
Marvel NOW! Relaunch

Started by Tony Stark, October 12, 2012, 07:50PM

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So what do you think of "Marvel NOW!" so far? Personally, I dislike it.

For example, here's my biggest complaint: they're relaunching Spider-Man. They're replacing Amazing Spider-Man with what they're calling Superior Spider-Man. They're making him "darker" so likely not wisecracking anymore... Plus, they're trashing the costume. They're replacing the blue with black. It looks too "Halloween" for my taste.

I like it for the most part, I mean Spiderman isnt the only thing getting new relaunch type titles. Avengers and X-Men are both getting a bit of a redo, not completely, but they are. I am happy for some changes, but we will see how it plays out I guess, I mean honestly if they don't end up getting enough sales or they just dont like Marvel Now they could turn it into an alternate universe or just relaunch everything again and turn it back to the way it used to be. One of the things I am hoping for is that the O5 X-Men make some things right again, and that they stay, and if not all of them then just Jean. And not just because I am a Jean fan but she is the only one not their from O5 anymore and I think she could do the most damage control, as long as they dont repeat history and just kill her off again. I just dont want it to become a huge thing with bringing them into the present they help out a little and then leave again.

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October 13, 2012, 12:33AM #2 Last Edit: October 13, 2012, 12:48AM by mj fan
Exactly the same here.But!
QuoteOne of the things I am hoping for is that the O5 X-Men make some things right again, and that they stay, and if not all of them then just Jean. And not just because I am a Jean fan but she is the only one not their from O5 anymore and I think she could do the most damage control, as long as they dont repeat history and just kill her off again.

The problem for me is that they make a Jean coming from nowhere just to save the scenario. I was hoping the "real Jean" to come back and stay (so that she could kick Cyc' ass cause I can't stand him anymore, arrogant, idiot..)Anyway Not  2 different Jean. You know and what is boring me the most is that  she'll confront Emma. I can't stand the fact that Emma could handle her (just because she's yound. Less experience.) I always had in mind that Jean was a badass Stong, the best.
By the way i have to say that the Phoenix history was full of stereotypes. so boring. I wanna See jean..i mean the real But they just ruined the character trying to make evereything so dramatic. FAIL

The only reason why I don't go "Bye Marvel, now only DC is left for me", is because of the simple fact, that I can't decide which comic book company is more screwed up comparing them to their own past versions. Why change stuff up all the time? I mean, why fix something, when it's not broken? Or better yet: when something is somewhat broken, why jump at it with a hammer? At times, I just can't understand what they want. And the saddest thing is the fact, that they either change up my favourites or just kill them off. Now, only video games are left for me, when it comes to these companies (it's a miracle, that they don't let the game developers screw up as well)

To be perfectly honest, I really liked the characters as they have been lately.

I'm probally gonna get a lot of hate for saying this, but to me personally (as a 99% DC fan) all that marvel really does is copycat-ing, Arkham games? Lets make Spiderman! Darker? Lets make all our characters darker! And correct me if I'm wrong here (cause I'm not sure) but didn't DC relaunch before Marvel? Just sayin'
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Quote from: Polygone on October 14, 2012, 12:51PM
I'm probally gonna get a lot of hate for saying this, but to me personally (as a 99% DC fan) all that marvel really does is copycat-ing, Arkham games? Lets make Spiderman! Darker? Lets make all our characters darker! And correct me if I'm wrong here (cause I'm not sure) but didn't DC relaunch before Marvel? Just sayin'
True... check just how Spider-Woman was made... Marvel is fan fave thou and money making but DC always bested Marvel at quality and criticism

EDIT: Also forgot to add that DC is rebooted Marvel just changed but still Marvel made it to complicated and each character overpowered so they should reboot if they want to continue with good stuff

I agree Polygone, although I am a 85% Marvel fan to possibly 90% I have favorite characters in DC which helps, but they did change first, but like P.Frost said Marvel isn't really rebooting just changing some things, I don't really think they need the Marvel NOW title, since everything is basically the same they are just relaunching titles and stuff. But I don't disagree with you, I am almost certain that DC is the reason they are doing this. New name, relaunched titles, a bit of a new start, new fans, more money, happy company.

