
Ceamonks890's Character Mods

Started by Ceamonks890, October 31, 2020, 05:24AM

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Congratulations on 100 mods!

Very funny and creative character!

May 19, 2022, 05:28PM #196 Last Edit: January 25, 2025, 04:15PM by Ceamonks890

The Moroi vampire from the Outworld-conquered Vaeternus realm known as Nitara, has been a victim of constant subjugation at the hands of the conqueror known as Shao Kahn, ever since her realm was conquered and merged centuries before by the power-hungry dictator.

Taking advantage of Shao Kahn's attempted invasion of an alternate Earthrealm for her own ends, Nitara seeks out a man apparently made of heavily armed iron, in the hopes of bringing her realm out of the lava its securely stored in and finally have a chance at freedom from Shao Kahn's rule.

But in order to convince this 'Avenger' to her cause, Nitara will have to play ball and work with him and his associates in order to get what she wants...

-4 powers, 3 boosts and a Fatality
-Abilities of Mortal Kombat (can taunt and perform Stage Fatality), flight, might and healing factor
-1 hex-edited skin, HUD, icons, loading screen and voice/sound file using archived audio of Alicyn Packard's voice for Shahdee from Prince of Persia: Warrior Within.
-Uses assigned number #30 (will clash with Psylocke, Lou Ferrigno Hulk and Killer Croc in mannequin).

1. Moroi Slash: Nitara slashes at enemies with her sharp vampire claws, dealing physical damage.
2. Blood Spit: Nitara fires a projectile of blood from her mouth at a target, dealing physical damage.
3. Unpredictable Predator: Nitara moves between numerous foes at impressive speeds, slicing them with her claws as physical damage is dealt.
4. Feast of Blood: Nitara lunges forward, forcibly knocking an enemy to the ground as she proceeds to bite into them several times, dealing physical damage.
5. (Debuff) Struck Nerve: Nitara strikes an enemy in a critical area on their body, stunning them briefly.
6. (Boost) Exploitable Shadow: As a master manipulator, Nitara uses her inherent gifts to blend in with the environment, becoming invisible as critical hit chances are increased.
7. (Boost) Denizen of Vaeternus: Pushing herself further, Nitara's overall damage, defense and movement speed are increased temporarily.
8. (Fatality) Satisfying Meal: Nitara slashes multiple enemies at once with her claws to alleviate her inherent bloodlust, dealing heavy damage.

Ceamonks890- Mod creation & coding, HUD, seond loading screen, icons etc
Andersonbrazil- Nitara Mortal Kombat Deception skin
Outsider- Stage Fatality and taunt coding, Skarlet Bloodball coding, first loading screen
Waggens7uP- Mannequin

Download link:

Yes!!! I love Nitara!!! Thank you so much!!!

May 23, 2022, 10:08PM #198 Last Edit: January 22, 2025, 05:06AM by Ceamonks890

Originally the Metroid Prime on Tallon IV, this mysterious and dangerous creature engaged in a devastating battle with the invading Samus Aran.

Despite putting in everything it had, the overwhelming Phazon radiation from Samus Aran's intriguing new combat suit became too much for the Metroid Prime to handle as it quickly began to destabilize.

In a last desperate effort, it managed to tear the Phazon suit directly off Samus and subsequently exploded as she made a last ditch escape for the surface.

Unbeknowest to Samus however, the Metroid Prime itself was far from dead and having acquired the Phazon suit for itself as well as replicated pieces of Samus's DNA from the battle, became reborn entirely as a new humanoid lifeform known as Dark Samus.

Ultimately, Dark Samus would encounter its original genetic template and clash with her several times across the planet Aether and a planet called Phaaze, the latter created entirely from all the Phazon radiation it had been continually absorbing during its renewed existence.

But against all odds, Samus successfully stopped the foul creature's plans for the galaxy and seemingly destroyed Dark Samus for good as it dissipated into mere particles with the destruction of Phaaze... or so it seemed.

