Xmen 1, 2, 3, Orgins, First Class Favorite Fighting Scene's or Conversations

Started by Lightning249539, February 12, 2013, 08:39PM

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Whats Up i just wanted to know from (EVERYBODY) whats your favorite i mean favorite part of any of the Xmen movies.
Obviously mine favorite fighting scene is the two as my Signiture which is Storm and Callisto and i want to know yalls. Please people please make a comment. THX! :storm:

X-Men = When Storm blast Toad and Sabretooth, if I remember it correctly, and Senator Kelly after being mutated scene.
X-Men 2 = Storm's Whirlwind scene when on the plane, Magneto's escape from plastic prison (if you know what I mean :D), Jean's sacrifice (final scene), Nightcrawler on the first scene, Professor X action on the museum scene.
X-Men 3 (The Last Stand) = Jean Grey kill Professor X scene, Jean Grey on the final scene battle, Jean Grey's the river ressurection scene, Final Battle between Storm, Wolverine, Colossus, Shadowcat, Beast, and Iceman, Pyro vs. Iceman duel, Juggernaut vs. Shadowcat, Magneto and Pyro's fusion (Lifting cars and burn it with fire) scene.
X-Men Origins : Wolverine = Cyclops and Sabretooth in the school scene, Wolverine vs. Gambit, and final scene (Wolverine and Sabretooth vs. Wade Wilson aka Deadpool).
X-Men First Class : Riptide scene when repelling army forces, All of X-Men members when training (Havok, Banshee, Beast, etc.) and final scene (Rockets on magneto's control, Angel, Azazel, Sebastian Shaw, Riptide vs. Havok, Banshee, Prof X., Magneto, and Mystique, Magneto and Sebastian Shaw's coin scene)
Phoenix Force :phoenix: and the Merc with a Mouth :deadpool:
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Quote from: MUALover on February 13, 2013, 04:04AM
X-Men = When Storm blast Toad and Sabretooth, if I remember it correctly, and Senator Kelly after being mutated scene.
X-Men 2 = Storm's Whirlwind scene when on the plane, Magneto's escape from plastic prison (if you know what I mean :D), Jean's sacrifice (final scene), Nightcrawler on the first scene, Professor X action on the museum scene.
X-Men 3 (The Last Stand) = Jean Grey kill Professor X scene, Jean Grey on the final scene battle, Jean Grey's the river ressurection scene, Final Battle between Storm, Wolverine, Colossus, Shadowcat, Beast, and Iceman, Pyro vs. Iceman duel, Juggernaut vs. Shadowcat, Magneto and Pyro's fusion (Lifting cars and burn it with fire) scene.
X-Men Origins : Wolverine = Cyclops and Sabretooth in the school scene, Wolverine vs. Gambit, and final scene (Wolverine and Sabretooth vs. Wade Wilson aka Deadpool).
X-Men First Class : Riptide scene when repelling army forces, All of X-Men members when training (Havok, Banshee, Beast, etc.) and final scene (Rockets on magneto's control, Angel, Azazel, Sebastian Shaw, Riptide vs. Havok, Banshee, Prof X., Magneto, and Mystique, Magneto and Sebastian Shaw's coin scene)

So basically each whole movie? HAHA. You covered all bases, no one else could possibly answer now.

Although I didn't like what they did with phoenix ( it showed how cheap fox is), the end scene was sort of nice in X3 ( although least fave movie of all)

Xmen first class continuity issues....I have been reading the x books since 1989 and recently was able to read uncanny xmen from issue 1 to the present with all the spin offs as well from issue one ( god you dont even want to know how much coffee i spent getting through that marathon). Anyway, they could have done better in the movie.

Anyway in xmen first class i liked the magneto scene where lensherr kills sebastian while xavier is mind linked to him.

Other than that all storm battles, she improved from x1 to x3.

"Stand Up for what is right, even if you stand alone."

 X-Men (2000):
Favorite scenes:
* When Storm strikes Sabretooth with lightning bolt at the train station;
* When Mystique fights Wolverine at the Statue of Liberty;
* When Storm fights Toad at the Statue of Liberty.
Favorite Line:
* "Scream for me!" (Sabretooth)

  X2 (2003):
Favorite scenes:
* Nightcrawler's White House attack;
* Storm's funnels when X-Men's X-Get is attacked;
* Lady Deathstrike vs Wolverine;
* When Mystique shows the finger to soldiers;
*When Jean sacrifice herself to save the X-Men.
Favorite line:
* "Sometimes anger can help you survive" (Storm)

X-Men: The Last Stand (2006)
Favorite scenes:
* Mystique's escape;
* Storm vs Callisto;
* When Dark Phoenix make out with Wolverine;
* Angel scenes;
* Magneto levitating that huge bridge;
* Dark Phoenix's fury.
Favorite lines:
* "At least I've chosen a side" (Storm);
* "I don't want to fix it!" (Dark Phoenix);
* "Hank, tell all the students the school stays open." (Storm).
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Now i updated the thing to tell me Whats your favorite part in the Avengers, The Incredible Hulk, Iron Man 1 and 2, Thor, Spiderman 1 n 2 n 3 and also the Amazing Spiderman, and Captain America. :storm: