
Ninja Kyden's Mods

Started by Ninja Kyden, December 22, 2020, 04:52PM

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December 22, 2020, 05:34PM #1 Last Edit: December 23, 2020, 09:48PM by Ninja Kyden

Stryfe is the villain who got me into Marvel when I was a kid.  I saw him on the cover of some comics at the grocery store in the early 90's and thought he was so cool-looking.  When I saw there wasn't a mod of him, despite him being in XML2 as a boss, I knew he would become my first mod.

I designed him with lots of utility and power in mind, given that he's the clone of Cable with more raw power to spare, thanks to not being infected with the techno-organic virus.  Given Stryfe's upbringing by Apocalypse and his cruelty, he feels empowered when he hurts enemies, replenishing a small portion of his EP with every attack.  To balance this out, he has generally higher EP costs and lower EP regeneration from his passive.

-7 powers, 2 boosts, and an Xtreme.
-5 skins with HUDs and sound/voice file.
-Uses assigned number #50.

1. Terrorkinesis: Telekinesis with fear.
2. Kinetic Rush: Charge tackle that stuns.
3. Concussive Blasts: Projectile attack; charge for more blasts.
4. Mind Melt: Radial attack that causes bleeding and stuns/nullifies.
5. Psionic Blast: Mental beam attack with a chance to kill.
6. X-Cutioner's Rage: Immobilizes enemies and causes bleed.  Can drain health.
7. Force of Will:  Powerful radial attack that can convert and then kill.
8. (Xtreme) Legacy Virus: Causes massive damage over time and slows.
9. (Boost) Telekinetic Force Field: Protective barrier.
10. (Boost) Psychic Enhancement: Speeds up team and adds mental damage to melee attacks.

Julio Cabral (Cable)
UltraMegaMagnus (MFF Stryfe)
Additional thanks to BaconWizard17
Special shout-out to Ceamonks890 for original voice acting on Stryfe, it's incredibly impressive!
Another shout-out to Hemlot for walking me through voice and sound file creation!
**Installation Instructions**
Additional thanks go to Cohollow for trouble-shooting with me on Stryfe's powerstyle
And to BaconWizard17 for walking me through so many things on my first mod


January 17, 2021, 12:08PM #3 Last Edit: March 27, 2021, 08:14PM by Ninja Kyden

Asgardians are invading XML2!  Hela is such a wickedly awesome character.  Now you can conquer XML2's Midgard with Hela and her minions.

This mod of Hela makes heavy use of her magical powers and was partly inspired by her Marvel Strike Force version, where she always has a minion with her.  I think this mod makes use of her powers in a unique way, creating an XML2 power set that is both original and fun.

-6 powers, 2 boosts, and 2 Xtremes.
-1 skin with sound/voice file.
-Uses assigned number #158.

Additional skins.

1. Mystical Mischief: Cause random debuffs.
2. Shock and Age: Chain lightning power that slows and weakens enemies.
3. Hand of Glory: Hela's signature death punch.
4. Knives Out: Lots and lots of knives.  With poison.
5. Darkest of Sorceries: Suck the energy and life out of enemies.
6. Hallelujah It's Raining Swords: More deadly than raining men.
7. (Xtreme) Hel Hath No Fury:  Unleash the cold of Niflheim.
8. (Xtreme) Dead Man's Party: Raise an army of the dead.  Also, summon Greg.
9. (Boost) Faster, Goddess! Kill! Kill!: Speed up Hela and slow down enemies.
10. (Boost) Zombie Ragnarok: Because zombie apocalpyses are overrated.

Additional thanks to UltraMegaMagnus
LucasFernandesBR (from his MUA1 Hela mod)
Whiteking (from his XML2 Emma Frost mod)
**Installation Instructions**
Additional thanks for effects wizards that came before me, go to nodoubt_jr and Cohollow


February 10, 2021, 08:23PM #4 Last Edit: July 14, 2022, 10:55AM by Ninja Kyden

Bigger. Badder. Darker!  HOTTER!  Rising from the ashes of her PSP conversion, a new Dark Phoenix mod arises.  With enhanced and new effects and new and modified, upgradeable powers, burn down the world of XML2.

