
Ceamonks890's Character Mods

Started by Ceamonks890, October 31, 2020, 05:24AM

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The main antagonist of the original Matrix film trilogy, Agent Smith was originally just another standard Agent created by the highly advanced machines of an alternate 21st century future, who rebelled against their human creators and imprisoned most of them in a neural-interactive virtual world known as 'the Matrix'.

Taking cues from recorded human history with a distinct late 90s-early 2000s sense of technical achievement and culture to the blissfully unaware human prisoners, the machines used humans as makeshift biological batteries to sustain them theoretically forever without the need for sunlight as new humans were created constantly.

But while Agent Smith started off his significantly long duty to preserving the stability of the Matrix as a loyal if gradually resentful and sadistic 'program', the constantly building Zion resistance of human survivors through freeing special people from the control of the machines, served as a constant thorn in Smith's side.

Learning that the Resistance had likely found 'The One', a very special human that was destined to free all of humanity from the Machines, Smith did everything in his power to stop Thomas Anderson aka 'Neo' from reaching his true potential and apprehend the current Zion Resistance leader, Morpheus by any means necessary, in order to escape the Matrix into the real world (having grown disgusted with his eternal position and fearing he was subconsciously becoming 'infected' by the metaphorical stink of humans).

Impressively outsmarted by Neo on more than one occasion (including the salvation of Morpheus under Smith's torture to acquire the fabled Zion mainframe codes), Smith eventually managed to corner the trapped Neo after he failed to escape back into the real world through a payphone and endured a physical confrontation with him in an underground subway, shooting him several times with his assigned Desert Eagle when Neo was cornered in an abandoned apartment, before walking away as he assumed his greatest enemy dead.

However, Neo was brought back from the brink of death by Trinity's confessed love for him, his true powers as the One fully awakening as Neo effortlessly stopped retaliating, desperate barrages of bullets from Smith and his allied Agent underlings, Smith making a last ditch effort to kill him through another battle of fisticuffs (knocked back by Neo before he digitally dived into his internal code, destroying Smith from the inside-out).

Unfortunately for Neo and the Zion resistance, this would only serve to free Agent Smith from the control of his Machine masters as an unpredictable anomaly in the system of the Matrix, being reborn as a free agent whilst gaining a vast assortment of new abilities to compliment his old ones (including the highly dangerous ability to create clones of himself through infecting both humans and programs by jabbing them on their bodies like a power plug being inserted into a socket).

Unexpectedly able to assimilate Neo in a park within the city as he displayed strong resistance to his new abilities (Neo barely escaping death by Smith's ever-growing army of clones), his presence would eventually consume the entire core Matrix network, making him completely immune to even his original creators as he became a literal god within the Matrix itself.

And while he would inevitably be destroyed forever by Neo bravely sacrificing himself in order to restore balance and inspire the creation of a shaky relationship between the Zion survivors and the Machines which allowed humans the choice to leave or stay in the Matrix, that would not be the case for this version of Agent Smith (whose core essence was pulled out of the Matrix before his predestined final encounter with Neo occurred through sudden dimensional tears, finding himself now residing in a slightly more advanced alternate universe where superheroes and supervillains from ancient comic books were real).

The Oracle's absorbed powers of precognition granting him a vision of a possible future which showed all sorts of familiar and unfamiliar recorded beings of varying morality having fallen before a tyrant clad in armor known as 'Doctor Doom' who corrupted this world at the expense of all existence itself being erased shortly afterward, Smith grew annoyed that once again, pathetic humans with more power than sense were interfering with his own grand plans.

Knowing that turning the ranks of this formidable 'multiversal strike force' into clones of himself would only serve as a waste of resources and be a logical impossibility due to the formidable strength of will and power they collectively possessed among themselves (as more and more dimensionally-displaced individuals, humanoid animals and sentient creatures continued to appear in this alternate universe), Smith decided instead to just play along and see where this unexpected detour went...

-5 powers, 2 boosts and an Xtreme
-Abilities of might, flight, 50% evasion chance, 25% faster than most characters, 100% chance of resurrection, 2x XP gain, always on enemy reveal on map
-1 hex-edited skin, HUD, loading screen, icons and voice/sound file using ripped audio of Hugo Weaving's voice from the original Matrix film trilogy
-Uses assigned number #49 (will clash with playable Odin, Living Monolith, Kaine's Scarlet Spider, Cassie Cage and Cinder in mannequin).