Inexplicably waking up no worse for wear on a strange alternate world it was completely unfamiliar with, Dark Samus would be confronted by strange brown, insectoid like creatures that it immediately felt a brief sort of kinship with.

Taking advantage of these creatures' collective fascination with it, Dark Samus expelled Phazon radiation from its body as it began to corrupt all life on the planet for its own benefit, manically laughing as it prepared to enact its grand plan for this new universe...

-5 powers, 3 boosts and an Xtreme
-Abilities of might, healing factor, 100% chance of resurrection, 50% resistant to all damage types, immune to mind control
-1 hex-edited skin, HUD, icons, loading screen and voice/sound file using archived grunts and sounds from the Metroid Prime games.
-Uses assigned number #67 (will clash with Dragon Man, Agent Venom & Negasonic Teenage Warhead in mannequin).

-This mod uses one minute of music from Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. I take no credit for the use of it.

1. Phazon Beam: Dark Samus charges up its arm cannon to fire a powerful projectile of Phazon energy, dealing radiation damage to struck targets.
2. Phazon Blast: Dark Samus fires quick blasts of Phazon energy, dealing radiation damage to struck targets.
3. Radioactive Shockwave: Using replicated powers from the late bounty hunter, Gandrayda, Dark Samus pounds the ground as combined electric and radiation damage is dealt to surrounding targets.
4. Chest of Plasma: Using replicated powers from the late bounty hunter, Ghor, Dark Samus generates a beam of Phazon-infused plasma energy from its chest as radiation damage is dealt to struck targets.
5. Phazon Pillars: Using replicated powers from the late bounty hunter, Rundus, Dark Samus generates pillars of Phazon-infused ice underneath enemies, knocking enemies into the air as radiation damage is dealt.
6. (Boost) Dark Echoes: Dark Samus creates a perfect clone of itself to aid in battle temporarily.
7. (Boost) Galactic Threat: Dark Samus utilizes some of its Phazon energy to boost its overall damage and speed for a time as its suit glows with energy.
8. (Boost) Unstoppable Cruelty: Dark Samus uses energy generated by its replicated form of Samus's Shinespark item to its advantage, generating a shield around itself as it becomes completely invulnerable for a full minute as its iconic battle theme plays.
9. (Xtreme) Prime Corruption: Dark Samus suddenly floats into the air, channeling Phazon energy before releasing it from its body, dealing heavy damage to all surrounding enemies with a high chance to convert enemies into permanent allies on the current map.

Ceamonks890- Mod creation, HUD, loading screen, icons etc
Aventureiromax- Dark Samus model, coding for first two powers
Outsider- Assistance with bug fixing
scottsum- John Stewart Green Lantern Pillars of Light coding
UltraMegaMagnus- Skin segment less Dark Samus Echo minion model
Waggens7uP- Mannequin

Download link:

May 26, 2022, 06:13AM #199 Last Edit: January 25, 2025, 05:06PM by Ceamonks890

Originating from an alternate reality within the Tomb Raider side of the multiverse, events played out once more for a vastly different incarnation of Lara Croft who spent much of her career attempting to uncover what happened to her mother, after she accidentally pulled out a mysterious green sword from an ancient hilt in a Nepal monastery and was transported away, leaving the young Lara alone as seemingly the only survivor of a deadly plane crash.

Fast forward a decade later after the passing of her father, Richard, in his own quest to discover what happened to Amelia and this version of Lara Croft would find herself inevitably clashing with the Natla of this reality in 1996, managing to prolong the deranged Atlantean's plans for the so-called 'seventh age' and bringing the lost Atlantean island down with it as the city was left in ruin.

However, Natla was far from dead and upon being discovered by Lara's arch-rival, Amanda Evert, over twelve years later as Amanda sought out another method to enter the fabled realm of Avalon after Lara had taken the opportunity away from her, Natla took advantage of Amanda's narrow-minded obsessions and played along, leading to the two forging an uneasy alliance.

Creating a genetically advanced, super-powered clone of Lara Croft from obtained portions of her DNA through surviving Atlantean resources, the Doppelganger was born and used as an unstoppable tool by the two for their own ends as a means of getting back at their common enemy.

