Champions Online

Started by Scabbia, September 01, 2011, 02:10PM

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Thanks Jean :D I don't know when I'll be on again. Got a lot goin on this weekend. And yes, Hope, you can join :). The more the merrier.

October 01, 2011, 12:13AM #106 Last Edit: October 01, 2011, 06:04AM by White Queen
Seriously am i the only one who did not notice Gaurdians and not Guardians. Ugh why didnt u go with a different name if it was  taken then xD like the darkness part or light part. Nah darkness better cuz it spells GOD ( Guardians Of Darkness )

BTW: I quit Champions Online my computer is too weak and cant support it anymore. Most missions' zones appear black and blank so i cant beat it. And it laggs too much

October 01, 2011, 02:17PM #107 Last Edit: October 01, 2011, 07:16PM by JeanGrey777
I'm having problems lol:
1- The mail thing keeps saying that i have a new mail when i don't.
2- right down the map where it says the missions that you have, it doesn't show up anymore.
Is anyone else having these troubles?
Forget the number 2, it's solved now.

Aw, I'll miss Emma :) and yeah, Gaurdians was changed to "The Guardians of Millenium" which I wasn't informed about but w/e.

I had the same problem with the email. I think everyone was haven that problem. I just ignored it.

2 new Archetypes coming in December. The Earth and Wind Archetypes introduces brand new powers. And yet again they will be for members, sigh what kind of a free to play game is this. They should really make the game free to play not everything still being for members. With so little archetypes people who dont want to buy or pay for the game will get bored and leave easily. Though i am a little exited about these two Archetypes

Um... all free mmo games give more to the paying members, which is fair... but it's their way of making money. Thanks for the info though. :)

November 04, 2011, 08:36PM #111 Last Edit: November 04, 2011, 08:39PM by JeanGrey777
Ok, i'm playing in the Public Test now, i have everything there, all the patterns that i need for the outfits and belts and etc are all in my possesion now, and thanks to that i made: Movie outfit (X1, X2 and X3, including in the scene where she is with Scott, Ororo, Logan and the Professor at the subbasement), Ultimate X-Men, New X-Men (with Jacket and Phoenix), a Modern Phoenix outfit (Not Deedooo's, one that i made myself XD), Phoenix Redesign but with (Catridges, a yellow scarf, bracers, long black boots and a yellow sash), Uncanny X-Men, Marvel Girl, Phoenix (MUA2), New X-Men (UMVC3 Version), X-Men Evolution, X-Men Evolution Casual, X-Men Anime (Phoenix, Dark Phoenix, Casual and a White Phoenix version :D) and Wolverine & the X-Men but LONG hair, i don't like the short hair XD, and i'll make more, i love tailoring there XD, sometimes i get big ideas and change a whole outfit into a mix or even better XD

So... I made Rogue as my very first toon on here, and she's been maxed out for awhile...and now I've been working on a "hybrid" rogue... but anywho. (Those are the only two copyrighted toons I have on there anymore, got bored with making the same outfits over and over). I figured maybe I'd get some pics tomorrow or somethin' and I could post em here. :) Let ya see how I did on some of her outfits. :D

March 12, 2012, 02:43PM #113 Last Edit: March 13, 2012, 04:14AM by White Queen
Is anyone still playing :) i just started playing it again today. And resumed my Telepath Character Emma Summers, and did alot of missons and got to lvl 18. Just before i logged out ( like a minute ago before this post ) i stacked up at least 11 Missions xD i want to complete them all and then finish them so i can get alot of exp and level up. :)

Edit: My character is lvl 21 currently :P

I still play it. I deleted my Rogue but I got 2 level 40's (VIctoria and Dan) and then I remade Rogue, but I only play early in the mornin's cause of work and only play for like an hour, if that... I usually play more when I'm off work though.

T_T The Stupid Stronghold mission keeps crashing my game during a cutscene. It zooms in on a door and the game freezes T_T. Its the mission that requires going in the Stronghold and defeating Menton.

It does the same to me, I don't even do that mission because of that.

Alot of people have that problem T_T

Aww, the game is down for maintenance now. For 2 hours T_T how will i live! xD

The big update Champions Online: On Alert is coming today :)
The CO Staff says the maintenance will be long and that they dont have a specific time when it will end.
Cant wait to see the new stuff :) i heard there is a new loading screen and stuff