The Worlds Wrestling Thread: (A Fanfiction and a prediction game all in one)

Started by Oddark123, May 18, 2013, 05:38AM

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Winner: Sub-Zero

Creed exits quickly not wanting to deal with the loss, however as Sub-Zero has his hand raises Evil Ash rushes down to the ring and goes after Sub-Zero. Ash Williams also runs down to the ring and he and Sub-Zero double team Evil Ash and take him out tonight.

Ash and Sub-Zero exit up the ramp looking happy with coming out on top.

Backstage we return to Lois Lane

Lois: My guest now Darth Vader.

Vader: Hello

Lois: So Darth Vader your win at Judgment Day seems to have earned you a title match at One Night Stand.

Vader: I worked hard to win that contest and now i get what i deserve.

Lois: However what about tonight? You face a man you are not at all familiar with, Scorpion.

Vader: I look forward to the challenge. Everyone wants a shot to make a name for themselves. Raiden did this to Doctor Doom last month, i'm not about to let Scorpion do this to me tonight.

Lois: Well that is our main event tonight folks back to the ring.

Back out in the arena Black Knight makes his way down to the ring. He looks to have a fire in his eyes for his first match.

The lights go out and the organ plays meaning the Phantom of the Opera is back. He comes down from the rafters and climbs into the ring for his match.

Black Knight vs Phantom of the Opera
I'm a writer with big goals and ambitions
Influences: Classic Literature, Horror Movies and Hanna Barbera Cartoons and wouldn't have it any other way

Black Knight

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Winner: Phantom of the Opera

Black Knight is quite mad that he lost his debut match but the Phantom sings a bar as he ascends back to the rafters.

We go backstage to see Mystery Inc standing by a monitor looking on. They seem to be a bit less worried now after seeing Black Knight lose his first match in the company.

The ring does clear and then Doctor Loomis hits the ring with a mic in hand

Loomis: Michael i can't find you but you may have gotten the better of me on one night but that night is already in the past. I'm still here and i challenge you to a rematch at One Night Stand but this time my old friend it's going to be a Hardcore match.

Adam comes out interrupting him

Adam: I don't think we even need to wait for Michael Myers to accept, like he is going to turn down a chance to beat you up some more.

Loomis: What do you want?

Adam: I want some action tonight. I am the Intercontinental Champion and i want to take out anyone i see in my way.

Loomis: Michael, i'll assume you not showing up is confirmation you are game. So i guess now Adam, it's time for us to fight.

An ACME referee heads down to the ring and he rings the bell as the match gets under way

Doctor Loomis vs Adam
I'm a writer with big goals and ambitions
Influences: Classic Literature, Horror Movies and Hanna Barbera Cartoons and wouldn't have it any other way


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WInner: Adam

Adam takes the win tonight and Michael Myers comes down to the ring with a sledgehammer in hand and lays out Doctor Loomis to the mat with his head busted open.

The ACME referees help Loomis from the ring but as this happens the cameras switch to backstage. Iron Man, War Machine, Megatron and Starscream are all seen in the middle of a brawl backstage. More of the ACME referees come in and help break up the brawl.

As we head back out to the ring Scorpion makes his entrance for the main event.

Darth Vader comes out next and he looks game tonight. Before the bell can ring, Ares comes down to the ring holding his WWE Championship high. He raises his throne and sits at ringside for the match.

Darth Vader vs Scorpion
I'm a writer with big goals and ambitions
Influences: Classic Literature, Horror Movies and Hanna Barbera Cartoons and wouldn't have it any other way

Darth Vader

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Winner: Darth Vader

Vader is the winner tonight. However the downed Scorpion finds himself escorted to the back by Quan Chi who makes his entrance through the crowd. He helps Scorpion out of the ring as Ares gets up and enters into the ring himself.

Vader stares down Ares as the two men stand toe to toe. The crowd cheers as the stare down intensifies. RAW goes off the air for the night with this huge stare down.


Superstars Episode #1

The new weekly show kicks off for the first time. The crowd is ready as Parallax makes his way down to the ring. The crowds boos him but Parallax simply put doesn't care.

Chewbacca comes out to the ring next for the match. The crowd tries it's best to mimic Chewbacca's vocals which pleases Chewbacca.

The ACME referee is ready and this week's Superstars match is under way

Parallax vs Chewbacca
I'm a writer with big goals and ambitions
Influences: Classic Literature, Horror Movies and Hanna Barbera Cartoons and wouldn't have it any other way


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