But beneath the unwilling psychological control of the Doppelganger's mind, resided many remnants of her original genetic template's personality and memories who made her silently confident but arrogant persona known when required.

Stopped by the traitorous Amanda Evert in-between attempting to kill her original genetic template under Natla's orders within the realm of Helheim, the Doppelganger was telekinetically flung by Amanda into a pit of dangerous supernatural Eitr liquid, narrowly landing on safe ground and knocked out for a considerably long time as the two rivals set off to stop and defeat Natla for good.

Eventually awakening from her long nap, the Doppelganger would uncover a badly damaged and deteriorating Natla among the remnants of the destroyed Norse Midgard Serpent device and took the moment to openly mock her master for failing once again, before she was forcibly compelled once again into following Natla's orders via the ancient words of 'Ohk Eshivar'.

Taking plenty of time to reactivate the advanced batteries for the healing chamber that would restore her master to normal, the Doppelganger was given her final orders to kill Lara Croft and when she was done with that... herself.

Visibly horrified but uncontrollably compelled to follow Natla's command, the Doppelganger travelled far and wide without rest to the underground remnants of Croft Manor in England and almost succeeded in her psychologically implanted goals, until Lara stated those same ancient words from an artifact she had uncovered and freed her from Natla's control, now being a slave to no one.

Silently grateful, the Doppelganger departed under Lara's advice and would undo what she did in Helheim, destroying the healing chamber's power and successfully killing Natla, as her still very frail and damaged body was crushed by the weight of the destroyed healing chamber pod, the Doppelganger looking on with grim satisfaction as she relished in her newfound freedom.

Unfortunately, this was not to last as she realized she no longer had any purpose or place of belonging in this world and proceeded to wander the lifeless, zombified Thrall-infested ruins for an untold amount of time until she stumbled across a strange portal that the undead creatures took immediate interest in.

Using her enhanced capabilities to her advantage, the Doppelganger dealt with the foul beasts before deciding to take a chance at walking through the portal herself.

Eyeing one last glance back at the path she had traversed, the Doppelganger walked on as the portal within Helheim closed behind her...

-4 powers, 1 boost and an Xtreme
-Abilities of might, healing factor, triple jump
-1 hex-edited skin, HUD, loading screen, icons and voice/sound file using ripped audio of Keeley Hawes' voice from the Lara's Shadow DLC for Tomb Raider Underworld.
-Uses assigned number #63 (will clash with Namor, Stryfe and ED-209 in mannequin).

1. Shadow Strike: Utilizing her enhanced strength and agility, the Doppelganger performs a powerful five hit combo of punches and kicks, dealing physical damage.
2. Shadow Barrage: The Doppelganger pulls out her dual pistols and fires them, with a chance to knock down struck enemies. Hold button down to keep attack going!
3. Shadow Punch: The Doppelganger throws a powerful forward punch, dealing physical damage to any foe unlucky to be in the way.
4. Shadow Kick: The Doppelganger performs an acrobatic somersault and trips unlucky enemies that surround her, dealing physical damage.
5. (Boost) Shadow Power: The Doppelganger uses her greatly enhanced reflexes and instincts to seemingly slow down time around her briefly, increasing her speed and damage as she better adapts to the current situation.
6. (Xtreme) Shadow Fire: The Doppelganger draws out her pistols and leaps into the air, slowing down time briefly as she fires down a barrage of bullets upon enemies before finishing off surviving stragglers with a 360 spin, dealing heavy damage.

Ceamonks890- Mod creation & coding, HUD, loading screen, icons etc
Aventureiromax- Doppelganger Tomb Raider Underworld skin
Waggens7uP- Mannequin

Download link:

I always like whatever mods you make because they're always interesting and exciting! Marvel or not, they're always great picks! I especially love how you come up with profiles for each of them - I get to learn new things about series I've liked that I never knew before!

Quote from: TheMK on May 26, 2022, 08:29PM
I always like whatever mods you make because they're always interesting and exciting! Marvel or not, they're always great picks! I especially love how you come up with profiles for each of them - I get to learn new things about series I've liked that I never knew before!

