Make Your Own X-Men Teams

Started by MarvelFan12345, November 15, 2010, 06:56PM

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I'm currently building my teams, but I thought I'd jump in here. I'm one that has a deep casting pool. I'm a producer and casting is part of the job description. However, a lot of the actresses and actors that I would place are unknowns (which for superhero movies I prefer anyway). I'd be happy to offer up suggestions to any of the characters though. Just let me know which ones and I'll see if I can't pull something up.

Alright. After careful consideration, with few exception, I like the teams as they are now in the X universe. I do wish that Darwin could've hooked up with Gambit and X-23 while out in the desert and that Cloak could join X-Force, but that's not really enough to do a whole big thing about a new team.

So I put together a team that I've been thinking about for awhile and the story to go with it. Enjoy!

A dupe of is digging at an archeological site in the middle east.

He stumbles across a strange rock covered in type of black slime. Before he knows it, this poor dupe becomes .

Bad turns to worse when the symbiote flies back to New York to meet up with the real and turns into

Calling itself 'Virus' the symbiote quickly multiplies and begins to ravage NY. However one managed to escape. Luckily for everyone, he is one of the smart dupes on contacts the

The heroes rush to the aid of their fellow mutant. By the time they get there the are already on the scene. However, the 2 groups quickly come to odds at how exactly to handle the situation.

Then, suggests that lead this operation. He is in fact the world's leading expert in these particular types of situations. Spidey quickly deduces that these symbiotes cannot be attacked outright, for every time they get hit, they multiply. So Spidey hand selects a team of heroes who's powers don't rely on physical strength. The combination of Cloak being able to harmlessly transport Virus dupes to nowhere, Daggers light and an array of sound and fire should be able to stop them.

Spidy turns to the others and instructs them to hit the streets. Their save the civilians. Keep the general population out of harms way.

The plan works! The city is saved! Steve Rogers, during the experience, realizes 2 things. A. That people are safer when the humans and mutants work together and B. There needs to be a team solely devoted to protecting the civilians on the street level while the 'power houses' deal with the larger threat. He initiates a new kind of team with an old legacy. A Pubilic Relations team comprised of exactly half humans and half mutants. He calls them...THE NEW DEFENDERS!

Stay tuned as the team comes to terms with Roger's command that a 17 year old girl (Hope) should lead the team. Will Daredevil and Echo's old flame be rekindled? How will Dagger overcome her feelings of inadequacy, especially when Cloak seems to have eyes for another team mate!? Where does he and X-23 go all the time anyway? Is Madrox really okay with just taking orders again? Tempers will fly! Hearts will be broken! A team will unite to protect those that matter the most!

It' cool! I love all teams!

† Reach Heaven before the devil learns of your death †

Here is the updated team (updated Iceman and Gambit along with Colossus, Armor, and Emma)

Very nice!

† Reach Heaven before the devil learns of your death †

Thanks, its a live action TV series called the Astonishing X-Men. Full details are on page 6.

I like the update!

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Thanks guys. I may make some more later like Kitty, Kurt, Betsy, Warren, etc. They won't all be the main cast as some will be recurring.

One day I'd love to see somebody actually make a live-action X-Men series.

Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on April 02, 2011, 10:19AM
Thanks guys. I may make some more later like Kitty, Kurt, Betsy, Warren, etc. They won't all be the main cast as some will be recurring.

One day I'd love to see somebody actually make a live-action X-Men series.

Me to, you should make a topic and make up your own epsiodes!

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yes, maybe Marvelfan and I could make share some ideas and make a comic like my AML comic!

Quote from: Toothless on April 02, 2011, 10:49AM
yes, maybe Marvelfan and I could make share some ideas and make a comic like my AML comic!

That would be great! I'd like to help in someway

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Quote from: Toothless on April 02, 2011, 10:49AM
yes, maybe Marvelfan and I could make share some ideas and make a comic like my AML comic!
That would be great. And of course Midnightphoenix could help.

Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on April 02, 2011, 12:15PM
That would be great. And of course Midnightphoenix could help.

Yippe! lol :P

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@Marvelfan12345 - share your ideas with me when you get ready.