites :)
Phoenix Force: No. He loves Emma Frost.  He loves me.
Jean Grey: He wants her. Not you. Not US. And now it's time... to leave this behind.
Phoenix Endsong #5

Love your team whiteking. And you are right about gay people, I tried to like a girl because in my country, there is too much prejudice with gay people but it's not our choice.

It's fun to read through everyone's "ideal" teams and their storylines!  And, all the storylines even encourage discussions about real life.  That's cool too.

@ MarvelFan12345

Two questions:

1.  Have you ever thought of writing (like for comic books or something)?  You've got alot of creative ideas!

2.  What type of school do you go to -- private or public or something else?
Use this poll to tell everyone where you are from:,3929.msg73927.html#msg73927

Thanks for the compliment Fox, but I don't think I'd be that good really. My parents probably wouldn't approve of that idea unless it was something on the side.

I go to public. The teachers don't give their opinions on gays and lesbians but during our reproduction unit during science, our teacher did get some questions on gay people mainly, on if they are born that way or make a choice. My teacher said she is not too familiar with the subject but that it is a choice that is made.

January 25, 2011, 06:00PM #64 Last Edit: January 25, 2011, 06:06PM by midnightphoenix123
Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on January 25, 2011, 05:41PM
Thanks for the compliment Fox, but I don't think I'd be that good really. My parents probably wouldn't approve of that idea unless it was something on the side.

I go to public. The teachers don't give their opinions on gays and lesbians but during our reproduction unit during science, our teacher did get some questions on gay people mainly, on if they are born that way or make a choice. My teacher said she is not too familiar with the subject but that it is a choice that is made.

I am sorry to bring it back up again, but It is a choice, my Aunt is gay, and She liked guys at a point in time, and she even has a son, not from adoption, it was her choice to be gay, and not straight, you make it sound like an illness, in which you cant control, if you want to be with  girl do it if you want to be with a guy do that aswell, you make the choice, your DNA doesn't, thats the way I see it

Edit: This isn't aganist you Marvelfan, I just clicked Quote on yours :P

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Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on January 25, 2011, 06:00PM
I am sorry to bring it back up again, but It is a choice, my Aunt is gay, and She liked guys at a point in time, and she even has a son, not from adoption, it was her choice to be gay, and not straight, you make it sound like an illness, in which you cant control, if you want to be with  girl do it if you want to be with a guy do that aswell, you make the choice, your DNA doesn't, thats the way I see it

Edit: This is aganist you Marvelfan, I just clicked Quote on yours :P
Maybe your aunt is bissexual...

Ha ha, but no she is not, she Used to like men, not any more, after she had her son, its been all girls, she married one, and is now with another, she is not Bi

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this thread is getting VERY sidetracked and I'm showing a lot of restrain in not continuing this discussion any further, cause I have a bunch of serious opinions and data about this subject and could clarify loads of wrong information that some of you have. but the point is: stay on topic.
My Releases -

  "Beneath this mask there are ideals and ideals are bulletproof."

Had some spare time yesterday and made some new teams. They're still the same X-Books but with different rosters (except for X-Men Legacy because I really like that roster. It blends well imo)

AMAZING! I love all the teams, and love how you made them, havent some of the Micro Hero sites gone off line? like Blanchett, Micheal P, Kats Doll House? If not please post working links, because I cant find them :/

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GREAT!!! I love your tems very much!

† Reach Heaven before the devil learns of your death †

let me ask you MF. in this x-universe of yours, who is leading this huge brotherhood of mutants?
My Releases -

  "Beneath this mask there are ideals and ideals are bulletproof."

When Destiny is resurrected she has a vision of a world where mutants rule over humans. Mystique learns this and starts the mutant army/Brotherhood but it is believed that she is being influenced by an outside force. Who this force is, even I don't know. It could be Shadow King, Apocalypse, or Cassandra Nova (Nova would really plotting the downfall for mutants). Or it could be a new mutant.

Considering how the end of Second Coming in my universe is Wanda and Jean breaking the spell and new mutants can be born (but all former mutants remain depowered. Except for Jubilee, Prodigy, and Moonstar as they were on Utopia and close enough to Wanda and Jean to be affected) a new evil mutant could always surface.

Much of the plots in each book will be connected to the Brotherhood and the villain pulling the strings. X-Factor will get mysterious cases tied to it, Uncanny X-Men will be chasing the Brotherhood around the world trying to figure out their plan, Utopia will be attacked by the Brotherhood for an unknown reason, the sword of Excalibur will also be revealed to have been stolen by the Brotherhood for unknown reason. It may be the Heroic Age but the X-Men are facing against a whole army of deadly mutants and they are in the dark about the Brotherhood's plans. Everything the Brotherhood does doesn't seem to have a connection but it all is working to some sinister goal.

Edit: BTW thank-you Rogue for the compliment. How do you like the placement of Rogue in Astonishing X-Men?

Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on March 28, 2011, 07:41PM
Thanks and here is a link to Blanchett.

AHHHH thank  you so much!

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