Thank you. It's always a pleasure reading such positive responses and feedback from both here and on the Discord server to the content I put out, continuing to serve as firm reassurance that I'm doing something right in my approach to modding through continuously unexpected inclusions. Really helps in keeping me going at this stuff :)

May 29, 2022, 05:59PM #202 Last Edit: January 25, 2025, 05:21PM by Ceamonks890

Working as an architect to provide for his son Kevin as a single dad, the man known as Eric Masterson would ultimately meet the Asgardian god of thunder, Thor, after being injured in an accident involving falling girders.

Rushing the mortal man to the nearest hospital, Eric's life would be saved by the heroic Avenger as he found himself unwillingly tangled in a series of events which led to him getting fatally wounded by the villain Mongoose.

Believing himself responsible for Eric's worsening condition, Thor bravely allowed his very being to be merged with Eric by his father Odin in a last ditch attempt to save his life.

Luckily, the process worked and Eric found himself taking on the form of Thor whenever he struck down a seemingly normal cane on the ground in a specific way and would gain access to the god of thunder's abilities once more.

Guilt-ridden for forcing Odinson into this situation, Thor affirmed that it had been his choice to save Eric's life and did his best to guide Masterson in utilizing his new powers from within his mind.

But on Earth-7150, Eric Masterson in this reality would ultimately not give up custody of his son Kevin to his ex-wife Marcy nor perish to the curse of the Bloodaxe by the Egyptian god Seth and over time, managed to find a solid work-life balance between the responsibilities of fatherhood and heroics (engaging in many adventures with the Avengers while continuing to work as an architect on the side).

Eventually, Eric would become separated from Odinson once more (Masterson believing that his tenure as a superhero was at an end, as he shook hands with Thor and prepared to leave Asgard for Earth as a normal man).

However, Eric was quickly stopped by the Asgardian all-father himself, Odin, who commended the mortal man for taking on so much over the course of many months and ordered the creation of a new battlemace that would allow Eric to achieve similar capabilities to Thor without having to be tied to Odinson anymore.

Appreciative of the new weapon, Masterson would take up his own superhero identity named after the mace itself as 'Thunderstrike', continuing to fight the good fight as a protector of Earth among the Avengers.

Now however, a number of years have passed and Eric has come into his own as a hero, his son Kevin now a teenager who can take care of himself after being trained in self-defence by him, in the likelihood that one day, he will pass the Thunderstrike mantel onto him.

Informed by Iron Man through an Avengers communicator that something was going on at the Helicarrier, Eric informed his son that duty calls as he slammed the wooden cane on the ground and transformed into Thunderstrike, setting off for the Helicarrier...

-5 powers, 2 boosts and an Xtreme
-Abilities of might, flight and healing factor
-1 hex-edited skin, HUD, loading screen, icons and voice/sound file using archived audio of Dameon Clarke's voice for Nathan Spencer from Marvel vs. Capcom 3
-Uses assigned number #71 (will clash with Grey Gargoyle, Master Chief and Mortal Kombat's Liu Kang in mannequin).

1. Counter Blow: Putting his combat training under Captain America to good use, Eric grabs an enemy in self-defence and slams them to the ground, dealing physical damage.
2. Godly Combo: Putting his combat training under Hercules to good use, Eric deals a strong two-hit punch combo that will stun struck enemies briefly.
3. Mace Toss: Eric throws the Thunderstrike mace, knocking struck foes to the ground from the strength of the blow as physical damage is dealt.
4. Savage Winds: Eric swings the Thunderstrike mace in a circle, creating a massive whirlwind that sends enemies flying into the air.
5. Fury of Thunderstrike: Eric summons lightning down on an unlucky target, shocking them as the electricity travels between foes. Level up to have power chain to more enemies at once!
6. (Boost) Odin's Blessing: Eric's overall combat speed, evasion and damage output is increased temporarily, as he adapts to the current situation.
7. (Debuff) Power of a God: Eric threatens to bring down lightning upon enemies with the sound of thunder in the sky, causing nearby enemies to run away in fear.
8. (Xtreme) Masterson Slam: Eric leaps into the air, slamming the Thunderstrike mace into the ground as heavy radial damage is dealt to surrounding foes from a powerful electric shockwave.

