MUA2 complete character ability list (even those exclusive to each system)

Started by Dark_Ansem, April 30, 2012, 02:48AM

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is there a detailed list of each character ability available in the ps3/x360 version of the game, including special characters like Magneto?

Sorry for the long post :

Default Characters : (not including the DLC and Pre-Ordered Bonus Characters)
Captain America :capamer: :
-Shield Throw
                    Throws his sheild hold (X) to control it

-Shield Swipe
                    Bashes enemies in front of him with his shield

-Captain's Dash
Requires level 5.
                        Dashes forward with his shield out

-Heroic Defense
Requires level 10.
                          Reduces all incoming damage for a limited time

DareDevil :daredevil: :
-Baton Whip
                  No description

-Radial Lash
                  No description

-Fearless Dive
Requires level 5.
                        Buff grants increased chance to evade

-Binding Bola
Requires level 10.
                          No description

DeadPool :deadpool: :
-Bullet Barrage!
                       A punishing hail of bullets. Press and hold to extend.

-Bouncy Slash!
                      Leaps forward for deadly double strike.

                   Quickly teleports, leaving dirty grenades in his wake. Requires level 5.

-Safety Dash!
                    Runs forward, slashing wildly with his swords. Requires level 10.

Gambit :gambit: :
-Card Barrage
                    A stream of explosive cards. (Rapid tap) to extend.

-Radial Staff
                 Circular swing knocks back anyone within range.

-Explosive Hand
                        Fan-shaped spread of explosive cards. Requires level 5.

-52 Card Pickup
                       Dozens of exploding cards rain down on foes. Requires level 10.

Green Goblin :greengoblin: :
-Pumpkin Bombs
                        A volley of explosives. Rapidly tap to extend.

-Gas Attack
                Unleashes a cloud of hallucinogenic gas.

-Homing Swarm
Requires level 5
                        Hurls flying darts at enemies, causing poison damage.

-Napalm Strike
Requires level 10.
                          Goblin's glider bathes his foes in flame.

Hulk  :hulk_icon: :
-Raging Smash
                     (Rapid tap) Hammers the ground, knocking down enemies.

-Thunder Clap
                     Tremendous clap generates a concussive blast.

-Dashing Tackle
                       Pins an opponent and pummels them mercilessly. Requires level 5.

-Gamma Roar
                    Stuns foes with a mighty roar. Requires level 10.

Human Torch :humant: :
-Fireball Barrage
                        Hurls flaming projectiles

-Radial Blaze
                   Searing burst knocks back foes

-Fire Pillar
Requires level 5.
                       Jets of fire launches foes into the air

-Flame Thrower
Requires level 10.
                         Waves of fire wash over foes

IceMan :iceman: :
-Frost Barrage
                      IceMan makes many icy shards to vaporize enemies (rapid tap).

-Ice Pillar
             IceMan gets consumed by ice and a giant ice pillar pops up hitting foes.

-Freeze Beam
Requires level 5.
                        A speedy but powerful beam of energized ice to freeze and defeat enemies.

-Spiked Punch
Requires level 10.
                          Ice Man uses his unbreakable icy fist to mow enemies down.

Invisible Woman :iwoman: :
-Kinetic Sphere
                      You make a powerfull forcefield sphere that can be used as a trap and deals large damage weaker to enemies and a shield for bullets.

-Binding Field
                   You unleash a spread out force that deals moderate damage to many enemies.

-Crushing Force
Requires level 5.
                        You make a large circle above yourself that deals strong damage to enemies near you.

-Invisible Mine
Requires level 10.
                          You make an invisible mine that the enemies aren't aware of and you stay invisible for a while.

Iron Fist :ifist: :
-Dragon Fist
                  No description

-Radial Palm
                 No description

-Eagle's Dive
Requires level 5.
                        No description

-Healing Hand
Requires level 10.
                          No description

Iron Man :stark: :
-Pulse Barrage
                     Concussive bolts pummel foes. Rapidly tap to extend.

-Radial Pulse
                  Concussive burst knocks foes back.

-Rocket Punch
                    Delivers a repulsor-powered punch. Requires level 5.

             Press and hold to generate a charged plasma blast. Requires level 10.

Jean Grey :phoenix: :
-Telekinetic Grip
                       Overcomes foe's crushing resistance. tap to control and throw the enemy.

-Restraining Wave
                           Stuns foes with a mental blast

-Pyrokine Blast
                      Manifest a searing wave of psionic energy. Requires level 5.

-Phoenix's Fury
                      Rapidly burns foes held immobile by telekinesis. Requires level 10.

