Champions Online

Started by Scabbia, September 01, 2011, 02:10PM

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September 16, 2011, 09:38AM #75 Last Edit: September 16, 2011, 09:41AM by White Queen
Quote from: Polygone on September 16, 2011, 09:33AM
You have Green fire? How? gold member?

Also, how you're gonna make Giant man and wasp? I always kinda figured exicting characters without they're proper power are kinda meh you know?

Im right now gonna make a Jill valentine, why? Cus im feeling like it xD

p.s Do you guys think Jill should have guns, or brawler (im making her battlesuit, cus that costume rocks)

We could also post a few screenshots of our characters :)

QuoteI made a character based off Jean yesterday. It was nifty :) And then I made my fiance "Mr. Smith" and it crashed on me. :P lol. Gredin' looks awesome though, with the green fire effect. I figured since its too risky with the copyright stuff, I made my Jean character as my Mom, and my fiance will be Gambit, but since they don't have cards, I stuck him with guns, since my fiance is a gun freak. I'm gonna make my step-dad like Cyclops, but not just the optic blasts, with swords too. :) Its kinda cool how I did em though. With Jean, or my mom "Tonea", I made up her first costume, made the second casual and the third is Jean from The Last Stand. I'll propably do the same with the others. I'm also making Claire Redfield, from Resident Evil and Tifa Lockheart from Final Fantasy 7. Oh! And Giant Man and Wasp XD

Uh would you both stop making characters from DC, Marvel or any other comic company or whatever. The game is about making ur own character. Creating it how you want it to be not copying. And Scabbia xD do not brag xD only i can xD j.k.

Also to make green fire, you just buy the Fire Fly travel power and then recolor it ( or in gold members' case its already unlocked however premium travel powers like Rainbow Flight, Phoenix Flight, Light Speed,Rainbow Flight cloud, Tornado Flight, Magic Carpet Flight and ect must be bought even Gold Members )

September 16, 2011, 09:41AM #76 Last Edit: September 16, 2011, 09:45AM by Polygone
But its sooo fuuunnn :P

Seriously though, Im having one of my own characters, and its a bit meh you know?

Besides, I never fully copy em, making a few customisations here and there ;)

But for fire fly effect, you need these C points right? Who you need to buy? So then it still costs money -_-

Oh well, im happy with the effects I currently have

EDIT : And I just noticed something

Kinect : Black flash with silver instead of gold, and no emblem     

The game is doing it as well -_- Not to mention Witchcraft, who in the tutorial lifts objects with a effect VERY similair to that of Scarlet Witch
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Newest Release : Raven

Sapphire and Witchcraft are my favourite from the Champions Team. T_T sad i missed Saphire's concert on the second anniversary party of CO

You can download Sapphire's Song here:
Click on link to the news article and you'll be able to download it

Rofl dont u think ive already done it. Ive downloaded it 10 times on my Computer, 5 times on my Laptop, and 2 times on my Nokia C6 Phone. xD so i have it everywhere :D

Quote from: White Queen on September 16, 2011, 09:38AM
Uh would you both stop making characters from DC, Marvel or any other comic company or whatever. The game is about making ur own character. Creating it how you want it to be not copying. And Scabbia xD do not brag xD only i can xD j.k.

Also to make green fire, you just buy the Fire Fly travel power and then recolor it ( or in gold members' case its already unlocked however premium travel powers like Rainbow Flight, Phoenix Flight, Light Speed,Rainbow Flight cloud, Tornado Flight, Magic Carpet Flight and ect must be bought even Gold Members )

Ok, not to sound rude, but like I said in my above post... Their "based" off the characters. I made my mom, who also has red hair >_< and just gave her powers and ONE costume that's similar to Jean. I made my Step-Dad and will be doing the same with him. I made my fiance, and doesn't have powers similar to Gambit but will have one costume that's "Similar." And actually, I have Rogue on my game because I like her and wanted her. I have several characters that I can make that I've already made up years ago, but I have 16 slots which is more than enough, so I'm having fun with it.

Yeah whats the big deal about making characters based off someone. There is no rule stating you must/ should make new characters. I make Marvel/ Dc/ Capcom characters all the time.

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I've been doing that too. Official characters are the main models for me but I change things to make them different

I think guys were going gaga over my Jean/Mom character... lol. Wierd but funny.

Scabbia i envy you so much, 16 Character Slots!!! T_T i envy u big time xD :D

Quote from: White Queen on September 15, 2011, 01:33PM
im playing champions online too. I have a'character named Jean. Lvl 24 Inferno. I first made her a jean grey, with a phoenix costume, then into dark phoenix, then green again, and dark again, then into white phoenix ,then into a pink fairy , then into a purple one and now she is nothing close to jean.....exept the name xD
Quote from: White Queen on September 16, 2011, 09:38AM
Uh would you both stop making characters from DC, Marvel or any other comic company or whatever. The game is about making ur own character. Creating it how you want it to be not copying. And Scabbia xD do not brag xD only i can xD j.k.

I rest my case -_-, sorry HAD to do that xD

Anyway, Freedom is still not avaible here (it says coming soon) So Ill play champs online just a little more

Also, could you tell me your name? Tried to look for Jean and phoenix, but well....The results were everlasting xD (your in-log name btw, mine is tymaca)
My Release topic :,8934.0.html

Newest Release : Raven

Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on September 16, 2011, 02:37PM
Yeah whats the big deal about making characters based off someone. There is no rule stating you must/ should make new characters. I make Marvel/ Dc/ Capcom characters all the time.

Let me make sense.

Marvel characters and etc are licensed and will get Cryptic into financial trouble. Scabbias mom aint licensed.

Bid for Power, a quake 3 addon, were sued for being a DBZ mod. Unless they removed the dbz chars and turned it all into custom chars. Unless u want to play, its important to stick to the EULA.

Quote from: Polygone on September 17, 2011, 05:13AM

I rest my case -_-, sorry HAD to do that xD

Anyway, Freedom is still not avaible here (it says coming soon) So Ill play champs online just a little more

Also, could you tell me your name? Tried to look for Jean and phoenix, but well....The results were everlasting xD (your in-log name btw, mine is tymaca)

Try either




Quote from: BLaw on September 17, 2011, 05:17AM
Let me make sense.

Marvel characters and etc are licensed and will get Cryptic into financial trouble. Scabbias mom aint licensed.

Bid for Power, a quake 3 addon, were sued for being a DBZ mod. Unless they removed the dbz chars and turned it all into custom chars. Unless u want to play, its important to stick to the EULA.

Ive been playing City of Heroes for many many years now, and Championsonline before it was free and I have always had Marvel and DC characters so you saying this doesn't really matter all that much as the names are really the only thing that matters, unless Championsonline has this rule, im sure COH does not. If you are running around with Storm for your name and you look like Storm you will get in trouble if your running around looking like Storm but have a name nothing liek Storm then there is no problem. Plus I dont play Championsonline any more because I hated how it looked and played.

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September 17, 2011, 11:54PM #89 Last Edit: September 18, 2011, 12:25AM by White Queen
once city of heroes is free the first char im going to make is called Lady Psi , i know there are mental powers which has tp and small tk in it, if it has psionic powers im going to make her a TP,TK/Psionic type of character