Ceamonks890- Mod creation & coding, icons etc
Enchlore- Custom Thunderstrike skin, HUD, mace bolton
Outsider- Loading screen
Waggens7uP- Mannequin

Download link:

June 02, 2022, 04:44AM #203 Last Edit: February 23, 2025, 05:53PM by Ceamonks890

Raised by a war veteran and regularly abusive stepfather, David, during his childhood, J. Jonah Jameson became very much convinced over time that no-one was a true hero every day of the week and couldn't keep up appearances forever.

Specializing in boxing and photography throughout his high school years, he would obtain a job as a part-time reporter for the Daily Bugle within New York before eventually purchasing the paper with his large inheritance and becoming its new publisher and editor-in-chief, saving the Bugle from bankruptcy as it was revitalized for a new generation.

For decades, Jonah was a respected businessman who supported civil rights and frequently published exposes towards organized crime.

But when many costumed heroes started popping up gradually (including the then newcomer Spider-Man), Jonah would utilize his power over the press to make the general public believe the web-slinger and an assortment of other street heroes, were nothing more than masked menaces who took the law into their own hands.

However, Jameson's stance towards vigilantism would quickly devolve into an unhealthy obsession as he hypocritically commissioned the creation of various super-powered beings at different points to take Spider-Man down, who quickly became deranged from the unstable effects of radiation exposure.

Despite continually failing to bring Spider-Man down a peg and show to the world how much he was in the wrong (even running for mayor of New York to further his reach), Jonah would stubbornly pursue his vendetta towards superheroes (even after having several close brushes with death at the hands of villains more times than he can count).

With his fellow contacts and colleagues turning on him and calling him out on his barbaric actions, the continued stress from numerous revelations and personal tragedy became too much for Jameson to bear as he would soon retire from the role of mayor and secluded himself off from the world within his apartment, resigning himself to running a regular blog on the internet as a means to justify his continued existence.

Realizing that Jonah was emotionally hurting from all the pent-up resentment he had towards his heroics, Spider-Man would ultimately agree to an interview off the record and bravely revealed his secret identity as Peter Parker, giving Jonah the long sought-after clarity he had unknowingly been searching for his whole life.

Now on Earth-7150, J. Jonah Jameson has been doing his best to make up for his past actions and openly show his support for heroes he once deemed as no better than their various rogues galleries, running a popular talk show called Get to Work which regularly attracts a healthy amount of listeners to hear the latest local gossip.

Suddenly, the radio station starts to come under attack as Jonah pulls out the hidden web-shooters that Peter Parker had crafted for him in an emergency from his desk drawer and put them on his wrists, praying that he still remembered the hand motions required to make them work.

Preparing himself for whatever happens next whilst being utterly terrified internally, Jonah was ready to defend himself from whatever crazy loon decided to attack him this time...

-5 powers, 2 boosts and an Xtreme
-Ability of Nullify Immunity (Powers cannot be nullified because he has no powers so to speak).
-8 hex-edited skins, HUDs, loading screen, icons and voice/sound file using archived audio of J.K. Simmons' voice.
-Uses assigned number #83 (will clash with Marvel's Ares and Mortal Kombat's Ermac in mannequin).

1. Hard Knockout: Drawing on his experience as a boxer, Jonah throws an unexpectedly devastating two-hit punch combo that stuns struck enemies temporarily.
2. Shut It!: Jonah uses the donated emergency webshooters on his person from Spider-Man to defend himself, firing projectiles of impact webbing at foes as physical damage is dealt.
3. Little Punk: Jonah puts his experience as a street fighter to good use, grabbing an unlucky foe by the legs as he swings them around as a makeshift weapon, dealing physical damage to surrounding threats. Let go of button to throw enemy away!
4. (Debuff) Confident Distraction: Jonah silently taunts nearby enemies, enraging them as they focus their attacks on him and render themselves more vulnerable for his teammates to deal with.
5. (Boost) Battle Hardened: Being an inherently stubborn man who refuses to give up so easily, Jonah's max health and striking stats are increased temporarily.
6. (Xtreme) You Are Fired!: Jonah flings several explosive grenades into the air that he had picked up along the way, dealing fire damage to all surrounding enemies.

