Ghost Rider Resurrect Ally

Started by Lightwave, September 04, 2012, 09:13AM

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How does this work? Does the fallen ally respawn along the way? Does he get right back up after death? I have him maxed out to 50% and have yet to have him resurrect anyone. Has anyone had  :ghostr: resurrect anyone?

I've only resurrected allies with  :moonk: (retro attire from the OC mod pack, as far as I remember the MUA gold edition shouldn't have that one). The defeated ones respawn automatically as you play the stage, not immediately though. I suppose they respawn in your current location rather than where they were defeated, I'm not sure though, because I've only seen it work during boss battles

I dont remember if i resurrected an ally in Pc version. But on XBox, actually worked fine to me. Sometimes when a character dies and you have ghost rider (alive) in your team the character resurrects. Once ghost rider even resurrected himself

 :moonk: Also has resurrected himself. lol I thought it was a bug with the mod

resurrect self? that can happen in the game? if i knew that i would have moved that ability to ghost rider when i was modding him, he totally deserves it