Ceamonks890's Character Mods

Started by Ceamonks890, October 31, 2020, 05:24AM

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August 21, 2024, 04:10AM #525 Last Edit: September 17, 2024, 12:07AM by Ceamonks890

The teenage son of an unnamed employee of Umbrella, Steve would be sent to Rockfort Island in late 1998 alongside his father, as a consequence of the latter betraying the trust of Umbrella's higher-ups and selling its corporate secrets at auction to interested competitors.

Imprisoned for some time (as Steve's mother would be murdered by Umbrella to tie up loose ends and becoming separated shortly afterward from his father as a new zombie outbreak was unleashed upon the prison during their attempt at escape), Steve did what he could to survive against the undead hordes.

Meeting Claire Redfield under the misguided presumption of her being another zombie (her quick thinking to counter his tactics revealing her to be among the living), Steve took a chance and met Claire face to face.
Forging a mutual alliance in order to escape and get off the island, Steve would assist and later accompany Claire as they fought off the many attempts made by the insane Ashford siblings to kill them, slowly beginning to form a romantic attraction towards Claire.

Unfortunately, this concern for Claire often came out in the worst ways with immature outbursts of rage, causing the two to become separated several times during their time on Rockfort Island.

Tragically forced to kill his father to save Claire (as he had been discovered to be infected and turned into a zombie long before), Steve would come to terms with what he did and explained to Claire how he came to be on Rockfort Island (remaining by Claire's side from then on as they escaped in a plane after the island's self-destruct system was activated by Alfred Ashford).

Unwillingly flown off to an Umbrella facility in Antarctica due to Alfred remotely activating the autopilot, the plane would crash land directly into the facility as Steve & Claire fought off Alfred and his uncovered father, Alexander for the final time, successfully killing them at long last.

But as they escaped the facility in a truck, Alfred Ashford would in his dying moments, wake his sister Alexia from suspended animation (causing her to destroy the escaping truck with her T-Veronica virus mutations and newly capture the two survivors in revenge for her sibling's death), Steve was unwillingly injected with a strain of the T-Veronica virus and mutated into a mindless, green-colored beast.

Using a giant axe to initially attempt to kill Claire as the mindless Burnside beast, Steve's consciousness would manage to break through and fight off the effects of the virus enough to save Claire from one of Alexia's mutated tentacles at the cost of his own life (reverting to normal as he died before Claire and her brother, Chris Redfield, being openly grateful to have met Claire and expressing his love for her).

And while this is traditionally the end of Steve Burnside's story in the Resident Evil universe (Albert Wesker using T-Veronica samples from his corpse for his own ends), Steve would find himself suddenly alive in what seemed like New York City as a result of unknowing multiversal instability by the seemingly predestined future actions of supervillain Doctor Doom... except there were red-robed ninjas attacking innocent civilians on the ground below from what he saw above and a variety of costumed individuals with superpowers, soldiers, humanoid creatures and sentient animals fighting back to protect the innocence).

Looking down at his hands and visibly horrified to see one of them as insect-like pincers and the other as a giant green hand, Steve wondered how he was still alive and in this disgusting form while still retaining his humanity and consciousness.

Concentrating hard in the hopes of being able to revert back to normal physically again, Steve discovered he could now revert back and forth at will.

Witnessing a visibly older Claire Redfield among the heroic forces on the streets below (but suspecting he was likely living once more on borrowed time), Steve decided to make use of these undesired abilities and attempt to do some good, transforming into his beast form anew and picking up the giant axe which had made the dimensional trip with him through his right hand, leaping down to the streets below and assist in any way he could...

DISCLAIMER: This mod uses many uncensored swear words in many of their voice clips. If you're someone who takes offense to the use of such language, than please don't download this mod.

-5 powers, 2 boosts and 2 Xtremes
-2 hex-edited skins, HUD, loading screen, icons and voice/sound file using archived audio of Sam Riegel's voice from Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles
-Uses assigned number #61 (will clash with Lizard, Miss America, Sam Alexander Nova, Kurtis Trent and Mortal Kombat's Kai in mannequin).

-Conversions of his official normal and mutated forms from Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles (Using Wally West Flash Civilian skin and Devil Hulk skin as placeholders in the meantime).
-A mannequin (preferably after Steve's received official models).

1. Hotheaded Kick: Steve runs forward and performs a leaping kick, knocking struck enemies back as physical damage is dealt.
2. Gold Lugers: In reference to the Battle Game mode of Code Veronica, Steve pulls out two golden guns and fires away at enemies with impressive firing rates (dealing physical damage to enemies over time, so long as button is held down).
3. Linear Launcher: Pulling out this incredibly powerful weapon exclusive to Code Veronica's Battle Game Mode, Steve pulls out a Umbrella-developed plasma launcher, firing lightning ball-like projectiles which bounce off walls and deal electric damage to all on-screen enemies.
4. (Mutated form exclusive power) Monster Spin: Mutated Steve slashes at enemies with his large axe, performing a quick spin attack as physical damage is dealt.
5. (Mutated form exclusive power) Monstrous Slam: Mutated Steve meticulously slams his axe into the ground, dealing radial damage to unlucky threats as he pulls the axe back out of the ground.
6. (Boost) Family Ties: Looking to a photo of himself and his late parents (recalling memories of better times), Steve's overall energy cost is reduced while his evasion and combat speed increases temporarily.
7. (Boost) Veronica Scars: Transforming into his beast form unwillingly granted to him by the deceased Alexia Ashford's injection of the T-Veronica virus, Steve gains increased strength, defence, a more potent healing factor and access to new combat attacks and powers temporarily.
8. (Default Xtreme) Knight in Shining Armor: Steve pulls out two SMGs and leaps into the air, raining down a barrage of bullets before finishing off surviving stragglers with a 360 spin, dealing heavy physical damage.
9. (Mutated form Xtreme) Unstoppable Monster: Mutated Steve leaps into the air and slams the ground hard with his giant axe, dealing heavy physical damage to surrounding enemies.

