Champions Online

Started by Scabbia, September 01, 2011, 02:10PM

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Scabbbia3? Darn, forgot the 3 xD

Ill email you again (even though im late, I know :P)

Currently making a few other characters

About excisting characters btw, I just confirmed my thoughts, its really a broken rule
I saw a guy called Green lanterm (yes an M) and he was level 22, 22! That takes like 3 months!
Oh well -_-

Imma email you Scabbia, just GOT to make one new character xD
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Newest Release : Raven

Lol ok. And it really doesnt take that long. I just started the game a couple weeks ago and I'm lvl 22. Well, Rogue is. Lol.


I now have a character based a LITTLE on dr strange, but most of him is custom ;)
My Release topic :,8934.0.html

Newest Release : Raven

apart from dihan is everyone on this forum on one team or we just spread out.

My Rogue character is on the same super team as JeanGrey777, but Gredin isn't on a team.

I wanna be in your team as well xD

My current character is called doctor arcana (my login name is tymaca)

AND I FINALLY BEAT THE PURPLE REIGN QUEST! On my own, that is, Kevin poe was a B!*ch, but I beated him Mwahaha :D
My Release topic :,8934.0.html

Newest Release : Raven

If you want help, i can get Jean and go and help, i'll get online now, so, if anyone wants help, ask me XD, send a friend invite to this:
Jean Summer@JeanGrey12345, that's me XD

i made sunfire but had to use his real name shiro yoshida and used th xml2 costume.

im playing champions online too. I have a'character named Jean. Lvl 24 Inferno. I first made her a jean grey, with a phoenix costume, then into dark phoenix, then green again, and dark again, then into white phoenix ,then into a pink fairy , then into a purple one and now she is nothing close to jean.....exept the name xD
i also saw COH is going free to play. They are doing it the same way as CO - champions online. Since cryptic studios the company who made CO also made COH.

Oh cool. :) You should send me a friends request or I can send you one. Either way.

I did something that I never thought I would do. I went Gold on Champions... but I love it. :D I got a Penthouse hideout today. So perdy. :)

Quote from: Scabbia on September 15, 2011, 07:10PM
Oh cool. :) You should send me a friends request or I can send you one. Either way.

I did something that I never thought I would do. I went Gold on Champions... but I love it. :D I got a Penthouse hideout today. So perdy. :)
:O im so jealous. xD Im also waiting for COH to become free so i can see what its like, i once tried it as a Free Trial if i remember, i dont quite remember the features however it was long ago and it didnt seem interesting it was before CO was made

Oh oh you should friend me to :)

Imma play right now, and since you're in Europe as well, maybe we can play together (although I dont believe there's a specific nation server, whatever :P)

My E-mail tyaca@doctor arcana

Or just search tymaca, whatever you wish

Going on right now :)
My Release topic :,8934.0.html

Newest Release : Raven

September 16, 2011, 08:46AM #72 Last Edit: September 16, 2011, 08:48AM by White Queen
Added Rogue and Doctor Arcana all u have to do is Accept. Ok finished missions in Canada ( low level cuz i didnt do them when i was lvl 7 so they were easy cuz it was Lvl 23 ( me ) vs Lvl 7 ( Ice Demons, Zombies ). Now returning to the Desert for my upper levels, so i can get some decent EXP such as 5,000,000 and ect, Uh i want to see other areas and i havent been online on any Blood Moon at all T_T

I made a character based off Jean yesterday. It was nifty :) And then I made my fiance "Mr. Smith" and it crashed on me. :P lol. Gredin' looks awesome though, with the green fire effect. I figured since its too risky with the copyright stuff, I made my Jean character as my Mom, and my fiance will be Gambit, but since they don't have cards, I stuck him with guns, since my fiance is a gun freak. I'm gonna make my step-dad like Cyclops, but not just the optic blasts, with swords too. :) Its kinda cool how I did em though. With Jean, or my mom "Tonea", I made up her first costume, made the second casual and the third is Jean from The Last Stand. I'll propably do the same with the others. I'm also making Claire Redfield, from Resident Evil and Tifa Lockheart from Final Fantasy 7. Oh! And Giant Man and Wasp XD

You have Green fire? How? gold member?

Also, how you're gonna make Giant man and wasp? I always kinda figured exicting characters without they're proper power are kinda meh you know?

Im right now gonna make a Jill valentine, why? Cus im feeling like it xD

p.s Do you guys think Jill should have guns, or brawler (im making her battlesuit, cus that costume rocks)

We could also post a few screenshots of our characters :)
My Release topic :,8934.0.html

Newest Release : Raven