How much is this game?

Started by spideyfan17, October 01, 2007, 12:51PM

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you mean Marvel Ultimate alliance

if you do then it depends where you get it from(itsthe same with most games)

Um...  Check e-bay and every retailer out there.  How are we supposed to know what those stores charge for the game without looking ourselves (which is what you could be doing)?
Some day, someone will best me.  But it won't be today, and it won't be you.

The artist formerly known as Burning Rage.

Of course it is a cool game, especially in addition with all the mods that are created here. The price depends on the console.

And the country. Here it costs around 40000 pesos. IT'S OVER NINE THOUSAAAAAND!!!!

I believe PS2's currently the cheapest, 20 US$. But I don't know bout the rest. I just got my others as Christmas presents.

I can't find it on anystore (usa) I won't buy it over he internet any advice?

i bought mine from amazon it came quick and nothing was wrong

You could try (the actual store). They always seem to have any comic book based game there and can tell you where to go if you want to buy it. If you are a regular customer, they tend to be extra nice about it too.   :laugh:

well i live in aus and it $25 for pc , $50-70 wii , $50 ps2 yeh

Quote from: ramen on October 04, 2007, 09:42AM
I can't find it on anystore (usa) I won't buy it over he internet any advice?

You might not have a choice.  Use the Internet.  It won't bite.