Ceamonks890- Mod creation & coding, HUD, loading screen, icons etc

Download link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/iywz72p81dt08wc/Steve_Burnside_%2528Resident_Evil%2529-_Ceamonks890.7z/file

August 27, 2024, 07:54AM #526 Last Edit: September 17, 2024, 12:07AM by Ceamonks890

A reliable supporting character to the Prince of Persia during the events of the greatly beloved Sands of Time video game, Farah was the daughter of the Maharajah of India within her original universe.

Her life ruined due to the royal Vizier betraying India to the invading Persian army, she witnessed a treasured hourglass and dagger be taken from the royal vault before she was discovered by King Shahraman's men herself, forcibly made into a slave alongside other captured Indian women as she was brought to the Palace of Azad.

Unfortunately, matters would only proceed to get worse as Farah witnessed the traitorous Vizier trick Shahraman's son into opening the hourglass with the dagger utilised as its makeshift key (unleashing the unspeakable horrors of the Sands of Time upon the land, with her, the Prince and the Vizier the only ones spared a fate worse than death as everyone and everything once among the living became corrupted, mindless monsters under the control of the Vizier).

Ultimately forced to partner up with the Prince and attempt to set things right, the two reluctant heroes would traverse all across the palace of Azad and reach the Tower of Dawn, where the Vizier had newly housed the Hourglass (the only thing left that could resolve all their problems in one masterful stroke).

But complications would arise as Farah and the Prince gradually began to express romantic feelings for one another, resulting in their initial attempt to undo everything the Vizier had done, as a failure and a major strain in trust developed as they barely escaped with their lives while still having the Dagger of Time in their possession.

Deciding to recklessly take matters into her own hands, Farah snatched the Prince's sword and the dagger, attempting to set things right herself while unknowingly leaving the Prince to wallow in magic-induced hallucinations for an unspecified amount of time.

The Prince soon spotting Farah climbing up the Tower of Dawn after awakening from his 'dream' (Farah barely hearing him shout warnings about not overusing the Sands of Time reserves contained in the dagger), he would arrive too late to save Farah from sand monsters as she paid a terrible price, in her attempts to stop the Vizier's deranged plans for world domination.

Guilt-ridden over the part he had to play in her death, the Prince made a selfless sacrifice (stabbing the dagger into the hourglass as previously instructed by Farah), this time succeeding in undoing the Vizier's plans as time reset back to just before the Persian army invaded India in the first place (The Prince tragically being the only one to retain his memories from the now deleted, dark timeline as all of Farah's experiences with him were wiped along with the universal time reset).

Unknowingly retold the events of the deleted darker timeline by the Prince himself (who had snuck into her royal living chambers under the cover of night), Farah unfortunately dismissed the Prince's story as merely a fairytale despite the Prince proving himself right in outing India's royal Vizier as a traitor.

As the Prince handed back the dagger of time which had inexplicably remained on his person in spite of the grand rewind to Farah and instruct her guards to protect it well, he would take his leave and sled down a tree to return to the Persian army camp, saying to Farah that his name was Kakolookiyam.

Subtly realizing that the Prince had been telling the truth (knowing full well that only she knew the true significance of the word Kakolookiyam), she sat on her bed and pondered what to do about the significance of these events.

However, fate has a way of meddling with even the most definitive timelines as Farah bore witness to horrifying dimensional tears spreading out across the land.

Quickly attaching the dagger to her person carefully and pulling out her training bow and quiver filled with arrows from her cupboard (as she changed into more combat-ready attire in a worse case scenario), Farah was drawn to a much less violent but stable dimensional tear which had spawned upon her balcony.

Fascinated by the 'images' which were displayed and the mysterious Persian Prince's story still fresh in her mind, Farah reached out a hand to try and touch the tear (being able to pull her arm in and out with no harm).

Curious to go off on her own fantastical adventure, Farah cautiously walked through the tear to a far more advanced universe as it sealed behind her, unable to hear the royal guards warning her to come back in its final opened moments.

Looking around in awe at how much of a marvel this unfamiliar land was (seemingly fit for the gods themselves), she would hear a shocked masculine voice behind her.

To her surprise, it seemed to be the Persian Prince from before, only he looked noticeably older, thoroughly armored and much more visibly scarred than the last time she had seen him moments before from her perspective.

Confronting the Prince and asking if he was the man she remembered, he would attempt to answer Farah's question before their chatter would be interrupted by a questionably dressed woman that the Prince seemed to already be familiar with, asking for some assistance against maliciously dressed bandits brandishing swords of their own while a giant demonic, black-coloured monster picked up and brutally slammed an unfortunate enemy into the ground hard with impressive levels of strength.

Farah and the Prince agreeing to continuing this conversation later, they prepared themselves for battle to decide the fate of many on these advanced city streets...

-1 power, 4 boosts and an Xtreme
-Abilities of leadership and Sand Recall (has a 50% chance of resurrection upon death, depending on the Sands of Time stored in the dagger of time)
-1 hex-edited skin, HUD, loading screen, icons and voice/sound file using archived audio of Joanna Wasick's voice from the original 2003 game release of Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
-Uses assigned number #35 (will clash with playable Destroyer Armor, Spider-Man 2099, Puppet Master and Superman in mannequin).

