
HeroSelect V1.6 RELEASED (international language support)

Started by Norrin Radd, July 08, 2007, 12:34AM

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Could it be that your CFG file was not defined correctly? May be it's missing "EOF" or something?

iammingy is right, it might be hanging because it is looking for something in the cfg file, but it cant find it.

for example, i was able to make the program hang at exactly the same spot you are talking about. How did i do it: I removed the name 'deadpool' from the cfg file, then in HeroSelect i chose Deadpool only, then when i went to Accept Team, it hung up at exactly the same part you are talking about: Decompiling c:....herostat.engb

here is what the entry looked like when i removed deadpool's name:
      Multipart {
      health = 0 ;
      hideskin = baton_r_hand_segment ;
      nonmenuonly = true ;


   stats {
   autospend = bruiser_light ;
   body = 7 ;
   characteranims = 17_deadpool ;
   charactername = Deadpool ;
   level = 1 ;

This is what it SHOULD look like:
      Multipart {
      health = 0 ;
      hideskin = baton_r_hand_segment ;
      nonmenuonly = true ;


   stats {
   autospend = bruiser_light ;
   body = 7 ;
   characteranims = 17_deadpool ;
   charactername = Deadpool ;
   level = 1 ;

So you could check all your entries to make sure the names are defined, both at the top of the file and right before the stat{ entries.
hope that helps

October 04, 2007, 11:17AM #137 Last Edit: October 04, 2007, 11:31AM by keilian

Does spacing have any problems to it... like do i need X number spaces between EoF and the last file registration?

Scratch that... i fixed the problem...

I had put an entry in *black widow* but hadn't added her to the registration, the name list at the top of the file, or to heroselect. Its all good now... thanks for the help people.

let me get this straight this program insstals characters without xmlbui wright?
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not exactly, you need to install the mods by downloading the files that modders give you, then you copy the herostat part of the new character you downloaded and put it in a file included with this program. Then when you open the program you can pick which characters you want, without using xmlbcompile yourself (so you dont have to open xmlbui at all), the program uses xmlbcompile in the background so you need to have xmlbcompile program in c:\windows

hey norrin. i have an idea,can you say what would you do if you where me and you where installing dark mark's venom with it and you say exactly what are you doing step by step.                                                                                  ps: i read the readmy and i didnt get so thats the reason i ma sayng this
My deviant art page!!!
$$$ $$$ and unzip HeroSelect xmlbcompile (i say which version in the pdf), and put it in c:/windows
3. open herostat.cfg, put the name 'venom' right after somebody else's name at the top of the file where it has everyone's name
4. go down the file a bit, right after a character's stat{..} entry do this:




5. save the file and double click on HeroSelect
6. pick the option to select your team
7. go to where you can add a character, click on 'Add character'
8. Type 'Venom' in the first text box
9. type 'venom' in the second text box
10. click 'Accept' in the Character Configuration box
11. pick you team and their menu locations from the list
12. when done click 'Accept Team' and then 'Launch MUA'

October 27, 2007, 11:31PM #143 Last Edit: October 27, 2007, 11:47PM by Norrin Radd
because some people are having trouble with the configuration files, what i will do is upload versions of herostat.cfg and herolist.hero that contain several mods
these versions aren't up to date and dont contain each mod on this site, but i will update the versions as i install more mods. So if you use it and see that you have a newer version of the herostat entry then just replace the one in the file with your own. This will hopefully make it easier for new users. I also hope i dont make any modders upset by releasing some of their herostat entries. Modders, if you dont want your herostat entries released please let me know and i will remove them ASAP.

I will post these files in the first post

look under "Update files for Version 1.2"

Features that would make HeroSelect even better (IMO):
* Possibility to mix standard or select with random (first select a couple of heroes/take the standard ones, THEN fill the remaining spots with random characters).

* Possibility to set a preferred position for each of the characters. So when selecting random chars each one is placed on a defined spot if it isn't already taken. Would ease the "hide small chars behind large ones" to a certain degree.
Note: I am not sure if this is already in effect (it seems to be for the official chars at least) it isn't documented at least.

Quote from: Sidewinder on November 08, 2007, 07:15AM
* Possibility to set a preferred position for each of the characters. So when selecting random chars each one is placed on a defined spot if it isn't already taken. Would ease the "hide small chars behind large ones" to a certain degree.
Note: I am not sure if this is already in effect (it seems to be for the official chars at least) it isn't documented at least.
This is taken into affect if you use a random or default team, if you specify their locations in the cfg file and none conflict they will go to that spot. If you pick your team by selecting each one, then you have to pick the menulocation at the same time, so this isnt taken into account then

thank you for the suggestions

Norrin Radd I can't execute your program in my pc. I follow every step you wrote in the pdf file but it did't work. The same problem happens with the xmlbcui 2.2 when I tried this. Without this program your's program can't work ?

you mean when you double click on it, you cant get the program to open?
which program do you use now to add the characters

when i double click the .exe pop-up a box saying it can't open the program. Currently I use xmlbcui 1.0

hm, if it wont even open the .exe im not sure what i can do to help, sorry