
The Outsider's Crypt (MUA)

Started by Outsider, April 06, 2013, 10:43AM

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June 20, 2015, 06:45PM #510 Last Edit: October 29, 2023, 09:35PM by Outsider

Here is my mod of Princess Diana, the quintessential superheroine of DC, Wonder Woman. Originally a booster for Scabbia's mod of her, it is now a full mod that adds exclusive powers if she dons the Star Sapphire costume. For this reason, I've added the original Star Sapphire, Carol Ferris as well. Go ahead -- you don't have to be an Amazon from Themyscira to be allowed to download her.

UPDATE: Now a full mod!

-7 powers, 3 boosts, and 2 Xtremes. Some are exclusive to Star Sapphire costumes.
-Abilities of Might, Flight, Healing Factor, Bracelets of Submission (deflects projectiles when blocking) and Power of Love (gains access to special powers when she dons the Star Sapphire costume.)
-14 hex-edited skins, 11 HUDs, icons, 7 loading screens, mannequin, and sound/voice file, featuring her voice from "Injustice: Gods Among Us."
-Uses assigned number #75.

Amazon Punch: Increased melee punch with knockback.
Wonder Fist: A ground slam that sends out a radial blast of damage.
Violet Laser: Fires a beam of intense energy at enemies. (Star Sapphire)
Dirty Diana: Charges forward destroying everything in her path. Sends enemies flying out of the way.
Tremor: Smashes the ground with force that stuns nearby enemies, and causes multiple damage.
Ultraviolet Blast: Throws a crystal that explodes a blast of loving energy on enemies. (Star Sapphire)
Golden Lasso of Truth: Ropes an enemy with her signature relic, spins forward, & throws him on release. She is invulnerable during swing.
(Boost) Speed Boots: Uses her speed boots, improving defense and movement speed.
(Boost) Hearts Afire: Using the power of love, she heals herself and allies around her. (Star Sapphire)
(Boost) For Themyscira: Uses her bracelets to deflect projectiles. Also remembers training at Themyscira and gains a Strength Boost.
(Xtreme) Amazonian Princess: With her Amazon strength, Wonder Woman hits all surrounding enemies with full force.
(Xtreme) Love Conquers All: Unleashes the power of the violet light. Enemies can be consumed by love. (Star Sapphire)

Outsider - Mod recreation & coding, hex-editing, new icons, new sounds, loading screens, etc.
Scabbia - Effects from original Wonder Woman mod
Andersonbrazil & Aventureiromax - New skins and HUDs
Polygone - Star Sapphire effects
Scottsum - Lasso animation fix

None so far.


Yeeh awesome :) downloading!

EDIT : Looks great :). When WW hits a target with her running move she just freezes in place. The amazon extreme doesn't seem to be working (only Star's) and when it does she just stands there and it feels kinda slowish.

Other then that great mod :) I like the new lasso of truth power :)
My Release topic :,8934.0.html

Newest Release : Raven

Here it worked perfect  :thumbsup:  The only thing I noticed at the Golden Lasso is that WW rotates counterclockwise and the lasso is clockwise.  Very good anyway  :applause:

Quote from: Polygone on June 21, 2015, 02:32AM
Yeeh awesome :) downloading!

EDIT : Looks great :). When WW hits a target with her running move she just freezes in place. The amazon extreme doesn't seem to be working (only Star's) and when it does she just stands there and it feels kinda slowish.

Other then that great mod :) I like the new lasso of truth power :)

Polygone, you installed Scabbia's mod of Wonder Woman and then Outsider booster?


-Wonder Woman

Download Link:
Discussion thread:,5796.msg133962.html#msg133962
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Quote from: aventureiromax on June 21, 2015, 07:47AM
The only thing I noticed at the Golden Lasso is that WW rotates counterclockwise and the lasso is clockwise.

^That. That was the thing I couldn't fix. WW's animation set has no spin anims except that one -- which also moves forward instead of in place, and there is no way to invert her anim (or the victim anim) to spin in the other direction. Overall though, I'm pleased with the results.

Quote from: Polygone on June 21, 2015, 08:30AM
Yup.. Might've missinstalled it, I'll try again later

If there is still an issue, let me know. She seemed fine during my testing, but I'll look into it.

Ok no problem ;) I just reported by that thought it might have gone unnoticed. Anyway it was wonderful ;)
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June 28, 2015, 03:00PM #516 Last Edit: September 16, 2023, 10:22AM by Outsider

Ladies and gentlemen, I, The Outsider brings another bad-ass New Yorker to MUA. This time, it's Dwayne Taylor -- the highly skilled leader of the original New Warriors known as Night Thrasher. I've resurrected this brotha from the Stamford, Connecticut incident, and now he's back -- faster, stronger, better than ever before. (Sorry, no skateboard.) His armor features great high-tech powers and skills that makes him stand out. This ain't no "reality show," cause now things just got real... Exact your vengeance on them all! Check it.