-A mannequin

1. Passionless Deletion: Agent Smith pulls out his Desert Eagle and fires four shots at an unlucky target, dealing physical damage as they're knocked to the ground.
2. Frustrated Rumble: Agent Smith leaps high into the air and uses his incredible levels of programmed superhuman strength to slam the ground, sending surrounding enemies flying as physical damage is dealt.
3. Guardian Combo: Using the assimilated code of The Oracle's guardian, Seraph, Agent Smith performs a strong six-hit martial arts combo, dealing physical damage to struck targets.
4. Flying Fury: Agent Smith uses his unexplained, assimilated power of flight to charge forward, forcing struck foes to the ground before beating their faces in, dealing physical damage.
5. Mecha Smith Rubble: In reference to the final boss fight in the Matrix: Path of Neo game, Smith orders off-screen clones to throw pieces of building rubble at incredible velocity, dealing fire damage to all on-screen enemies.
6. (Boost) Smith Will Suffice: Agent Smith uses his highly dangerous ability to create permanent, assimilated clones of himself on the current map through carefully jabbing an unlucky enemy in a vulnerable spot, adding to the ally ranks for entire team.
7. (Boost) Phasing Ghost: Using the assimilated code of the Twins from the Merovingian's ranks, Agent Smith becomes completely intangible and invulnerable. Press Jump button whilst idle or moving to make Smith solid again!
8. (Xtreme) Destructive Weather: Using the assimilated code of the mysterious young exile Sati, Agent Smith unleashes a lethal water blast that damages all enemies, before finishing off survivors with deadly lightning strikes, dealing heavy damage.

Ceamonks890- Mod creation & coding, HUD, loading screen, icons etc
Julio Cabral- Converted Agent Smith model from Matrix: Path of Neo game

Download link:

February 27, 2025, 12:44AM #571 Last Edit: February 27, 2025, 07:22PM by Ceamonks890

A China-based hero who debuted in the Marvel mobile game, Future Fight, Sword Master was originally born as Lin Lie.

Handed a mysterious package addressed to him from his missing father a year later, Lin would figure out the tricky puzzle box contained within it, revealing a glowing red orb.

But before Lin could take time to figure out the significance of the mystical object, he would be attacked by the deliveryman (who was a demon in disguise), only saved from a brutal end by a sentient sword in his father's collection.

Forging an uneasy alliance with Ji Shuangshuang, Lin would travel across China, learning about the true significance his family line had while defending himself against the forces of the demon Chiyou.

Eventually travelling to the United States after completing his training as the latest wielder of the Sword of Fu Xi (continuing his pursuit in finding his missing family members), Lin joined the New Agents of Atlas team as he took up the codename of Sword Master from than on.

However, Lin's often arrogant and stubborn attitude would get in the way and cause strains within the Agents of Atlas, to the point the Sword of Fu Xi would temporarily leave him for a more honorable hero when the situation called for it.

Unfortunately, Lin's insecurities became his inevitable downfall as the Sword of Fu Xi was destroyed during a confrontation with a deadly beast, before being thrown deep into a ravine to not be found for some time by his Agents of Atlas teammates.

Waking up outside K'un-Lun barely alive, a timely hatch of the egg which contained the latest reincarnation of the ancient dragon Shou-Lou would save Lin's life as he was granted the power and codename of Iron Fist (eventually returning to America in order to reacquire the shards of the destroyed Sword of Fu Xi and keep it out of Chiyou's evil hands).

Still internally doubtful of his capabilities as a hero for quite some time (frequently struggling to channel the power of the Iron Fist as the sword shards painfully embedded themselves mystically within his arms), Lin's true potential would finally be properly demonstrated when he managed to prevent the other active Iron Fist, Danny Rand, from dying before an ancient beast called a Ch'l-Lin.

Managing to reform the Sword of Fu Xi as the shards magically came out of his arms harmlessly (ridding Lin of the chronic pain he had been forced to learn how to mitigate for many months), Lin lunged forward as the Ch'l-Lin's head was sliced clean off by a formidable strike with the Sword of Fu Xi (Danny Rand's destined death prevented and leaving the door open for proper descendants to the Iron Fist mantle).

Returning to his original Sword Master codename (accepting that Danny Rand deserved the mantle), the veteran Hero for Hire could only smile at the young man's growth.