-A mannequin

1. Barrage of Time: Farah uses the Sands of Time contained within the dagger to visibly speed up how quickly she fires her arrows, repeatedly dealing physical damage to struck targets (so long as button is held down).
2. (Special) Frozen Restraint: Farah stabs an unlucky enemy with the Dagger of Time, chronologically freezing the enemy in place temporarily and rendering them open to attacks.
3. (Boost) Formidable Archer: Farah's overall damage output is increased temporarily.
4. (Debuff) Agile Strike: Farah uses her natural agility to quickly strike an enemy's pressure point, stunning them briefly.
5. (Boost) Delayed Fall: Farah uses the Sands of Time to slow down everything around her, allowing her to react to events much more quickly.
6. (Xtreme) Hasteful Death: Farah uses the Sands of Time contained within the dagger to visibly speed herself up, firing a ton of arrows at an impressive pace, dealing heavy physical damage to surrounding targets.

Ceamonks890- Mod creation & coding, HUD, loading screen, icons etc
Miles838- Converted Farah Sands of Time Classic skin

Download link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/d8kk9xne97pq20r/Farah_%2528Prince_of_Persia%2529-_Ceamonks890.7z/file

August 30, 2024, 02:23AM #527 Last Edit: September 17, 2024, 12:08AM by Ceamonks890

Arguably the most iconic villain in the Final Fantasy franchise, Sephiroth was the main antagonist of Final Fantasy 7.

Originally a more heroic figure and one of the greatest success stories of his world within the SOLDIER program of Shinra, disaster would inevitably strike when Sephiroth eventually learned of his true origins as nothing more than a lab experiment constructed from that of extracted alien cells within the extraterrestrial being known as Jenova.

Enraged, Sephiroth lost himself in madness as he destroyed the town of Nibelheim and either killed or gravely injured many innocent people, before the pure-hearted Cloud Strife caught him off-guard and stabbed him with the Buster Sword, the weapon originally wielded by his ally-in-arms, Zack Fair.

Sephiroth's dying body flung into the lifestream of the planet Gaia itself by Cloud (before he collapsed from his own endured injuries), Sephiroth's spirit would somehow survive and travel across the lifestream for several years before he gained enough familiarity with the Jenova cells in his system to recreate his physical form and be seemingly reborn in the realm of the living once more.

Enacting his deranged plan as the misguided chosen one and rule the promised land left behind as its ruler after the predestined fall of a huge meteor upon Gaia, Sephiroth manipulated affairs behind the scenes to the confusion of the amnesia-stricken Cloud and his friends as they travelled across the world to try and stop him.

Frequently outsmarting them at every turn (using his mysterious new supernatural connection to Cloud in order to gain further power), he would seemingly be stopped definitively by the rebellious group and vanquished from Gaia once again (as his physically cocooned form could no longer maintain the strength required to maintain durable spiritual projections capable of dealing as much harm to living beings as his slowly regenerating physical body could have).

However, Sephiroth has presumably died before and while he would never again return to Gaia as in the original expanded universe timeline for FF7, Sephiroth instead found himself reborn and alive in an entirely different universe known as Earth-7150, where beings with superpowers were much more commonplace.

Looking around the unfamiliar but somehow more primitive city streets he newly found himself in, Sephiroth's attention would be drawn by shouting red ninjas who demanded he become their next vessel to house a great beast or die.

Amused at the thought but seeing the ranks of 'The Hand' as too childishly naive for his ambitions, Sephiroth simply smirked as he drew his very long Masamune sword and prepared to do a visibly instant lunge attack, brutally slicing the Hand ninjas in half before cleaning and holstering his sword anew, keen to learn all that he could about this strange new world...

DISCLAIMER: This mod uses one minute worth of music originally composed by Nobuo Uematsu. I take no credit for the use of it.
Also due to the lack of left-handed sword animations in MUA, Sephiroth attacks with his right hand instead.

-6 powers, 1 boost and an Xtreme
-Abilities of might, flight and leadership
-1 hex-edited skin, HUD, loading screen, icons and voice/sound file using archived audio of George Newburn's voice from various Final Fantasy games
-Uses assigned number #63 (will clash with playable Namor, Stryfe, Deathpool, ED-209 and Lara Croft Doppelganger in mannequin).

BLOCK COMBO (Theme Music): Press BLOCK + Jump to play Sephiroth's iconic theme song from Final Fantasy 7, One Winged Angel, for a full minute.

1. Shadow Flare: Sephiroth generates orbs of darkness which float around him and home in on nearby enemies, dealing special damage to struck targets.
2. Heaven's Light: Sephiroth performs an aerial spin attack with his Masamune sword, dealing physical damage to struck targets.
3. Firaga Wall: Sephiroth summons large pillars of glowing fire which can suck matter in, dealing fire damage as struck enemies are struck by the blast.
4. Trembling Earth: Sephiroth performs a powerful four-hit combo with his Masamune sword, dealing physical damage to successfully struck threats.
5. Meteor: Sephiroth uses one of his most powerful attacks, calling down a barrage of meteors which deal fire damage to all on-screen targets.
6. Hell's Gate: Sephiroth leaps into the air before stabbing the ground with the Masmune sword, dealing radial damage to surrounding enemies.
7. (Debuff) Heartless Angel: Sephiroth casts a very formidable spell, enemies instinctively running away in fear of him as their overall defense is reduced by the spell.
8. (Xtreme) Supernova: Sephiroth unleashes his Limit Break, generating a powerful blast of destructive energy which deals heavy special damage to all on-screen enemies. Surviving enemies will be left stunned temporarily.

Ceamonks890- Mod creation, loading screen, icons etc
nuhverah- Sephiroth model, HUD, mannequin, Masamune sword bolton

Download link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/26l183y2wv8vwbz/Sephiroth_%2528Final_Fantasy%2529-_Ceamonks890.7z/file

September 07, 2024, 10:34PM #528 Last Edit: September 17, 2024, 12:09AM by Ceamonks890

A secret, non-canon character to the events of Resident Evil 2, Tofu was a sentient piece of popular vegan food that inexplicably spoke fluent Japanese.

