Happy Halloween 2011!!!!

Started by edward, October 31, 2011, 01:29PM

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Yes, it my favorite time of the year Halloween is here. And because of that, that means my favorite holidays are coming. Hope everyone has a great time doing whatever you guys have plan for today. Oh and if anyone wants to post news/pictures, discuss Halloween, or anything in the subject I want to know.

Yeah thats my favorite time of the year too,every Halloween i make a party and scare everyone,i do it every year but they never know it,it seems like they dont know its Halloween!
Someone told me love would all save us.But, how can that be, look what love gave us.A world full of killing and blood spilling...

Halloween can go screw itself in its proverbial.

Here are some adjectives to describe my feelings towards it:


What did I do tonight?

1) I cleaned the bathroom of purple facepaint that went all over the walls, sink and toilet
2) I cleared out the living room of all the crap that had been left lying around
3) I hoovered the house.

I live with four other students in a three floor building.

Now I'm having my own personal party in my room. Locked door. Loud music. Spiteful times!
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Lol, ok can we get someone who enjoys the holiday? Sorry to hear that dihan, well yesterday we went to the beach with our costumes on, and we didn't give a f what people thought it was so funny I was cracking up the whole time. I mean I believe in good, clean, fun lol. I have nothing going today, but I seriously will find a place to crash and enjoy my youth while I still can.

Hahaha. I'll post where I want thank you.
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I honestly don't see why people hate or dislike halloween.
Its really fun you can dress up as your favorite hero or villian or whatever and you get FREE candy. You can also hang out with your friends decorate your houses scary IMO that and Christmas is my fav holiday

I forget that Halloween is a big thing in the US. Here in the UK it's quite minor and most people just take the opportunity to get drunk, be a nuisance and make mess.
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Quote from: Dihan on October 31, 2011, 05:09PM
I forget that Halloween is a big thing in the US. Here in the UK it's quite minor and most people just take the opportunity to get drunk, be a nuisance and make mess.
Yeah I figure that, hey if you can't beat them join them. :P

Quote from: edward on October 31, 2011, 05:16PM
Yeah I figure that, hey if you can't beat them join them. :P
Yeah its better have a little party for Halloween than having nothing like here in Brazil.
I'm really accumulating absence right now.

I DARE kids to come trick or treat at my house

Quote from: edward on October 31, 2011, 05:16PM
Yeah I figure that, hey if you can't beat them join them. :P

I'd rather not, thank you very much.

Quote from: Dee❖Dooo on October 31, 2011, 05:39PM

I DARE kids to come trick or treat at my house

You should take that hideous mask off! God, it's so terrifying!

If people came trick or treating to my house they would have got a face full of vacuum bag.
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October 31, 2011, 06:11PM #11 Last Edit: October 31, 2011, 06:20PM by edward
Quote from: Dee❖Dooo on October 31, 2011, 05:39PM

I DARE kids to come trick or treat at my house

OMG that mask is the scariest thing I seen today, and that says a lot. Whos that below the horrible terrifying mask your brother?

I enjoy Halloween, my house is all set up, and I just got back from Trick r Treating XD never to old right? Althought it is when the creeps come out lol!

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Did you get alot of good candy -- specifically chocolate ;) ?
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Well, in my country, these few days are spent with honoring our loved ones, who have already passed away. It's a nice little holiday. Althought we don't get candy and we don't have the chance to go out and have some fun doing bad things legally (Ah, Halloween!), but I hope, that in the future, I get to live in some place America, so that I can have my Halloween memories, too!