
Conspiracy theories :P

Started by MystiCosmic, September 03, 2011, 09:10AM

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Just tell your opinion on the subject !!! do u believe in such things ???? i didn't use to, but i am really confused, and i can't see any reason powerful people wouldn't make a team to conquer the planet

Don't go there! Conspiracy is getting boring recently. Anyone, who watches WWE nowadays knows, what I'm talking about :D

yeah i know what u mean !! :P (the deaths of Undertaker)

Conspiracy theorists should just get a life.
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some are pure bull, but it's very innocent of people to think that there are no conspiracies happening in the world at all. I believe in some theories. I wouldn't go as far as world domination, reptilians or illuminati, but I sure believe on some things related to the Bush administration, 9/11, Iraq and Afghanistan. There are a lot of evidences supporting those claims.

Also, on a smaller scale, there are dozens of conspiracies happening here in Brazil all the time related to corruption, politician cartels who steal literally billions from the nations tax payed reais. These aren't even shadowy things, it's reported on the news all the time.
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i guess you are right!! people always desire money, so it's possible, but yeah, maybe not on a world domination lvl :D

Well, on a serious note, I always say, that we could never know what is trully going on. I mean, even if someone says something, nothing guarrantees, that it is the truth