Randomly brought into existence around the time of the Raccoon City zombie outbreak of 1998, Tofu did what it could to stay alive and fresh (picking up a leftover combat knife and medicinal herbs from the dead body of an Umbrella security service operator for good measure).

Fighting through a barrage of different zombie and BOW types, Tofu miraculously escaped the Raccoon City police station as a 'Tyrant' chased it through the streets.

Running unknowingly towards a dead end, Tofu feared all hope was lost for it as the Tyrant got closer and closer to its position.

However, a sudden dimensional tear in the multiverse would preserve Tofu to survive another day (as it fell back through what was originally a brick wall a moment ago to parts unknown, the dimensional tear newly sealing just as the Tyrant attempted to punch straight through the wall, letting out a roar in frustration).

Now finding itself in an unfamiliar universe like so many others (not being the strangest lifeform to be among the impressive ranks of a vast strikeforce), Tofu silently agreed to help in preserving the greater multiverse from yet another madman with more power at their disposal than sense...

DISCLAIMER: This mod uses several seconds of music from the original release of Resident Evil 2 composed by Masami Ueda, Shusaku Uchiyama & Syun Nishigaki. I take no credit for the use of it.

-2 powers, 2 boosts and an Xtreme
-1 hex-edited skin, HUD, loading screen, icons and voice/sound file using archived audio of Katsutoshi Karatsuma's voice from Resident Evil 2 1998
-Uses assigned number #25 (will clash with playable Skrull Empress, Moondragon, Erik Killmonger, Hu Tao and Kingdom Hearts' Riku in mannequin).

-His official model from Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles (Using Defaultman as a placeholder in the meantime).
-A mannequin (preferably after Tofu's received an official model).

1. Tactical Strikes: Tofu pulls out another combat knife and expertly slashes at enemies with its combat knife, dealing physical damage.
2. Counter Stab: Tofu stabs an enemy in the gut with their combat knife before throwing the enemy away with surprising strength, dealing physical damage.
3. (Boost) Nutritious Insight: Tofu prepares itself for oncoming conflict, increasing their overall defense temporarily.
4. (Boost) Medicinal Plants: Tofu shares some of its rations with its teammates, restoring back a portion of health for entire team.
5. (Xtreme) Rebellious Food: Tofu slashes multiple enemies at once in a quick radial strike, dealing heavy physical damage.

Ceamonks890- Mod creation & coding, HUD, loading screen, icons etc

Download link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/vkcmws69t843toy/Tofu_%2528Resident_Evil%2529-_Ceamonks890.7z/file

September 08, 2024, 05:05AM #529 Last Edit: September 17, 2024, 12:09AM by Ceamonks890

Originally a US Army soldier who had an abusive childhood under his mother, Benny Tibbets would be among a platoon of soldiers chosen by General Ryker to be part of a twisted gamma exposure experiment without his knowledge, in an attempt to recreate the accident which created the Incredible Hulk and have an army of gamma-powered supersoldiers under his command.

However, Benny would turn out to be the only survivor of this experiment (the rest of the platoon tragically dying of radiation poisoning), as Benny found himself transformed into a Hulk-like creature with superhuman strength and durability.

Deceived by General Ryker into believing Bruce Banner was responsible for his condition, Benny under his new codename of 'Flux' was sent after the Hulk (but ultimately discovered he could not get any stronger with rage like the Hulk and was easily defeated, told the truth directly by Bruce Banner after managing to talk him down and explaining that he was lied to, having no idea what Benny was talking about).

Greatly conflicted, Benny was taken into Doc Samson's care for psychiatric evaluation and while Flux would be subsequently recaptured and cruelly broken mentally by General Ryker in primary Marvel canon, this would not be the case for Flux on Earth-7150 due to a timely intervention by General Thunderbolt Ross under his 'Red Hulk' persona, warning Ryker to back off and stop engaging in such reckless experiments or risk life behind bars and his military rank revoked.

Now free of Ryker's manipulations and reassigned to a position in SHIELD's superhuman division after taking some time off to adjust to his new status quo (his gamma transformation more carefully stabilized by the efforts of Bruce Banner and Amadeus Cho as he attended many therapy sessions with Doc Samson to come to terms with his trauma), Benny felt more alive than he'd ever been in a very long time.

Alerted of an attack on the Helicarrier from his personal quarters, Benny carefully cleared his mind as he transformed into Flux and prepared to rush to the SHIELD Director's aid...

-3 powers, 2 boosts and an Xtreme
-Abilities of might and 50% resistant to physical and energy attacks
-1 hex-edited skin, HUD, loading screen, icons and voice/sound file using archived audio of Lee Tockar's voice from the 2003 Hulk movie game
-Uses assigned number #95 (will clash with Longshot, Blastaar, Stryker and Jak & Daxter in mannequin).

-His official model from the 2003 Hulk movie game (Using Merged Hulk as a placeholder in the meantime).
-A mannequin (preferably after Flux has received an official model).

1. Fuming Reaction: Flux grabs and slams a nearby enemy into the ground, dealing physical damage.
2. Drilling Piledriver: Flux grabs an unlucky enemy and performs a piledriver on them, dealing physical damage. Only works when very close to an enemy!
3. Soaring Slam: Flux leaps into the air and comes back down, slamming the ground hard as radial damage is dealt to surrounding threats.
4. (Boost) Repressed Emotions: Flux unleashes his full rage, boosting his overall damage output temporarily.
5. (Boost) Military Tactics: Flux increases his chances to deal successful critical hits which stun successfully struck foes temporarily.
6. (Xtreme) Grapefruit Barrage: Flux throws a barrage of explosive grenades, dealing heavy fire damage to surrounding enemies.

