OpenHeroSelect (Includes support for XML2 and the MUA 36 & 50 Character Mods!)

Started by Tony Stark, June 09, 2019, 03:59PM

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OpenHeroSelect has been updated to v4.1.0, adding some bugfixes and an option to change the roster size for other platforms in XML2. Thanks to BaconWizard17 for some code and testing!

Download it here, as always:

Thanks a lot Tony sorry if I misunderstood but does it mean xml2 roster can now be expanded?

OHS has updated to version 4.8.0 with the following changes:

  • After selecting to generate a herostat, you will now be asked which platform you are using (PC MO2, PC Direct, or Consoles). The remaining questions and default values will be filtered based on this choice, so you only see the questions that are relevant to you.
  • PC users will now be asked if they are using a package mod. If so, you can customize the name of the herostat file, charinfo file, script, characters_heads package, and exe. Otherwise, default values will be used for your game.
  • OHS can now write a characters_heads package based on your roster. This file is especially important for XML2, as character select portraits will not load without this file. For MUA1, this file references mannequins. For PC, this file will generate as a .pkgb file. For consoles, it will generate as a .fb.cfg file that can be used with fbBuilder.
  • For XML2, will now be edited alongside
  • For XML2, if the option to unlock characters is selected, you can also choose to unlock skins.
  • XML2 herostat entries now list the skins in the order that they appear on the character select screen
  • Elektra's herostat entry for MUA1 now features a more optimized skin segment code.
Bug Fixes

  • py files generated by OHS no longer crash the game

Get it here!

Big update for OHS: For those of you running ancient 32-bit systems, with OHS v4.9.0, OHS now has a version you can use!

Find the latest OHS info here:

OHS 64-bit direct link (this is what most people want):

OHS 32-bit direct link (this is what you want if you're using an old computer):