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They're ruining the characters I've come to know and love. It's worse than One More Day/Brand New Day for Spidey. It's like they're repeating for him what happened in Ultimate Spider-Man. And I loved it up until they killed Peter off.

Well, I hate to say it, but whenever I'm like "Okay, lets check what new stuff happened recently", I end up going Hulk in my room :D No, seriously, it's just not cool, that they change up/kill/ruin/replace characters we all love. And we always get something, that totally sucks (well, at least, mostly that's what we get). The list of my main favourites in Marvel: Nightcrawler (died for Hope), Juggernaut (Powers were taken and given to Colossus...why?!), Spider-Man (it seems he is being ruined...great), Deadpool (powers taken away for no real reason, cause they didn't really do anything with him since), Iron Fist (I actually have no clue about him) yeah, anybody can understand my point of view here :D

I'm pissed that people don't accept change. Like do you guys really expect the writers to do the same hackneyed stories and ideas over and over again? The nature of comics is that they tell an ongoing story. The nature of an ongoing story is that things change. Characters develop, status quos change, and the world goes on. And that's one of the great things about the medium of comics. None of you really have to buy or read comics if you can't handle the fact that they change XD

It also bothers me when people say Marvel is ripping off DC's New 52 with Marvel Now. The new 52 was a pansy-assed move. "Instead of fixing anything in our universe, we're just going to make a whole new one!" Yeah that went well DC...they actually lost women readers in the process. Their writer for New 52 Superman George Perez literally said "I can't wait to get off Superman. It was not the experience I wanted it to be." On the other hand, Marvel NOW is simply a natural exit from AvX. It's not rebooting the whole damn universe, it's just taking a look at things and taking the opportunity of the new status quo to explore a few new options as well as give new readers a jumping in point.

That's all just my opinion though XD We'll see if NOW works any better than New 52 in the long run.

Tbh, marvel already went ahead with the Ultimate Universe to see how that would turn out to be, how things went to be a bit more realistic. DC followed in MARVEL'S footsteps with New 52, because they wanted things to be a tad bit more realistic. On top of that, the Toby Maguire Spider-Man movie (made before Batman Begins) already showed that Marvel took things into a more realistic way. Proof of this is Goblin's goofy suit. Dafuq is with that anyway.

After Spider-Man's success came Batman Begins.

Though, I prefer Batman over any Marvel character, so don't hate on me lol

Well, here's the thing: I've been a Spider-Man fan since the first film. They did an incredible job with it, which got me into the comics. They're messing with a character who already had a certain sense of realism about him.

Well, Spidey was one of the most realistic characters in my eyes, because his life wasn't all happiness. He had lots of drama in his life. His whole "career" started with his uncle's death. Than his girlfriend dies. A whole newspaper wanted him to be hated by everyone. His character has shown to me, that to be a great person, you shouldn't care about yourself only, but about what's good for everyone. I hope you understand what I said, cause I'm unsure myself about what I just wrote :D

BTW, I think it's understandable, that not everyone wants things to change. Change can have very negative effects too. Ever since Marvel started changing recently, most of my favourites either died or got ruined. So, I always have my reasons to doubt change

Quote from: Suigetsu on October 15, 2012, 10:42AM
Well, Spidey was one of the most realistic characters in my eyes, because his life wasn't all happiness. He had lots of drama in his life. His whole "career" started with his uncle's death. Than his girlfriend dies. A whole newspaper wanted him to be hated by everyone. His character has shown to me, that to be a great person, you shouldn't care about yourself only, but about what's good for everyone. I hope you understand what I said, cause I'm unsure myself about what I just wrote :D

BTW, I think it's understandable, that not everyone wants things to change. Change can have very negative effects too. Ever since Marvel started changing recently, most of my favourites either died or got ruined. So, I always have my reasons to doubt change

I understand what you meant. He showed me that a nerdy kid who loves what he does can go from just a guy who people distrust who doesn't have much to being a brilliant, beloved, rich genius.