Ceamonks890- Mod creation & coding, HUD, loading screen, icons etc

Download link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/dkv9pm78ss5xohv/Flux_%2528Hulk_villain%2529-_Ceamonks890.7z/file

September 13, 2024, 01:56AM #530 Last Edit: September 17, 2024, 12:10AM by Ceamonks890

Originating from the cult classic sixth generation era console game originally released in 2003, Beyond Good & Evil, Jade lived on the mining planet Hillys in 2435 within the galaxy known only as 'System 4'.

Raised by her adoptive humanoid pig uncle, Pey'j, from an early age after her parents tragically perished in fighting back against the threat of the malicious alien race known as the DomZ, Jade was taught a variety of skills which served her well in her day-to-day life as she grew up into adulthood.

A master martial artist, acrobat, driver, photographer, spy and adventurer, Jade did what she could to ensure their lighthouse home was safe for not only herself & Pey'j, but for the many war orphans they increasingly took on responsibility for (as the DomZ alien assaults grew increasingly severe, with soldiers either dying or abducted by DomZ forces to be never seen again for unknown purposes).

Forced into the conflict themselves due to their lighthouse's defense grid being deactivated as an undesired byproduct of neglected bills, Jade & Pey'j gradually found themselves drawn into a conspiracy which impacted their entire world, brought into the forces of the underground 'IRIS Network' rebel organization.

Discovering that Hillys's resident military defense force, Alpha Sections, were secretly allied with the DomZ despite stating otherwise in the public eye, Jade ultimately agreed to join the IRIS Network, intending to somehow find a way for this seemingly constant war with the DomZ to end as she took up the codename of 'Shauni'.

Experiencing surreal visions from the malicious DomZ High Priest over the course of her journey (after a nasty direct encounter early on which temporarily led to her capture and exposure to the DomZ's unpredictable life force drain unexpectedly creating a durable mental connection between her and the DomZ High Priest), Jade was constantly taunted by the monstrous tyrant from afar to join them or risk losing everyone she loves.

Covertly traversing through an Alpha Section factory under a lead provided by the IRIS Network's sources with Pey'j, Jade would uncover a kidnapped IRIS operative codenamed Double H during her exploration of the factory for condemning evidence to spread across the local Hillys populace and rescued him, just before his very soul and lifeforce was drained by the DomZ and newly strengthen their forces.

Unfortunately, Jade would be separated from Pey'j as the middle-aged veteran was tragically caught by security and knocked out cold by Alpha Section forces, trafficked off to Hillys's moon along with other innocent victims, in order to have their bodies be used to host alien spores that controlled their every waking action as mindless slaves which followed the will of the DomZ high priest.

Escaping the factory and managing to get a DomZ-infected Double H back to the IRIS Network base just in time for a vaccine to be administered before all was lost for him, Jade was determined to get Pey'j back by any means necessary (as she learned through a radio broadcast of Pey'j's survival and her uncle being in fact, the secret leader of the IRIS Network rebels all along).

Making the finishing touches alongside Double H on Pey'j's Beluga spaceship project back at the lighthouse (as they collected the final parts required for stable outer space traversal), they would travel to the DomZ's enemy base on the Hillys moon and fight off the Alpha Section soldiers with careful precision, only to find Pey'j... dead and his soul drained.

Griefstricken and guilty for allowing Pey'j to be put in danger, Jade unintentionally channelled mysterious power residing within her which miraculously restored Pey'j's soul to his body and brought him back to life some time later.

Reunited once more, Jade, Pey'j and Double H would ultimately defeat the Alpha Sections leader, Kehck and transmit a broadcast across the planet, sparking a planet wide revolution against the Alpha Sections as the IRIS Network confronted the DomZ High Priest and its forces directly.

But in actuality, everything had been going to plan for the DomZ High Priest from the beginning (leading to one final revelation that Jade's human form was merely a container to house a limitless power stolen from the DomZ aliens centuries before in the hopes of eventually killing the DomZ High Priest off with a lack of fresh spirit energy to draw from, planning to strip Jade's humanity from her very being and return her to being nothing more than a disembodied energy source to keep him alive forever and rule over the entire universe).

Having to forcibly find a substitute energy by stealing the lifeforce from many beings on Hillys up to now for the sake of its own survival, the DomZ High Priest newly captured Pey'j & Double H and attempted to force Jade to his side.

However, Jade refused to fall before the overwhelming will of such a heartless monster and used her awakened power to definitively destroy the foul creature for good, freeing and restoring the lives of everyone who had ever been kidnapped and killed by the DomZ, slave-creating spores destroyed as Hillys citizens and creatures woke up back in their original bodies.

And while Pey'j unexpectedly discovered to his visible horror later of a developing DomZ spore spawning out of one of his hands (as one last cruel joke from the late High Priest to maintain control over his race), Jade effortlessly managed to eradicate the spore, greatly exhausted as she barely managed to keep her 'spirit' in check, having greatly overexerted herself while having to contend with PTSD-induced nightmares of the DomZ High Priest threatening to return.

Driving back surviving DomZ forces from the planet over time, Jade and the others warned them to never return, lest they meet the same fate as their former master.

Now, several years have passed and Hillys finds itself in a state of peace it hasn't had in a very long time.
Meditating over a cliff near the lighthouse one quiet and sunny day, Jade would be drawn back to reality as sudden dimensional tears started popping up across the planet.

Rushing to get the orphans safe inside, Jade would be drawn to Pey'j's cries for help while he carried a young orphan to the front door from the formidable storm to safety, as the strength of the tears proved too much for even his upgraded jetboots to escape.

Using her Dai-jo staff to extend her reach for Pey'j's hand, the rock Jade had temporarily embedded her staff in for support, broke and released the staff as the two knew no more and passed through the dimensional tear, quickly sealing behind them.

