
The Outsider's Crypt (contains 340 total projects)

Started by Outsider, April 06, 2013, 10:43AM

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:bheart: Blackheart has been updated, as I've updated his herostat, and improved his animations, including tail movement.

Quote from: vorheez28 on August 03, 2016, 07:45PM
any chance of making a Dr. Fate mod? already talked to andersonbrazil, he said that he's open on converting skins for you. :)

Sorry, but I'm not doing any more DC mods, as I only have a very limited number of projects left. A couple of other modders have been doing DC mods lately, so you may wanna try your luck with them.

I really enjoy using Quake, like wow, you did such an amazing job on her. I have to admit, I really like how The Future Fight Models look in this game. It's like, the models are created for this game.

August 14, 2016, 03:21PM #887 Last Edit: August 31, 2023, 08:54PM by Outsider

And now comes a mod of arguably the most powerful character from the Street Fighter video game series -- the demonic warrior from Japan who has fought Marvel Super Heroes, and even had a rivalry with :wolverine: Wolverine. The Shotokan master who has embraced the dangerous Dark Hado, Akuma (known as Gouki in Japan). I have tried (and successfully in most cases) to replicate many of his famous moves from the games. With awesome skins, sick powers, and high fun factor, you'll have a good time playing as the Masters of Evil suffer horribly for their unworthiness. Embrace the Satsui no Hado, and download him.

UPDATE: Has new animations, added Tatsumaki Zankukyaku, fixed Oni skin and flame, added music script, no longer uses Ryu & Ken. Herostat has changed.

-7 powers, 1 boost, and an Xtreme.
-Abilities of Teleport, Taunt, and Theme Music.
-Exclusive abilities when playing as Cyber-Akuma or Oni.
-6 hex-edited skins, 4 HUDs, 2 loading screens, icons, mannequin and sound/voice file using his own voice from Marvel vs. Capcom 3.
-Uses assigned number #214 (clashes with X-Man on mannequin and loading screens).

1. Gou Hadouken: Fires a ki projectile of dark hado energy. Can also perform in mid-air (Zankuu Hadouken).
2. Gou Shoryuken: Performs a powerful uppercut that sends an enemy flying. Upgrades grab smash.
3. Tatsumaki Zankukyaku: Delivers rotating spin kicks at enemies with accuracy.
4. Shakunetsu Hadouken: An enraged projectile of intense fire damage. Oni's version is electric-based with a wider explosion radius.
5. Ashura Senkuu: Teleports to multiple enemies and strikes them, causing knockback.
6. Kongou Kokuretsu Zan (KKZ): Powerful radial blast of energy from his fist.
7. (LV1 Super) Messatsu Gou Hadou: An intense beam of dark energy that pierces through multiple enemies.
8. (LV2 Super) Satsui no Hado: Embraces the dark energy, and gains even higher attack and power damage. Allies near him will be influenced as well.
9. (LV3 Super) Shun Goku Satsu: Known as the "Raging Demon." Has a high chance of instant kill... (Outsider's Favorite)

Akuma's Messatsu Gou Hadou has his beam aiming downward for some reason. If I find a fix for this, I'll update.

This mod uses one minute snippets of music from some of Capcom's Street Fighter games. I take no credit for any of these tracks.

Outsider - Mod creation & coding, Oni retexture, HUDs, loading screens, icons, sounds, hex-editing, effects, earthquake & music scripts, etc.
Aventureiromax - All skins, mannequin, additional icons
UltraMegaMagnus - Additional animations

None so far.


Personally i don't like Street Fighter characters (no offense) but Akuma looks very impressive! Nice job!
P.S Looking forward Baron Zemo :)
My releases:,9772.0.html

UPD since 30.11.2021
I'm ok and will be back to modding as soon as i can
I can gurantee what i will back with a lots of new ideas and finish old projects.
Right now i'm not mod and only posting posts thank you if you readed this!

Quote from: RyuzakiPWN on August 05, 2016, 12:56AM
I really enjoy using Quake, like wow, you did such an amazing job on her. I have to admit, I really like how The Future Fight Models look in this game. It's like, the models are created for this game.

Good to hear that you're enjoying her. Yes, Quake's models look great. Aventureiromax did a nice job on those.

Quote from: Dorpond on August 15, 2016, 12:04AM
Personally i don't like Street Fighter characters (no offense) but Akuma looks very impressive! Nice job!
P.S Looking forward Baron Zemo :)

None taken. Everyone has their own preference. I don't judge.

Quote from: Erik Lensherr on August 15, 2016, 12:55AM
Well, looks pretty awesome! Can't wait to try him out :)

Thanks for that. Hopefully, I get some feedback about it, as I tried to make Akuma and his alternates as close to the video versions as possible. I'm extremely proud of the way his Shun Goku Satsu came out...