Ceamonks890- Mod creation & coding, most HUDs, loading screen, icons etc
Escanor610- Most skins
Julio Cabral- Spider-Man 3 game skin
Waggens7uP- Mannequin
Zignutus- Default custom JJJ Modern skin

Download link:

Every time I think I have a grasp on what direction you're headed next, you continue to pleasantly surprise.

This is very great! Love it!

June 06, 2022, 05:32AM #206 Last Edit: January 25, 2025, 05:48AM by Ceamonks890

Born to Barton Blaze and Naomi Kale, the young, cowardly Danny would be given away to a widowed woman named Francis Ketch alongside his sister when they were both very young (blissfully unaware of their true parents).

But on one Halloween night several years later, Danny and Barbara (now teenagers), would sneak out of their home to a graveyard that was rumored to house the grave of Harry Houdini for pictures, accidentally stumbling into a brutal confrontation between gang members of the Kingpin's payroll and that of newcomer Deathwatch.

Deathwatch quickly becoming aware of the Ketch siblings' presence after dealing with Kingpin's forces, he ordered one of his henchmen to fire at them as an arrow shot into Barbara's chest and fatally wounded her.

Incredibly terrified, Danny dragged Barbara's unconscious body and rushed to hide them in a nearby junkyard away from Deathwatch's men, eventually noticing a pristine looking motorbike with a glowing gas cap.

Deciding to inspect the gas cap, Danny touched the motorbike with a hand that was stained with his sister's blood and suddenly transformed into a new version of the Ghost Rider, a Spirit of Vengeance who had not been heard or seen from in the seven years Johnny Blaze had been freed from the influence of the demon Zarathos.

Knowing time was of the essence, Danny utilized his new form's hellfire-infused bike to drive Barbara to the nearest hospital before proceeding to hunt down Deathwatch's henchmen for revenge.

Turning back to normal upon sunrise and initially afraid of what this newfound power could do after almost going too far with torturing a common thug, Danny abandoned the bike in an alley and ran back home.

Tragically, Barbara's wounds would prove too great as she would pass away the next night in the hospital.
Guilt-ridden for venturing into the graveyard in the first place, Danny tracked down the mysterious motorbike once more, deciding to try and do some good with it as the Ghost Rider that defined much of the 90s era of comics.

Now however on Earth-7150, Danny Ketch is brought on board the vast multiversal strike force organized by SHIELD, meeting up with the newest vengeful spirit on the block, Robbie Reyes, his former rival, Vengeance and an alternate version of his brother from another reality altogether who never lost his wife and children to insane villains, simply going by 'Blaze'.

Pondering where the Johnny Blaze of his reality could possibly be for only a moment, Danny knew he couldn't allow such concerns to distract him for the sake of putting a stop to the plans of Doctor Doom and the Masters of Evil, as he got on his hellfire-infused motorbike and prepared to venture off with his fellow heroes to the Omega Base...

-5 powers, 2 boosts and an Xtreme
-Abilities of might, healing factor, immunity to mind control, immunity to fire, cold & mental damage, Demonic Stallion (can drive his Hellcycle by pressing block + jump at the same time)
-2 hex-edited skins, HUDs, loading screen, icons and voice/sound file using archived audio of Richard Grieco's voice from Marvel vs Capcom 3
-Uses assigned number #82 (will clash with Domino and Mortal Kombat's Shang Tsung in mannequin).

