If u had to pick 4 characters to play as, which 4 would u choose?

Started by jonchang, August 13, 2007, 09:32AM

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Well, as i have said in the other post...

:wolverine: :stark: :deadpool: are a MUST in any of my teams...

But if i HAD to stick with only ONE other char... i would possibly have to say...  :ghostr: he just pwnes!!!


i would say (for ps2)  :deadpool: :stark: :spiderman: :wolverine: or  :ghostr:
for pc (with mods)  :cyclops:  :nightcrawler:  :venom:  :gambit:

hey Rasdel same teams lol

Ms marvel as the heavy suport,just level her prism and she is a mosnter,spider woman as heavy suport bacukp,wolverine for a melee,and spiderman becouse i like him :D ,wich switching wolverine for torch were the team i used mostly,and i got to say it was OVERKILL. ms marvel and spider woman barely let me lay punch with their instant death powes

On my PS2, I use  :humant:  :warbird:  :storm:  :silvers:
But on my PC, I'm using  :colossus:  :storm:  :wolverine:  :iceman:, but I can't ever make up my mind either cause I like :humant: and  :warbird: too much NOT to use them. (Even though I prefer my girl,  :rogue:)

Spider-Man, Invisible Woman, Wolverine, and Ms Marvel
What FF character am I?

Cloud from Final Fantasy VII

Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7

Spider Man (learn how use his webs and he becomes one of the best chars of the game)

Wolverine (healing factor and incridible meelee)

DareDevil (great ranger and well meelee)

Hulk (the best on meelee and haves a lot of health)

curiosit: when i plaied X-men legends 1....well on the last mission,during the sentinels fight....EVERY x-man i had died!only one survived: Wolverine.i had to defeat an army with wolverine (even those spider sentinels) nad the master mold!i saved during this fight a lot.thanks to the healing factor
(a signature for me in others forums)

Well, This is my first post. So I hope not to get flamed.

Captain America (Well around, shield toss. Powerful)
Hulk (Great tank)
Wolverine (The brawler)
Invisible woman (Due to power ups, and her abilities)

hmm...improved iceman for sure, human torch(sunfire's or sunspot's skin), wolverine with a larger power set, and a better spiderman
Icons made by me(i could only pick the best b/c of ltr limit):

Any 4 characters for the entire game, beinging to end without changing. Hmmmmm......I guess I'd choose  :phoenix: (for her Telekinesis and raidial attacks, plus she's my fav along with Emma Frost),  :hulk_icon: for brute strength (someone I haven't played with before),  :quicks: (I think he'd have some interesting abilities because of his super speed), and last but not least  :deadpool: (because he has both long range and close range attacks, plus you have to admit he is funny).

I wanted to avoid villians as choices and try not to have my team made up of people from one group like all X-Men characters because I thought about Havok, Cyclops, Wolverine, Colossus, Rouge, Sunfire, or Storm being teamembers. I am an X-Men fan more than anything but I tried to bring in variatiy with this team choice since it is MUA, not XML.

  :moonk: (Speedy, Best XTreme in the game in my opinion),  :deadpool: (Just cuz he's my favorite, but his amazing ass kicking abilities come as a bonus) :hulk_icon: (Brute strength, Check!)  :wolverine: (Badass extraordinaire)

Mmmm my team is Emma Frost  :emmafrost:, the leader one (her stun and pain attack are amazing and they do a lot of combos) Jean Grey  :phoenix:, the powerful one (her telekinesis is very useful and fun) Rogue  :rogue:, the strong one (good melee fighter) Psylocke  :psylocke:, the fast one (good moves and powers)

But I use  :spiderwoman: :cyclops: :iwoman: :strange: :hellion: :blackwidow: :warbird: too!
Phoenix Force: No. He loves Emma Frost.  He loves me.
Jean Grey: He wants her. Not you. Not US. And now it's time... to leave this behind.
Phoenix Endsong #5

On pc with mods I'm playing with; Storm (favorite x-men) jean grey (famke jansen made me do this :(), Silver Surfer (healing is nice)/Wolverine (to complete an x-men team) and Nightcrawler (teleport = win).

On unmodded psp it's Invisible Woman, Storm (told you it was a favorite:P), Silver Surfer (i need his healing, i suck at psp gaming, atm) and Wolverine (thinking of a sub, but i need to get to know the rest).

If I had to pick four heroes, mine would be:
Human Torch
Silver Surfer
Moon Knight
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