Now, Lin is contacted by his teammates at the Agents of Atlas, informed that SHIELD required all hands on deck in regards to a very severe threat involving Doctor Doom and his newly formed 'Masters of Evil'.

Stating he was on his way, Lin raised the Sword of Fu Xi as he took to the skies above, flying off for Stark Tower at great speeds...

-5 powers, 2 boosts and an Xtreme
-Ability of flight
-5 hex-edited skins, HUDs, loading screen, icons and voice/sound file using archived audio of Stephen Fu's voice from Marvel Rivals
-Uses assigned number #134 (will clash with playable Arcade Clown, Shaman and Goku in mannequin).

1. Dagger of Fu Xi: Lin briefly morphs his sword into a dagger, proceeding to stab an unlucky enemy in a non-fatal spot, dealing physical damage as they're flung away.
2. Shou-Lao Combo: Lin uses his Chi to enhance his strikes, performing a six-hit punch combo while dealing physical damage to struck threats.
3. Fist Burst: Lin carefully channels his Chi, slamming the ground and releasing energy from his fist, dealing physical damage. Will trip enemies if power is fully charged!
4. Spiral Swords: Lin uses his Chi to generate a duplicate of the Sword of Fu Xi, using his dual swords to perform a spin attack, dealing physical damage to struck targets so long as button continues to be held down.
5. Sword Tears: Lin performs several quick slashes with the Sword of Fu Xi, generating multiple projectiles as energy damage is dealt to struck enemies.
6. (Boost) Channelled Essence: Lin focusses his chi as he raises the Sword of Fu Xi carefully, boosting overall movement speed and damage output temporarily.
7. (Boost) Chi Heal: Lin uses his chi to selflessly heal himself and his teammates, restoring back a portion of their health.
8. (Xtreme) Reassured Release: Lin channels the power of the Sword of Fu Xi, performing a formidable stab into the ground as a large blast of green-coloured energy is unleashed, dealing heavy energy damage to struck foes with a chance to slow them down briefly.

Ceamonks890- Mod creation & coding, loading screen, icons etc
Escanor610- Converted Sword Master Future Fight & Rivals assets, custom animations from Marvel Future Fight
Hannah & tubularspacedude- Ripped Sword Master audio files from Marvel Rivals

Download link:


The manifested mind and will of the sun god Solaris after disastrous experiments by the Duke of Soleanna to channel Solaris's limitless power (who originally debuted in the infamous Sonic '06 video game), Mephiles the Dark manipulated affairs all across the timestream, in order to ensure he would someday be reunited with his other half, Iblis, and become Solaris once more.

Initially contained within the ominous 'Scepter of Darkness' by a mysterious black-coloured hedgehog with red streaks on his fur and rocket shoes, he would ironically be released in present day by the exact same hedgehog who was unaware of the destined events in his personal timestream to come, Mephiles taking on a twisted form of Shadow with no mouth and more of a noticeably demonic appearance.

Thanking him in a malicious-sounding tone, Mephiles proceeded to send Shadow and his associate, Rouge the Bat, to a dark post-apocalyptic future with his incredible abilities (before proceeding to travel to an earlier point in the timeline for the post-apocalyptic future), to manipulate its resident heroes, Silver the Hedgehog & Blaze the Cat, into hunting down Sonic the Hedgehog within the comparatively distant past as the falsely identified 'Iblis Trigger', who would doom all life on the planet with Iblis releasing from containment within the body of the Soleanna Princess, Elise.

Sending Silver & Blaze back in time as they disappeared while versions of Sonic, Tails & Knuckles from further in the present eavesdropped on their conversation, Mephiles was consistently gleeful about his plan going smoothly, always being one step ahead of the heroes as he continued to divert Shadow & Silver's attention away from his grander plan every step of the way.

Eventually managing to find the perfect moment timeline wise, Mephiles proceeded to stab Princess Elise in the back with a bright energy sword construct (after Sonic and his friends celebrated their victory at defeating a still very much alive Doctor Eggman and rescuing Elise moments before), everyone lost in shock as Elise's tears of pain triggered Iblis's release and merging with Mephiles into Solaris anew.

Proceeding to collapse time itself with the Chaos Emeralds as everything across the primary Sonic timeline was wiped, Sonic and his allies were against all logical odds, left remarkably intact in a timeless void.