1. Ravaging Hellfire: Danny charges up a quick blast of hellfire, aiming it at a nearby enemy that spontaneously combusts them. Ignites struck targets if fully charged, dealing extra damage!
2. Chain Shuriken: Danny breaks portions of his hellfire chain and flings pieces of them at enemies, dealing damage from the massive knockback. 100% chance of dealing critical damage if enemy is airborne!
3. Chains of Vengeance: Danny spins and swings his hellfire chain, dealing radial damage to surrounding enemies. Sends enemies flying if fully charged.
4. Hellfire Projectiles: Danny rapidly launches fireballs from his hands at enemies, dealing fire damage as enemies are knocked into the air.
5. Hellfire Spread: Danny creates a charged fireball in one of his hands, starting a very potent fire on the ground. Stuns enemies if power is fully charged!
6. (Boost) Hellfire Clone: Danny uses his hellfire to generate a decent-looking duplicate of himself to aid in combat for a time.
7. (Debuff) Penance Stare: You all know what this does...
8. (Xtreme) Hellfire Tornado: Danny uses his hellfire chain to generate a powerful tornado, sending enemies flying as heavy fire damage is dealt.

Ceamonks890- Mod creation & coding, Classic Skin HUD, icons etc
Andersonbrazil- Danny Ketch Ghost Rider Modern skin, Hellcycle model
Outsider- Ghost Rider Hellcycle coding, loading screen, HUD
Teancum- Custom Danny Ketch Ghost Rider Classic skin
Waggens7uP- Mannequin

Download link:

June 20, 2022, 04:09AM #207 Last Edit: January 25, 2025, 06:04PM by Ceamonks890

Originating from an alternate reality, this Caped Crusader is a lot more inherently optimistic and hopeful for the future of Gotham compared to most incarnations, continuing to serve as an inspirational beacon of hope to its many citizens as the 'Bright Knight'.

But with that inherent podium also comes those who wish to challenge that authority and snuff it out for their own devious schemes and vendettas.

Having fought tooth and nail alongside his faithful partners, Robin and Batgirl, to maintain the peace whilst ensuring that good morals continue to remain upheld, this interpretation has thwarted a whole assortment of colorful villains countless times throughout the years.

However, the Bright Knight finds himself involved in his greatest caper yet as he's visited in his Batcave by mysterious costumed heroes from a different universe entirely, in the hopes of aiding them on their own world for the sake of all existence.

Understanding the major implications, our hero prepares to tackle this crazy tomfoolery with his new allies and be back home before the local Gotham holidays arrive...

Will he and his teammates come out on top or will this Doctor Doom character manage to finally succeed in his grand schemes for the omniverse? Tune in now on the same bat-time, same bat-channel!

-4 powers, 2 boosts and an Xtreme
-Ability of leadership
-5 hex-edited skins, HUD, loading screen, icons and voice/sound file using archived audio of the late Adam West's voice.
-Uses assigned number #77 (will clash with White Tiger and Amanda Sefton in mannequin).

DISCLAIMER: This mod uses one minute worth of music from the 1960s Batman show. I take no credit for the use of it.

Block + Jump (To the Batmobile!)- West Batman hops into his version of the iconic vehicle, dealing damage to any enemy in the way. Run into a wall to have West Batman hop out of the Batmobile.
Block + Action (Holy Teamup Batman!)- Burt Ward's version of Robin leaps in to lend a hand in combat temporarily.

1. Batarang: West Batman flings one of his distinct boomerangs at a targeted enemy, dealing minor physical damage with a high chance to stun.
2. Veteran Kick: West Batman runs to an enemy and deals a flying kick to them, causing major knockback as physical damage is dealt.
3. Bomb Disposal: Discovering an active cartoon-styled bomb on the ground, West Batman disposes of it quickly, dealing fire damage to surrounding enemies as they're caught in the blast.
4. Groovy Slide: West Batman uses an advanced Bat surfboard with the capability of flight, proceeding to charge forward and deal damage, knocking over most threats in his way.
5. (Boost) Bat Intuition: West Batman uses his impressive wits to reveal nearby enemies on the map via leftover evidence, decreasing energy cost for powers as the iconic 60s Batman theme plays for a minute.
6. (Boost) Universal Antidote Pills: West Batman pulls out small medical capsules and shares them with his teammates, removing status ailments from allies whilst raising overall health regen for entire team.
7. (Xtreme) Bat-Sleep Gas: West Batman, not wanting to seriously harm his foes, flings gas pellets that deal no damage but leaves foes stunned for a long time in a state of utter bliss.

