
Dihan's Mods

Started by Dihan, July 05, 2008, 03:32AM

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Stepford Cuckoos Mod Conversion v1.01 by Dihan

Get it here.

Overwrite every file from previous versions just in case.

- 5 Skins and HUDs
- Passives for four costumes
- Unique icons, character banner
- A mannequin
- Load screen
- Unique sounds


Schoolgirl        -~-      Mindee      -~-    Celeste

                Phoebe      -~-       Esme

Powers: Blue = Offensive, Red = Boost, Green = Xtreme, Purple = Debuff
Psionic Slam A radial mental attack inflicting pain on enemies and knocking them back.
Mental Beam Mental beam causing mental damage.
Double Punch Increased melee punches..
Love Spell Uses power of suggestion to control enemies for a time.
Power Block A radial blast of mental energy that mentally blocks enemies from using their powers.
Diamond Fist A diamond-powered ground slam that sends out a radial blast of damage.
Super-Mind Links to the minds of all teammates, increasing attack rating and damage.
Diamond Form Turns skin to diamond, making her stronger, reducing damage taken, and increasing physical damage. (Cannot use powers while in Diamond Form).
Phoenix Warsong  Xtreme radial attack dealing mental damage with a chance to convert enemies.

- One more skin (preferably Sophie)
- Fixes to any bugs that are found.

- nodoubt_jr for the original mod
- Shafcrawler and souledge1313 for the skins
- Shafcrawler for the load screen
- Ravencore for the mannequin
- Marvel for the character
- You, yes you, for downloading this mod
Please do not contact me for any help in modding-related matters.
It is likely that you'll find what you need by searching the forum.

Just tried your Northstar, great work. A couple of things though:

  • Two of his icons don't show up in-game
  • His _nc package for skin 20306 references moonstar instead of northstar
  • You need the alpha channel on the icons so that the edges of the banner fade out

I'll do that quickly.
Please do not contact me for any help in modding-related matters.
It is likely that you'll find what you need by searching the forum.

My list of what I have planned to do is a lot longer than what I have in my signature. Though I'll probably intersperse conversions after every few original mods.

My planned mods are:

Sage (conversion)

I want to do Magik eventually, but not yet.
Please do not contact me for any help in modding-related matters.
It is likely that you'll find what you need by searching the forum.

Thanks for your mods dude, i'm using Surge, Husk and Blink and they are awesome...

P.S: sorry for my english i know it s***s

Here's a preview for Hellion:
Please do not contact me for any help in modding-related matters.
It is likely that you'll find what you need by searching the forum.

Northstar 1.06 released.
Please do not contact me for any help in modding-related matters.
It is likely that you'll find what you need by searching the forum.

Quote from: Dihan on October 05, 2008, 10:03AM
I want to do Magik eventually, but not yet.

cool, it gives me time to update the xml2 mod (unless you meant a non conversion Magik, then just ignore my comment :))

edit: just checked out the video for Hellion, it looks great :)
Please search the forum before asking a question. I dont answer
PMs about modding, those questions should be posted in a public thread.
What im currently working on:
My mods are mine to booster/update, I will not give anybody permission to do it

Yeah, I meant a conversion.

Thanks. I'm proud of what I've made of Hellion.
Please do not contact me for any help in modding-related matters.
It is likely that you'll find what you need by searching the forum.

Great job on Hellion. Your preview video is awesome. I know she is a long way down the line but I am curious to see how you go about doing Pixie.

Well. The main thing that's putting me off doing her sooner is the wings. I don't really want to put my ideas down for everyone to see.

If the wings are easier to do than I think, then I may bump her up to a higher place on my list.
Please do not contact me for any help in modding-related matters.
It is likely that you'll find what you need by searching the forum.

hi! I'm new to the site, so I don't know well how this work. Great mods you have here; I see you lack of 3 skins for Wolfsbane; I suggest New X-Force, New Mutants (Original and/or Middleton) and X-Men Evolution. Thanks

I've made a couple of Wolfsbane skins (well, actually 6!) If Dihan wants to use 'em, he's welcome

Hey Dihan, I just tried out your Surge and Northstar mods and there absolutely amazing, I can't wait to see what you have down the line, and I'm especially looking forward to playing Mercury. Great job!!!