Hey Outsider Akuma rocked and the alternate skins are cool, wish he had the hurricane kick but its cool anyway. Great work keep it up

Quote from: Outsider on August 03, 2016, 08:40PM
:bheart: Blackheart has been updated, as I've updated his herostat, and improved his animations, including tail movement.

Sorry, but I'm not doing any more DC mods, as I only have a very limited number of projects left. A couple of other modders have been doing DC mods lately, so you may wanna try your luck with them.
Well on the mod Mephisto never wanted work, rather it finish? Or are you not going to do it more until the end?

Quote from: gakud on August 15, 2016, 03:32PM
Hey Outsider Akuma rocked and the alternate skins are cool, wish he had the hurricane kick but its cool anyway. Great work keep it up

Thanks for that. I am very proud of Akuma's end result. His kicking moves are unfortunate omissions, but I'm glad people are enjoying him anyway.

There is still plenty more secrets at The Crypt to discover as the clock winds down, and I'm saving my best surprise for last...

Everyone, :bheart: Blackheart, Quake, and :punisher_logo: Mistress Death have been updated. They each have mannequins now, and I've altered some stuff. Although, I still can't find an answer for Death's reported "Demon Leaper glitch." Check them out at their sections. And be on the lookout for more updates soon.

In the meantime, I hope someone takes on the challenge of converting Harley Quinn's costume from the Suicide Squad movie, for it to be compatible with BLaw's mod of her. (,904.msg183774.html#msg183774). Julio Cabral posted a link to that model here:

I downloaded your Mystique mod but it doesn't include the readme nor herostat
I'm just a Unpopular SpideyFan with naggin' Habit for Camera
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Quote from: SuperiorSpidey 2002 on September 01, 2016, 12:09AM
I downloaded your Mystique mod but it doesn't include the readme nor herostat

Are you sure it was my Mystique mod that you downloaded? Because I had downloaded her just now (out of curiosity), and both the Herostat and "Read It" files are there. Was the file named "Mystique - Outsider?" If it wasn't, then it's not mine. You probably downloaded Gevth's version. In any case, try the link I've listed on her section at The Crypt:

OK, I think that's all the updates: :bheart: Blackheart, Quake, :punisher_logo: Mistress Death, :carnage: Carnage, Groot, :tmaster: Taskmaster, Supergirl, and the Sentinel have all been updated, adding more awesome skins, and animated mannequins. Check them all out.

You all have uncovered most of The Crypt's buried secrets, but not all of them yet... Stay tuned.

Hi Outsider,

This looks amazing!  The link takes me to Heimdall's download page, though.

September 05, 2016, 02:14PM #899 Last Edit: September 03, 2024, 04:49AM by Outsider

Surprised, aren't you? Yeah, so am I! Here is my mod of the silent, elusive ninja from Mortal Kombat known as Chameleon. Originally, I released him as a booster for all of the male ninjas to turn into Chameleon. It was a unique system I created to play as either of them, but a complicated one that proved frustrating for most, and some powers didn't look right as them. So, I decided to recreate him as his own mod, and I'm quite proud of the result. He plays just as you expect him to. Have fun. (Official Release Date: October 16, 2021)

UPDATE: Removed all Khameleon moves now that she's her own mod, lowering his trigger count. Herostat has changed.

-7 powers, 2 boosts, and a Fatality.
-Abilities of Might, Healing Factor, Teleport, and Mortal Kombat (can taunt and perform Stage Fatality).
-8 hex-edited skins, HUDs, icons, loading screen, mannequin & sound/voice file.
-Uses assigned number #101 (will clash with Thanos in mannequin).

1. Force Ball: Mimics Reptile and throws a fast venom projectile, launching enemies upward.
2. Telekinesis: Mimics Ermac and telekinetically moves enemies or objects.
3. Shadow Slide: Mimics Noob Saibot and quickly slides forward with darkness, knocking enemies down.
4. Ice Ball: Mimics Sub-Zero and throws a projectile of ice that will freeze enemies in place for a short time.
5. Lightning Shock: Mimics Rain and releases a bolt of lightning, launching enemies upward.
6. Teleport Punch: Mimics Smoke and teleports to multiple enemies, knocking them far down.
7. Hellfire Breath: Mimics Scorpion and breathes a damaging stream of hellfire.
8. (Boost) Invisibility: Uses his own powers of camouflage to blend in with the area. Increases chance of critical damage.
9. (Boost) Combined Might: Draws all of the ninjas' strength into one, gaining attack damage and special immunities for a time.
10. (Fatality) Living Trilogy: Uses the power of all ninjas plus his own power to create a devastating explosion to disintegrate enemies.

Outsider - Mod creation & coding, Primary skin texture edit, Rainbow texture edits, icons, loading screens, sounds, mannequin, hex-editing, some effects, etc.
Aventureiromax - Skins

None so far.