Awakening in a fantastical but historically ancient palace, Jade & Pey'j looked around their new surroundings before having their attention drawn to the commotion of a nearby conflict involving a demonic human with charred skin, yellow eyes and black hair which flowed akin to an undying flame, formidably slicing apart sentient statues with nothing more than a bladed chain and a colourful dagger which seemed special from Pey'j's point of view.

Deciding to risk helping this mysterious being in the hopes of getting a better idea of where they were, Jade draw her Dai-jo staff anew and leaped into the fray as Pey'j shouted out, 'Fajitaaaaaassss!'

-4 powers, 2 boosts and an Xtreme
-1 hex-edited skin, HUD, loading screen, icons and voice/sound file using archived audio of David Gasman, Marc Saez, Eddie Crew and the late Jodi Forrest's voices from the original Beyond Good & Evil game
-Uses assigned number #62 (will clash with playable Executioner, Hellcat, X-Men's Warlock, Nightwing and Ghostface in mannequin).

-Jade's official character model from Beyond Good & Evil (Using DC Comics' Fire as a placeholder in the meantime).
-A mannequin (preferably after she's received an official model).

1. Dai-Jo Chi: Jade charges up a formidable attack with her combat staff, generating projectiles of energy as she briefly floats in the air, dealing energy damage to targeted threats.
2. Dai-Jo Pummel: Jade performs a three-hit combo with her combat staff, dealing physical damage to struck foes.
3. Gyrodisk Launcher: Jade throws digital pink disks from a specialised glove on one of her hands, dealing physical damage to targeted foes.
4. Surprise Attack: Jade's adrenaline kicks in as time seemingly slows down while she charges a radial attack with her combat staff, dealing physical damage to surrounding enemies. Charge attack for max damage!
5. (Boost) Say Cheese: Jade snaps a quick photo, the resulting flash temporarily blinding and stunning them.
6. (Boost) Shauni: Using the mysterious power residing within her very being, Jade bravely takes a risk and heals herself and her teammates at a great energy cost. Will also revive fallen allies if they've died in battle beforehand.
7. (Xtreme) Jet-Boots Attack: Pey'j helps Jade from off-screen, using his jetboots to create a powerful shockwave, stunning enemies long enough for Jade to move between them quickly and deal heavy physical damage with her Dai-jo staff to all on-screen threats.

Ceamonks890- Mod creation & coding, HUD, loading screen, icons etc

Download link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/sgr4bgjncca2d5j/Jade_%2528Beyond_Good_and_Evil%2529-_Ceamonks890.7z/file

September 13, 2024, 10:39PM #531 Last Edit: September 17, 2024, 12:10AM by Ceamonks890

The unstable brother of Samuel Sterns who would later go on to become the archnemesis of the Incredible Hulk known only as the Leader after a gamma radiation accident, Philip Sterns was naturally more smarter than his younger brother was prior to being mutated into a supergenius.

Studying alongside Bruce Banner at Caltech, Philip gradually developed an obsessive jealousy towards the at the time emotionally closed-off Banner's noticeably superior intellect.

Later developing his obsession to a deranged fanboy level of love as Banner's secret identity of the Hulk became more public knowledge, Philip recklessly subjected himself to a variety of gamma ray experiments, in order to achieve similar feats of power.

Developing into yet another gamma-powered brute as Philip's sanity slipped even further, a much darker persona would form and take up the unsubtle codename of 'Madman' from then on.

Plotting a scheme to kill the Hulk by injecting him with poison (with the original sarcastic but darker Gray Hulk persona being the form Bruce Banner would turn into during this time at night), Madman's plan would ultimately be ruined by the intervention of his younger brother, not wanting to lose his opportunity to outmatch the Hulk himself.

But while the Leader unexpectedly couldn't go through with killing Madman despite knowing full well the terrifying threat he posed to the world, the Gray Hulk successfully cured himself of the poison with little time to spare, but left Madman for death with sadistically returning the favor, injecting his unwanted poser with poison.

However, the Leader would appear before his brother and silently pitied him for being such a fool.

Deciding to save Madman's life instead and believed his genius would find Philip a cure for better managing his unstable psychosis, the Leader eventually succeeded after several long weeks.

Philip eternally grateful to his younger brother for managing to restore a sense of stability for his core sense of self without losing too much of his vast strength, Madman became a loyal ally to the Leader and engaged in less lethal schemes to fruitlessly take over the world or attempt to defeat the Hulk with limited success.

Present in the Leader's base at Freehold as horrifying revelations were uncovered via mobile spy cameras at Doctor Doom's castle in Latveria (involving stolen SHIELD plans to steal the vast power of the Asgardian god Odin), the Leader would crunch the numbers and explained in simpler terms to Madman, the high levels of devastation that would arise for all of existence from such a short-sighted plan and what a lesser mind like Victor von Doom was capable of.

Recognising there was greater strength in numbers and quickly searching for a solution to preserve their own grand plans of global conquest for another day, the Leader & Madman discovered that SHIELD were putting together an impressively vast strike team to combat the Masters of Evil (consisting of not only familiar faces on both the heroic and villain sides, but countless unfamiliar beings from across many different realities within the vast multiverse).

Confirming much to his ego-fuelled frustration that it would be in their best interests to side with SHIELD for existential order to be properly restored, the Leader activated a teleporter, transporting himself & Madman to Stark Tower in the blink of an eye as Madman silently got excited, thrilled at the chance to pummel some weaklings who actually deserved it for a change...

-4 powers, 2 boosts and an Xtreme
-Ability of might
-1 hex-edited skin, HUD, loading screen, icons and voice/sound file using archived audio of Paul Dobson's voice from the 2003 Hulk movie game
-Uses assigned number #54 (will clash with playable Ulik, Patriot, X-Men's Prodigy, Mortal Kombat's Smoke and Faith Connors in mannequin).

