Champions Online

Started by Scabbia, September 01, 2011, 02:10PM

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Okay so i got to playing a little more today (Level 3 now)

And im on this mission where you have to fight bugs and save citizens.Let me tell you this is really hard at least for me cuz i have no idea what to do and it's so confusing.I talked to one of the officers (npc) cuz i was wondering if i could fly or whatever bt he sed the alien bugs have a signal where you can't use super speed,flight, or teleportation.

I guess i like it but this is so confusing Ima post pics later

ARGGHH! im kicking myself! i made beast in the game. perfect in nearly everyway. then ran up to a enemy.... then threw ice shard! ARGHHHHH

Jeanfan: You dont get to pick you type of movement (flying, super speed, etc.) until you get past that first part and get to the Power House. :)

hiddenhope: Did you give him the Brute Force Archetype? Sounds like you gave him the Icy one...

xD, it sure does, I always use the icy one for someone like storm xD
Im going to play a little now, if anyone is online, let me know ;)
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Newest Release : Raven

im going on soon polygone but im still at tutorial stage

whats your e-mail? (basicly your login name and your character name, like scabbia did a few posts back?) so we can be friends :)

Im currently at a quest for Kevin Poe, but he's just to strong (even for me at level 9)

Currently having 2 characters right now, A black Widow (lvl 9) and a dark phoenix (lvl 7) Black W and dark phoenixx are what they are called :D
My Release topic :,8934.0.html

Newest Release : Raven

mines Beast@hiddenhope213

So I decided to rob a bank today.

Please do not contact me for any help in modding-related matters.
It is likely that you'll find what you need by searching the forum.

Its really cool you can also use nature :D

You really love teasing us with COH eh? xD, dont blame you though, it looks awesome

Once its free imma make Poison ivy :D
My Release topic :,8934.0.html

Newest Release : Raven

Teasing is fun. :P

Also, you're better off just making your own characters. Use your own creative juices. There's such a huge amount of costume pieces in the game that limiting yourself to something already made is just stupid. On City of Heroes if a name or costume is similar in appearance to something from Marvel, DC, etc then you'll end up having the name and/or costume reset to something generic and given a warning. The Arbiters patrolling City of Heroes are a lot more strict than the equivalent in Champions.
Please do not contact me for any help in modding-related matters.
It is likely that you'll find what you need by searching the forum.

September 04, 2011, 05:57AM #56 Last Edit: September 04, 2011, 05:59AM by Polygone
A bit of here and there customisation and I claim it my own costume xD (kidding :P)

Oh well, I dont think green skin and red hair point DIRECTLY to DC, so I'll be save :D
Its in my POV way more cooler playing with a hero that excists (X-men destiny, big middlefinger), but I suppose I can give custom characters a try ;)

Cant wait for ''freedom'' :), its gonna be realesed somewhere around 2011, so Ill expect that to be soon since its another 4 months and the year is done for :D

If im correct though, you download the game files for freedom right of their site right? It wouldn't make sense if they realese it another way
My Release topic :,8934.0.html

Newest Release : Raven

I find that I get more attached to a character that I created from my own head rather than ripping off a pre-existing idea. Difference being that you create something you like rather than being forced into something someone else thought was cool (X-Men Destiny). Freedom was going to launch 1st September but there were still a few bugs that had to be ironed out with the Mac game client and the Paragon Store, but I suspect that it should launch before the end of the month. Though I'd prefer it to launch after 1st October because I get my 27 month Veteran Reward then.

And yes, you download the game client off their site.
Please do not contact me for any help in modding-related matters.
It is likely that you'll find what you need by searching the forum.

I have a Poison Ivy character on CoH just like that XD

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Hey Poly, lol love it, but I never got an email from ya on there. Just do a search for Rogue@Scabbia3 and friend request me. :) I'm bout to go on in a minute