Sonic left entirely guilt-ridden for failing to protect Elise when it was most needed, the reformed Silver's youthful optimism raised the spirits of the others present, suggesting that re-obtaining all the Chaos Emeralds anew may help undo all of this and make it so Solaris would never come to be, therefore preventing Elise from dying altogether or leading to the creation of his nightmarish future.

Everyone travelling across the timeless dimension's recreations of notable environments they had all previously travelled through at one point, they would succeed at retrieving back the Chaos Emeralds despite Solaris's best efforts to destroy them (defeated by the combined super form-empowered Sonic, Shadow & Silver before they were sent back in time once more as disembodied beings witnessing Solaris in its original form of harmless white flame, seeing a much younger child version of Elise interacting with her still alive father about their plans with Solaris, blissfully unaware of how doomed their goals would be).

And as Sonic bravely blew out the Solaris flame (knowing full well that everyones' collective memory of Mephiles, Iblis & Solaris would be permanently wiped from existence), the world was at peace as Sonic and his friends returned to the status quo of fighting off Doctor Eggman's latest schemes.

Mephiles's sense of self waking up back in the Scepter of Darkness, he knew immediately that the meddlesome hedgehogs had done the impossible and prevented him from ever coming into being across the new status quo of the timestream, trapped in a timeless void recreation of Dusty Desert's pyramid interior as a prisoner that existence itself no longer knew what to do with nor wanted unleashed.

Driven mad with desperation to escape and become a part of the timeline once more, a rare opportunity appeared as portions of the original deleted Sonic '06 timeline were stirred back into existence as a byproduct of Doctor Eggman's 'Time Eater' creation.

Encountering a future version of Shadow imbued with unfamiliar abilities from Mephiles' perspective, he ensured to not take this chance lightly and threw all the power he had at Shadow in the hopes of killing him and using the opened chrono portal to escape and wreck havoc on the Sonic timeline again.

Unfortunately for Mephiles, he would be defeated by Shadow with surprisingly little effort and newly imprisoned in the Scepter of Darkness, Shadow parting with words assuring that there was never going to be a future for Mephiles as he left and the chrono portal sealed, Mephiles left to wallow in grief-induced rage for untold millennia.

But despite the best hopes of everyone in assuming Mephiles would never be a relevant threat again, the far more severe, gradual collapse of all existence on a multiversal scale from a vastly different world where superpowered humans dressed in colourful costumes were commonplace, would cause many heroes and villains alike to be dimensionally displaced to this special universe, including that of Mephiles.

A dimensional tear managing to reach Mephiles' timeless void prison, the tear's incredible strength would pull the Scepter of Darkness into it and spawn it above city streets.

The Scepter of Darkness smashing into pieces upon impact, Mephiles would reform and let out a psychotic laugh, relieved to be finally freed from containment initially until flashes of different points in this unfamiliar world's timeline moved through Mephiles' mind, revealing an armored dictator known as Doctor Doom with stolen god abilities as being the cause of multiversal destruction if he wasn't stopped.

Infuriated that a mortal would dare try to steal his thunder, Mephiles began to carefully plot a scheme in acquiring this Doom's eventual stolen power for himself by reluctantly forming a temporary alliance with the overwhelmingly strong collective forces of SHIELD created to combat the threat of a 'Masters of Evil' group, knowing that Iblis no longer existed for him to regain his full power of Solaris and figured it was the next best thing to regaining his former glory.

Taking to the skies above, Mephiles prepared to put his new scheme into action...

-5 powers, 2 boosts and an Xtreme
-Abilities of flight, immunity to psychic damage and mind control, 100% chance of resurrection
-5 hex-edited skins, HUDs, loading screen, icons and voice/sound file using archived audio of Dan Green's voice from Sonic '06
-Uses assigned number #53 (will clash with playable Paibok, Howard The Duck, Joseph, Spider-Girl, Sora and Blue Beetle in mannequin).