UPDATE: Changed music function for "Sounds of the City" and switched two tracks, fixed talent errors.

-7 powers, 2 boosts, and an Xtreme.
-Abilities of Fireproof Armor (armor immune to fire damage), Telepathic Immunity (immune to mind control), and Sounds of the City (his helmet plays a rap music team boost for double momentum*)
-1 hex-edited skin, 4 HUDs, 2 loading screens (Dwayne & Donyell), icons, mannequin, and sound/voice file featuring Will Smith.
-Uses assigned number #187 (Shares with Star Sapphire).

3 more skins.

1. Street Thrashing: Attacks enemies with his Escrima sticks. Upgrades grab smash.
2. Uzi Fire: Shoots at targets with his sub-machine guns.
3. Thrasher Cable: Uses his Adamantium garrote wire to catch and fling a target back.
4. Magnesium Flare: Blinds and disorients enemies' vision, stunning them for a time.
5. G.T.S.: Releases a sleeping gas on enemies, making them more vulnerable. (Yes, that's a CM Punk reference lol)
6. Smart Bomb: Throws a napalm grenade he designed that follows an enemy and explodes.
7. Jet Stream: Uses his jet boots to blast forward to each enemy and attack them.
8. (Boost) Stealth Mode: Camouflage with the environment. Gains critical strike chances and can sense targets.
9. (Boost) Armor Upgrade: Enhances his armor to have might, laser claws, and more durability.
10. (Xtreme) Midnight Rider: Throws multiple high explosives that blast away all enemies.

MUSIC (*During "Sounds Of The City"):
Jay-Z - Ain't No Love (Heart Of The City)
Snoop Dogg - Tha Shiznit
A Tribe Called Quest - Electric Relaxation
Eminem - Dream On
Mobb Deep - Quiet Storm
Ice Cube - It Was a Good Day
Wu-Tang Clan - C.R.E.A.M.

All music belongs to their respective artists. I take no credit for the songs themselves. All music are instrumentals and lasts for less than one minute. Like all sounds though, if you pause the game, there will be a 5 second delay before the music plays again.

Outsider - Mod creation & coding, skin, HUDs, icons, loading screens, sounds & music, hex-editing, etc.
Julio Cabral - Mannequin
Mellomods - Deathlok claws effect
Blizz - Punisher boltons

None so far.


Wowwwww!!!! Man, that´s fast!!!! Downloading now !! Thanks a lot for your work!!!

Wonder Woman boost is very cool!  Love the skins and the sounds.  I do think I may have stumbled on a bug.  I was playing using her classic skin, but when I used her "speed boots" it changed all per powers to star sapphire's powers.  It switched back to WW's normal powers when the speed boots timed out.

Quote from: scottsum on June 28, 2015, 08:43PM
Wonder Woman boost is very cool!  Love the skins and the sounds.  I do think I may have stumbled on a bug.  I was playing using her classic skin, but when I used her "speed boots" it changed all per powers to star sapphire's powers.  It switched back to WW's normal powers when the speed boots timed out.

Hmmm... I've just noticed that. Download her again, as it should be fixed up.

Good news: Her speed boots no longer enable Star Sapphire's powers, so that's fixed   :applause:
Bad news: Star Sapphire no longer appears to have her own power set  :scratchhead:  (unless you have to do something to activate them?)

On a side note, I didn't know who the heck Star Sapphire was before seeing her in the WW mod anyway, so it wouldn't matter much to me if you just decided to stop there.

Quote from: scottsum on June 30, 2015, 03:53AM
Bad news: Star Sapphire no longer appears to have her own power set  :scratchhead:  (unless you have to do something to activate them?)

That's odd... After seeing this report, I've checked her again, and she plays fine -- she has the Star Sapphire power set and everything. When Wonder Woman dons the "Violet" or "Star Sapphire" costumes, she should have the exclusive powers on the spot. No need to do anything. Unsure what's causing your game to not have them. If anyone else is having this problem, let me know.

Here I have the same problem with the new update  :scratchhead: The powers of the Star sapphire are gone.
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There must be a random coding error somewhere. I've noticed that codes that can be used for many characters will fail at one... very odd. Same for passives.

scottsum & aventureiromax -- Since I can't see if a problem has been fixed or not (since on mine, there is no problem to fix), you can download her now and see if anything changed. I'm trying a different coding method with the powerstyle file. If she has the Star Sapphire powers back, let me know.

Meanwhile, if anyone has comments or thoughts on Night Thrasher, feel free. both works perfectly :thumbsup2: Thanks Outsider ;)
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