Ceamonks890- Mod creation & coding, HUDs, loading screen, icons etc
Escanor610- Adam West Batman Classic, Contaminated, Catman & Gray Ghost skins, Robin '66 skin, mannequin, 60s Batmobile bolton
MrKablamm0Fish- Ripped Zemo Dance animation from Marvel Future Fight
Raven Software- Marvel Legends Prototype comic hit effects
tubularspacedude- Adam West voice clips from Lego Batman 3

Download link:

Very nice work! Looking forward to everything else you want to make for mods in MUA!

June 30, 2022, 02:16AM #209 Last Edit: January 22, 2025, 04:43AM by Ceamonks890

Growing up in Baltimore, Maryland, the man who would later become one of Aquaman's greatest foes, started life as an autistic kid who simply loved to play by the ocean.

Known as David, he would soon get unexpectedly kidnapped by morally bankrupt pirates while out on an open beach alone and forced to work on their vessel for an unspecified amount of time.

Spying Aquaman nearby with some dolphins one day, David desperately tried to signal the hero for help (the king of Atlantis regrettably not seeing him), eventually forcing David to defend himself as he killed one of his pirate tormentors with a knife and activated the ship's SOS signal for rescue.

Harboring a strong resentment for the emotionless sea and Aquaman, David would vow to become the master of the seven seas and took this mindset all the way into adulthood as he studied everything he could about deepsea diving and weaponry.

Now dressed in an incredibly durable diving suit and armed with a vast assortment of weaponry, Black Manta is a man who is greatly feared by superheroes and villains alike, Lex Luthor playing his cards close to his chest as he informs everyone within the Legion of Doom about an entirely new reality, free from the interference of the Justice League.

Preparing himself for the haul of the century, Black Manta steps through the newly generated LexCorp portal to Earth-7150, hoping that this world's Atlantean ruler will prove just as much of a worthy challenge...

-5 powers, 2 boosts and an Xtreme
-Abilities of leadership and 20% resistant to physical damage
-5 hex-edited skins, HUDs, loading screens, icons and voice/sound file using archived audio of Kane Jungbluth-Murry's voice from Injustice 2.
-Uses assigned number #86 (will clash with Gorgon and Miles Morales in mannequin).

1. Trained Killer: Black Manta pulls out a combat knife and puts his all into the strike, sending an unlucky enemy flying into the air.
2. Trident Slam: Black Manta slams his custom-made trident into the ground, dealing radial damage to surrounding foes.
3. Destructive Tendencies: Black Manta fires two heat-seeking missiles from his diving suit's hidden weapon shoulderpads, the missiles dealing fire damage if they manage to catch an enemy in their flight path.
4. Steel Cyclone: Black Manta pulls out two swords and performs a radial spin attack, so long as button continues to be held down.
5. Optic Destruction: Black Manta generates a powerful optic blast from his suit's helmet, generating a powerful radial blast that explodes on contact and generates energy splash damage to surrounding targets.
6. (Boost) Observant Tracker: Being a very talented tracker, Black Manta reveals nearby enemies on the map whilst increasing amount of XP and momentum earned.
7. (Debuff) Terrifying Hunter: Having a widely known notoriety on all sides in the DC Universe, Black Manta terrifies nearby enemies as they run away in fear, while he relishes in the thrill of the hunt.
8. (Xtreme) Optic Fury: Having little patience with his foes, Black Manta pushes his helmet's lasers to full power, firing a powerful blast of energy that sends enemies flying as high energy damage is dealt.

Ceamonks890- Mod creation & coding, loading screen, icons etc
Blaw- Sword boltons
Guiguis_12- Black Manta models, HUDs, extra loading screens, mannequin

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