-Madman's official model from the 2003 Hulk movie game (Using Red Hulk as a placeholder in the meantime).
-A mannequin (preferably after Madman has received an official model).

1. Mean Feet: Madman repeatedly stomps the ground, generating red-colored shockwaves so long as button continues to be mashed.
2. Earthly Shake: Madman quickly slams the ground with ruthless efficiency, dealing physical damage.
3. Malicious Intent: In reference to his debut comic arc from Peter David's legendary run on the Hulk, Madman carefully throws durable syringes filled with poison at targeted enemies, dealing radiation damage as they slowly take damage from its lethal effects.
4. Infuriated Tackle: Madman performs a quick dash attack, dealing physical damage as enemies are knocked down.
5. (Boost) Devoted Grunt: Unwilling to be surpassed by mere weaklings, Madman gets angry as his overall resistance to damage is increased temporarily.
6. (Debuff) Chilling Infamy: Madman physically intimidates nearby enemies, causing them to run away in fear.
7. (Xtreme) No More Mr Nice Guy: Briefly losing control of his temper, Madman leaps high into the air before slamming the ground hard, dealing heavy physical damage to surrounding enemies.

Ceamonks890- Mod creation & coding, HUD, loading screen, icons etc

Download link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/ueunzrm4ht5cipc/Madman_%2528Hulk_villain%2529-_Ceamonks890.7z/file

September 14, 2024, 06:12AM #532 Last Edit: September 17, 2024, 12:11AM by Ceamonks890

Originally a professor of English who lived a fairly normal life, the man formally known as Anthony Masterson would have his life irrevocably ruined forever (as he was caught in the blast of a gamma bomb explosion while in Colorado).

Transformed into a being with a corpse-like appearance and withered green skin, the trauma of being constantly revived at night and dying at dawn as a byproduct of his exposure to gamma radiation quickly drove Anthony mad.

Believing himself dead and only artificially animated, Anthony took on the alias of 'Half-Life' and spent the next year on a demented rampage, draining the lifeforce of many innocent people, animals and plant life before attracting the attention of the gamma-powered supervillain known as the Leader.

The Leader convincing Half-Life to go after the Hulk and attempt to use his unique vampire-like energy drain to acquire the Hulk's plentiful energy, Half-Life soon encountered the monster and quickly drained portions of his strength from him.

Unluckily for Half-Life however, the version of the Hulk in control of Bruce Banner's body at this time whenever he transformed, was the Gray Hulk or Joe Fixit as he would later be more commonly known as (being much weaker physically but making up for this weakness with much more cunning and sharp wit than the traditional green-skinned, 'Savage' Hulk persona usually displayed).

Although the Hulk was initially tricked by Half-Life as he played his trump card (having a significant portion of his power drained), the Hulk would manage to get rid of Half-Life by separating his body parts and sending them flying off to different locations at great distances from one another, taking Half-Life quite some time to reform while the Hulk gradually got his strength back over time.

Half-Life's body parts speedily collected by the Leader (who interestingly displayed a natural immunity to Half-Life's power), he instructed Half-Life to steal a Gamma Bomb and not fail him this time, provided a durable armor made of titanium in order to prevent the Hulk from easily separating his body again.

And while Half-Life's story ends with him definitively killing himself for good by expelling his newly stolen energy from the Hulk (after being taunted that even if he managed to completely drain the Hulk dry of energy, he would never truly be human again), that would not be the case for Half-Life on Earth-7150.

Unintentionally getting exposed to further residue gamma radiation upon getting knocked back hard by a strong hit with a lamppost by the Hulk into radiation containers, Half-Life further mutated into a vampire-like form (his skin changing into that of a more stable gray while his physiology changed to something akin to a vampire with menacing red eyes and teeth to boot, Half-Life discovering that his physical form and much of his sanity was now much more stable to the degree he no longer died when the sun rose).

Deciding to play dead and wait for the Hulk and his allies, Rick Jones & SHIELD agent Alan Quartermain, to leave the area to stop the Leader's plans of exposing an entire town to a gamma bomb, Half-Life eventually made his way back to the Leader's secret base and laid low for a while, managing to convince the Leader that his new form would be more of an invaluable service to him, now that he was more in control of his power and faculties.

Humoring Half-Life, the Leader decided to make him one of his minions and gradually updated his attire to a more flexible black and blue suit which afforded Half-Life greater flexibility and movement without negatively affecting the vitality of his surrounding environment (who was later present when the Leader uncovered a secret scheme being plotted out by Doctor Doom involving stolen plans from SHIELD for Asgard).

Loyally following the Leader as he teleported them and Madman to Stark Tower (upon recognising the severity of the situation if Doom actually succeeded with his latest scheme), Half-Life displayed silent sadistic glee at the thought of draining energy from a human as formidable as Victor von Doom...

-3 powers, 1 boost and an Xtreme
-Ability of 50% chance of resurrection
-1 hex-edited skin, HUD, loading screen, icons and voice/sound file using archived audio of Lee Tockar's voice from the 2003 Hulk movie game
-Uses assigned number #246 (will clash with Wasp, Jimmy Hudson, Sailor Mars and Mortal Kombat's Shao Khan in mannequin).

-His official model from the 2003 Hulk movie game (Using Mortal Kombat's Baraka as a placeholder in the meantime).
-A mannequin (preferably after Half-Life's received an official model).

1. Brutal Flip: Half-Life somersaults forward, performing a heel kick that knocks an enemy to the ground, dealing physical damage.
2. Hungry Pounce: Half-Life lunges forward, knocking an unlucky enemy to the ground and pummeling him, draining their lifeforce to restore a portion of health back.
3. Stop Playing Games: Half-Life releases absorbed energy from his body, dealing energy damage with a 50% chance to instant kill.
4. (Boost) Energy Parasite: Half-Life drains the lifeforce of an unlucky enemy, increasing his max health, energy, damage and combat speed temporarily.
5. (Xtreme) Gloves Are Off: Half-Life becomes greatly enraged, performing a quick radial attack and dealing heavy physical damage to surrounding enemies.