Luke Cage :pman: :
-Knockout Flurry
                        No description
-Ground Pummel
                        No description
-Chain Strike
Requires level 5.
                        No description
-Throw Down
Requires level 10.
                          No description

Mr. Fantastic :fantastic: :
-Dashing Wheel
                        No description
-Windmill Spin
                    No description
-Extending Strike
Requires level 5.
                        No description
-Elastic Smash
Requires level 10.
                          No description

Ms. Marvel :warbird: :
-Warp Punch
                  Flies forward to deliver a massive punch

-Cosmic Slam
                  Flies downward for a titanic smash

-Radiant Beam
                     Requires level 5. Sears foes with a focused beam of energy

-Photon Orbs
                   Requires level 10. Orbiting plasma harms Ms. Marvel's attackers

Nick Fury :nfury: :
-Lightning Bolt
                     Summons forth Electro for an electric bolt.

-Bioelectric Blast
                         Summons forth Spider-Woman for a blast of energy.

-Monstrous Rush
                         Summons forth A-Bomb for a raging dash. Requires level 5.

-Plasma Volley
                     Summons forth Firestar to launch microwave orbs. Requires level 10.

Penance :
-Kinetic Bolt
                 Generates a kinetic energy blast, going through enemies. If you are far enough away, it will knock them back.

-Radial Wrath
                    Press and hold to generate a chaotic blast that explodes outwards, knocking back and killing enemies around you.

-Agony Storm
                   Uncontrolled projectiles rain down on foes. Requires level 5.

-Reflect Pain
                  Reflexively damages foes who cause him pain. Requires level 10.

SongBird :
-Decibel Barrage
                         Stream of solid sound bolts. Rapidly tap to extend.

-Piercing Bolt
                   A sonic blast flies towards foes.

-Sonic Pillar
                Deafening burst of sound knocks foes upwards. Requires level 5.

-Shatter Scream
                        Press and hold for waves of sound to wash over foes. Requires Level 10.

Spider-Man :spiderman: :
-Web Barrage
                    Fire a stream of web bullets. (Rapid tap) to extend.

-Web Mace
                Swings and slams a heavy ball of webbing.

-Web Dive
               Uses a web-line to slam into foes. Requires level 5.

-Web Yank
               Pulls a single foe in for a precision strike. Requires level 10.

Storm :storm: :
-Lightning Strike
                        Her trademark power, she channels a bolt of thunder from the sky. Rapid tap for more shots.

-Gale Force
                Powerful wind knocks back all in Storm's path. Knocks back foes.

-Funnel Cloud
                    Requires level 5. Miniature tornadoes lift foes in the air. up to three targets

-Hail Storm
               Requires level 10. Chunks of ice rain down on foes.

Thing :thing: :
-Jump n' Slam
                   No description
-Concussive Clap
                         No description
-Dash n' Bash
Requires level 5.
                        No description
-Clobberin' Time
Requires level 10.
                          No description

Thor :thor: :
-Mjolnir Strike
                    Mjolnir pulls Thor forward with titanic force.

-Mighty Swipe
                    Fells foes with an arcing strike from Mjolnir.

-Thunder Smash
                       Channels the sky's power for an epic strike. Requires level 5.

-Lightning Rod
                     (Press and hold) Summons lightning to strike Thor's foes. Requires level 10.

Venom :venom: :
-Tongue Lashing
                        No description

-Symbiote Burst
                       No description

-Tendril Yank
Requires level 5.
                        No description

-Leaping Feast
Requires level 10.
                         No description

Wolverine :wolverine: :
-Lunging Rage
                     No description

-Whirling Slash
                     No description

-Dashing Flurry
Requires level 5.
                       No description

-Claw Kebab
Requires level 10.
                         No description

I'll post Pre-Order and DLC Characters when i get some time :)
Phoenix Force :phoenix: and the Merc with a Mouth :deadpool:
ReverbNation Profile
My Releases
My Workbench

And here's part II :D

I'm sorry, but Black Panther, Cable, and Carnage are nowhere to be found. :(

Pre-Ordered Bonus Character :
:juggernaut: Juggernaut
-Ramming Dash
                      No description

-Drop Smash
                   No description

-Cyttorak Spin
Requires level 5.
                        No description

-Earth Shaker
Requires level 10.
                          No description

DownLoadable Content Characters :)
:panther: Black Panther
No data

:cable: Cable
No data

:carnage: Carnage
No data

:magneto: Magneto
-Scrap Blades
                   Uses magnetism to rip up metal blades and hurl them at foes

-Repulsion Wave
                         Radial attack repels foes

-Rending Force
                      Destructive attack that travels along the ground in front of him

-Master's Hand
                      Pulls up girders from the ground to crush foes

:psylocke: Psylocke
-Katana Lunge
                      Psylocke rolls forward and shatters enemies with her katana with great speed.

-Butterfly Kick
                    Unleashes an area of powerful acrobatic kicks.

-Psionic Bolts
                   Unleashes a number of psionic bolts stunning the enemies (level 5)

-Triple Strike
                  She draws her katana and hits her foes with vicious slashes . (level 10)

That's all :)
Phoenix Force :phoenix: and the Merc with a Mouth :deadpool:
ReverbNation Profile
My Releases
My Workbench

If you'd want, I could look up Black Panther,Cable and Carnage?
My Release topic :,8934.0.html

Newest Release : Raven