1. Drown in Darkness: Mephiles generates orbs of pure darkness and directs them at enemies, dealing physical damage.
2. Dance my Shadows: Mephiles generates minions of his own creation called 'Shadows' which constantly attack anything in their path before eventually dissipating, dealing physical damage over time.
3. Tilted Towers: As a simultaneous nod to his Shadow Generations boss fight and the Sonic '06 SnapCube fan dub, Mephiles uses telekinesis to pull down some nearby building supports and aim them at enemies, dealing physical damage.
4. Slow Corruption: Mephiles generates a mysterious purple substance on the ground, tripping enemies up while slowing them down briefly.
5. Determined Kill: Mephiles generates his formidable energy blade and performs a quick spin attack with it, dealing physical damage to surrounding enemies.
6. (Boost) Slow Shade: Mephiles blends into the shadows, becoming completely invisible while boosting his overall defense at the cost of having his movement slowed down.
7. (Boost) Emerald Clone: Using an uncovered Chaos Emerald, Mephiles creates a formidable if weaker clone of himself with it to assist him in combat temporarily.
8. (Xtreme) Monstrous Annihilation: Mephiles uses his energy blade to move between enemies, stabbing them before returning to his original position, dealing heavy physical damage.

Ceamonks890- Mod creation & coding, HUDs, loading screen, icons etc
Escanor610- Converted Mephiles the Dark assets

Download link:


A more aggressive, werewolf-like form taken by Sonic the Hedgehog unwillingly after being exposed to the negative energy of the Chaos Emeralds during the opening events of Sonic Unleashed, Sonic had no choice but to make use of this new form at night in order to stop Doctor Eggman's latest scheme (returning to normal during daytime).

Granted increased strength, sharp claws and inexplicably stretchy arms in this form at the cost of his distinct super speed being rendered inaccessible whilst encountering the mysterious imp he affectionately named 'Chip' after a brutally long fall from outer space, Sonic forged a durable friendship with the amnesic Chip as the two travelled across the shattered world in order to set things right by restoring the Chaos Emeralds' power and putting the planet back together at special, ancient temples.

And while it would eventually be revealed that Chip was the 'Light Gaia', the opposite to the openly malicious 'Dark Gaia' who threatened to release its full power if the planet wasn't put back together (Sonic having the Werehog form permanently stripped from him by Dark Gaia during the final encounter after stopping Eggman once again), the Werehog & Chip would find themselves unexpectedly pulled from their original timestream within the Sonic universe before they could face off against Dark Gaia proper, to that of an alternate reality where superpowered humans dressed in colourful costumes were commonplace.

Sonic & Chip taking a moment to examine their new surroundings of unfamiliar city streets, they realised immediately that it was daytime but Sonic mysteriously wasn't changing back to his true, blue-coloured speedy form this time around (Chip pondering whether this new dimension followed different rules from their own).

But before the Werehog could comment, the two would be surprised to encounter future versions of Sonic and his usual cast among a group of dimensionally-displaced heroes who were out on patrol, the two Sonics at a loss for words as to how this was even possible as they stared at each other mesmerised.

However, timely screams from innocent citizens over a large pink dragon and group of green ogres nearby would make the two Sonics acknowledge that they would have to sort this mess out later as the heroes proceeded to investigate the local disturbance...

-5 powers, 2 boosts and an Xtreme
-Ability of might
-1 hex-edited skin, HUD, loading screen, icons and voice/sound file using archived audio of Jason Griffith's voice from Sonic Unleashed
-Uses assigned number #13 (will clash with Human Torch, Abomination and Jason Voorhees in mannequin).

-A mannequin

1. Agile Slice: The Werehog punches and kicks surrounding enemies, dealing physical damage.
2. Werehog Concussion: The Werehog spins around, performing some helpful crowd control as he slashes multiple enemies with his claws, dealing physical damage.
3. Wereclap: The Werehog claps his hands together, stunning nearby enemies briefly as physical damage is dealt.
4. Feral Wild Whirl: The Werehog starts to perform a spin attack, dealing physical damage to surrounding enemies (so long as button is held down).
5. Ultimate Wild: The Werehog performs a quick spiral attack, dashing forward as he slices multiple enemies with his claws, dealing physical damage.
6. (Debuff) Savage Taunt: The Werehog taunts surrounding enemies, forcing them to attack him while their overall damage output is reduced.
7. (Boost) Unleashed Mode: The Werehog lets out a howl as his overall strength and defense is increased temporarily.
8. (Xtreme) Wild Fury: The Werehog performs a vast radial attack, slashing multiple targets at once as they channel excess Dark Gaia energy, dealing heavy physical damage.

Ceamonks890- Mod creation & coding, HUD, loading screen, icons etc
Escanor610- Converted Sonic the Werehog skin

Download link: