SkinnerUI question....

Started by channel, June 25, 2007, 10:16PM

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thanks for trying thetommyboy2002

damn, i wonder what i can do. anyone have any suggestions? it seems like there's no easy way to edit those features out of there.

Quote from: channel on July 05, 2007, 05:42PM
damn, i wonder what i can do. anyone have any suggestions? it seems like there's no easy way to edit those features out of there.
No, I don't think that there are any easy ways to do ANYthing in this game.
Editing the skins is more difficult than it should be. As is everything else.
Have you tried the Alpha suggestion?
Or using another mesh, like Prof X from xml2? You'd have to reskin from scratch, but it'd work.

(Incidentally, if you ARE re-skinning my meshes, I would prefer that you don't simply recolour them, or alter one area of the skin. I've provided a wiremap so people can make their OWN skins. Obviously I can't STOP you kitbashing my skins and re-releasing them, but if people want me to keep releasing meshes for this game, I'd strongly recommend respecting my wishes. Not having seen your work, I have no way of knowing whether you start from scratch or simply add a moustache to my skins, so I'm not accusing you personally of kitbashing, or directing this AT you personally. It's more like a general statement of my wishes.)

I think Xavier, Wyatt Wingfoot, Guardian, street clothes Cyclops, human-form Colossus, may be less complicated and flatter replacements for what you're trying to do.

On the other hand, I can't avoid feeling alluded by thetommyboy2002, since I DID recoloured Hawkeye and Wonderman (mostly to avoid bothering him with requests). However, you have to admit that it's very attractive for us, who don't have the means to make meshes for ourselves, to have a base that is at the same time asymetrical and works as a mannequin.

Quote from: boreman on July 05, 2007, 06:35PM
I think Xavier, Wyatt Wingfoot, Guardian, street clothes Cyclops, human-form Colossus, may be less complicated and flatter replacements for what you're trying to do.

On the other hand, I can't avoid feeling alluded by thetommyboy2002, since I DID recoloured Hawkeye and Wonderman (mostly to avoid bothering him with requests). However, you have to admit that it's very attractive for us, who don't have the means to make meshes for ourselves, to have a base that is at the same time asymetrical and works as a mannequin.

No, I hadn't specifically stated this till now, and it's NOT aimed at anyone in particular.
It's not something I want to make people feel bad about.
In the Freedom Force Community there is a stock of "base" skins for male_basic, female_basic etc that people can use as a starting point for their skins. We need something similar. With the fiddly bits and extras on my meshes I dont mind kitbashing as much as it's harder to work out what goes where. But for the main mesh, I would prefer that FROM NOW ON, people TRY to avoid recolours, or at least run it by me if they feel they have no other options.
My statement definitely isn't about singling people out, and isn't aimed at Boreman or anyone else individually or collectively. Sorry if it could be read that way.
It's a statement of my wishes from here on in.
If you need "base" skins for my meshes, let me know, I'll provide them. If you need wiremaps (the "blueprints") I'll provide them. If you ask, I'll probably say "yes" to recolours or kitbashes, but I really think it benefits us all to avoid them and develop the talents that we have by making all-original stuff where possible.
So, No, I have no problem with your recolours Boreman, because I hadn't, at the time you did them, stated I'd rather you did anything else. And I'm a big fan of Expediency, and Getting It Done Quick, so I understand why you did it that way.
I just wanted to state publicly that I'd rather see someone elses talents, as I'm used to mine, and I think that once people see what they can do, they'd rather make their own than recolour mine.

yeah tommyboy don't worry i totally respect what you're saying, i simply used your giantman as a start because i enjoyed your version and though it would be easier..figure it's the same character just a different outfit.  what i actually started doing was cutting up my profile image of the ultimate giantman in several areas and doing whatever it is us graphic people do to make it fit accurately over the alotted skin space.  (i even added a real human mouth for detail) i would never just recolor your work and post it as my own.  i also understand you weren't accusing anyone i just wanted to let you know where i was with the project.  I think i'll try an xavier or maybe guardian. and as far as reskinning from scratch...that's no problem at all since i enjoy the process and there are several things i need to fix anyhow. ooh i have a question actually.  i noticed that the ultron warrior might serve as a good model.  he has a similar body suit to the ultimate costume. i think the ultron warroir is like 9201.igb. could i use this model as a skin for giantman? i think i may have tried and the game crashed. i don't remember though.  i don't know if it's that drastic of a difference or if it even matters.

yeah definitely...i'd just be a little scared the belt and gun holster would cause me the same problems as the antennae. i can still try! i did get the ultron warrior to work, but he seems a bit too thick to be hank pym. i'll work with both. thanks for the suggestion boreman!

man i've spent so much time trying to get the mod right i haven't even played the game for like a month now, haha i'm sure i'm not the only one in this boat. anyway, so here's what i'm running into now.  when i edited tommys characterskin as my base and import it back into the game the process worked just fine.  now that i'm trying to editing over skins originally from the game (ie: bullseyes or the ultron warrior skin) i can edit them just fine (and even check them with the skinnerui to make sure changes have been saved) but once i import them back into the game i just have the orignally bullseye or ultronwarrior skin as if i didn't edit them at all. i reskinend maybe three times already and the problem persists, anyone know whats happening?

This is from page 3:

Quote from: iammingy on July 01, 2007, 09:20PM
hmmm... how should I explain it? lol

There are many heads and hands because there also smaller BMP (512, 256, 128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4) of the 1024x1024 BMP. If you have the "correct" entry in the CFG file, then importing an (edited) 1024x1024 BMP should be resized and inserted automatically to the smaller pics in SkinnerUI.

EDIT: The colored ones are your priority.

In your case, I think the largest BMP should be 512, but I haven't checked, yet.

I hope that helps. :)

you can read reply #48 in this thread. maybe it is related to your problem, as iammingy is suggesting.

yes definitely. i was about to do more work than i had to there....

Woot out of the blue just messin with the skinner some how I got the thing working,8 months  :soapbox: later.   
And their turning us into Monsters its all designed!!

your lucky, out of the blue mine wont let me extract or import +,-DXT3 or -DXT1, it will only do DXT1 for some reason. I just noticed that recently, but i never had that problem before.

guys im at a loss here. :( whenever i export the bmp this si the one that shows.

it's different from the one's i see in tutorial. can some1 tell me what wrong im doing?