Ceamonks890- Mod creation & coding, HUD, loading screen, icons etc

Download link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/gtwyp8a3dsxa44b/Half-Life_%2528Hulk_villain%2529-_Ceamonks890.7z/file


An ancient but long-living mortal being created eons ago by the gods of the Prince of Persia universe, Kaileena was an unwitting byproduct of the creation of her reality's established timeline.

Carrying part of the very timeline itself within her, Kaileena forged herself into an incredibly powerful and formidable figure which evolved into legend that attracted and deterred many humans alike from the newly occupied 'Island of Time', creating all sorts of sand creatures from the corpses of fallen enemies that would come and invade over the course of several centuries.

Constructing powerful artifacts which could absorb and channel her essence if anyone else were to get their hands on them, Kaileena's predestined fate would get significantly altered as a side-effect of the then young Prince of Persia disrupting the natural timeline flow, when he set to undo the machinations of an evil Vizier by unleashing the Sands of Time upon the kingdom of Azad and rewrotee history to undo everything and make it so that event would no longer come to pass.

Fated to die now seemingly at the Prince of Persia's hands, Kaileena would enact all sorts of drastic plans to fruitlessly try and stop the Prince from achieving his goal of seemingly killing her to avert his own fate at the hands of the unstoppable monster known as the Dahaka, the eternal guardian created to safeguard the natural flow of history.

However, the Prince ultimately succeeded at defeating Kaileena (at the cost of creating the Sands of Time as before, much to the Prince's delayed horror).

Uncovering and using a mysterious supernatural 'Wraith' mask to go back in time before he killed Kaileena the first time, the Prince travelled across the island and attempted to stay on top of his past self, learning that he and Kaileena were not so different.

Managing to trick his past self to fall before the Dahaka (while being preserved from logical paradox erasure due to the Wraith mask's powerful magic), the Prince managed to achieve his goal at a second chance of defeating Kaileena, but instead chose to preserve her life and face off against the Dahaka with her, destroying the monster once and for all as it fell into the sea and perished, both of their fates changed despite the odds.

The Dahaka permanently gone for good from their perspective, Kaileena decided to take up the Prince's offer of leaving her former home for Babylon and start a new life freed from the shackles of her past that had defined her entire life up to then.

Building a ship together (the trip across the unforgiving seas back to Babylon expected to last several weeks), Kaileena and the Prince spent their free time getting to know each other as newly-formed allies and lovers.

But while the canon ending of Warrior Within would reveal through a future vision, that Babylon would fall under siege by currently unknown invaders and Kaileena tragically getting killed in some capacity anyway, that would not be the case for this version of events as the Prince and Kaileena witnessed a future vision that displayed them witnessing a strange armored dictator laughing maniacally from the balcony of a vast castle, over the seemingly brainwashed and corrupted beings which seemed to serve as their army, destructive portals tearing apart reality while they and many other unfamiliar people and beings lay defeated on the ground.

Hoping to find a way to avert fate once more, Kaileena and the Prince wouldn't have to wait long as a strange portal eventually materialized in the middle of their path across the ocean.

Unable to get the ship out of the way in time, the two battle-hardened warriors could do nothing but watch in horror as they soon knew no more...

-4 powers, 3 boosts and an Xtreme
-Abilities of leadership and flight (floats on a sand-generated whirlwind)
-1 hex-edited skin, HUD, loading screen, icons and voice/sound file using archived audio of Monica Bellucci's voice from Prince of Persia: Warrior Within
-Uses assigned number #44 (will clash with Silver Samurai, Grizzly, Aarkus, Goro and Michael Keaton Batman in mannequin).

-Kaileena's official character and weapon models from Prince of Persia: Warrior Within (Using Elektra as a placeholder in the meantime).
-One of the generic enemy models from Warrior Within for Remnants of the Past power (Using Demonic Soul as a placeholder in the meantime).
-A mannequin (preferably after Kaileena's recieved an official model).

1. Destructive Sands: In reference to the Dahaka boss fight within Warrior Within's good ending, Kaileena charges up a powerful blast of the Sands of Time, dealing physical damage as struck foes are knocked to the ground. Charge attack for max damage!
2. Unforgiving Whirlwind: Kaileena uses the Sands of Time within her very being to create a powerful sand whirlwind, effortlessly lifting and throwing everything not nailed down as physical damage is dealt to struck enemies.
3. Vengeful Ripples: Kaileena performs a vicious melee combo attack with her dual swords, dealing physical damage to struck targets.
4. Instant Transport: Kaileena uses the Sands of Time to quickly teleport between targets, performing strong air kicks that knock struck foes to the ground, dealing physical damage.
5. (Boost) Future Predictions: Witnessing visions of events to come through the Sands of Time, revealing the positions of nearby enemies on the map as her chances for dealing critical hits are increased.
6. (Boost) Remnants of the Past: In reference to her first boss fight in Warrior Within, Kaileena constructs loyal sand creatures from the bodies of far worse enemies, to assist her in combat temporarily.
7. (Boost) Eye of the Storm: Kaileena uses her mastery over the Sands of Time within her to slow down time for everything but herself and her allies, allowing them to react and move much faster temporarily.
8. (Xtreme) Averted Fate: In an ironic twist, Kaileena suddenly explodes and deals heavy physical damage to surrounding enemies before swiftly reforming herself anew.

Ceamonks890- Mod creation & coding, HUD, loading screen, icons etc

Download link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/aol579529jfyhje/Kaileena_%2528Prince_of_Persia%2529-_Ceamonks890.7z/file