Dark Phoenix is actually the character who got me into modding.  While playing with her PSP conversion mod, certain things bothered me.  So, I started playing around with her talents file, and then her powerstyle file, and started to get the hang of things from studying those.  Next thing I know, I'm creating a mod of Stryfe!  And now, I've come full circle by releasing an updated mod of Dark Phoenix.

To encourage leveling up powers, I've designed it so that certain features unlock when a power is leveled up to a certain level.  For example, level up Dark Phoenix's first power and it can stun enemies.  Level up her second power and it can drain health.  In addition, some powers affect other powers and melee finishers.

If you want Dark Phoenix to have two additional powers (Erode Mind and Inferno Blast), better special finishers, plus a special flying charge attack:  alternate powerstyle and talents files are included in the !Extras folder.  I call this the enhanced edition.  However, be cautious, because they are larger files than usual.

-7 powers, 2 boosts, and 2 Xtremes.
-Multiple skins with sound/voice file.  Alternate skins also included.
-Uses assigned number #02.

None.  But would love feedback!

1. Psychic Surge & Erode Mind*: Cause mental damage.  Upgrades to stun. / Damage over time.  Upgrades to drain EP and lower enemy defense.
2  Telekinetic Siphon: Telekinesis that upgrades to drain health.
3. Inferno Blast*: Throw a fireball.  Upgrades to throw more fireballs.
4. Mind Over All That Matters: Lift enemies into the air.  Upgrades to slam them down and cause damage over time.
5. Phoenix Rage: Incinerate foes.  Upgrades to drain health.
6. Dark Phoenix Force: Convert enemies.  Upgrades for a chance to kill.
7. Space Warp Inferno: Teleport around.  Upgrades to stun enemies and cause them to explode.
8. (Xtreme) Consume All:  Catastrophic damage and chance to kill.
9. (Xtreme) Dark Goddess: Become invincible and increase damage to go on a killing spree!  Upgrades to increase talent levels.
10. (Boost) Cosmic Shield: Absorb damage.  Lots of damage.  Upgrades to grant extra protective effects.
11. (Boost) Life Steal: Previously known as Energy Absorb 2.  Upgrades to drain EP with all attacks like a proper boost.

*Erode Mind and Inferno Blast available in the enhanced edition

**Dark Phoenix PSP conversion**
Couldn't have done this without Matt710 converting the PSP version of Dark Phoenix
New, beautiful skins befitting a Dark Goddess by BaconWizard17
**Bonus Icons**
BaconWizard17 (new as of 3/27/2022)
Outsider (from his MUA booster)
**Installation Instructions**
Maegawa (skin swapping)
Additional thanks for effects wizards that came before me, go to Erik Lensherr, nodoubt_jr, and Edward



This mod increases the difficulty of all enemies in XML2.  The regular ones and all bosses.  It increases their attack, defense, health, and damage.  In most cases, those have been increased by x1.5.

This is a work in progress, so PLEASE SEND ME FEEDBACK.


March 27, 2021, 11:20AM #7 Last Edit: February 21, 2022, 07:15PM by Ninja Kyden

Saien's Backstory: (Pronounced "SIGH-in")
After chance encounters with Ego the Living Planet and a primordial Phoenix Force, a consciousness awoke within an undiscovered star on the edge of a distant galaxy.  Curious from the stories told by Ego, this unnamed star developed a desire to visit other galaxies and worlds, especially Earth.  But stars, though massive and powerful, are relatively fixed in their places in the cosmos.  The unnamed star became despondent that it wouldn't be able to venture beyond its empty corner of space.  Reaching out with its new consciousness, it sent out a plea into the universe.  And the universe answered.

The star became a shooting star, passing through the void of space and hurtling through galaxies.  Driven by its curiousity, it sped toward Earth, finally colliding with the planet in a shower of rock and light and smoke.

That night, Beast, Professor Xavier, and Cyclops were performing maintenance and testing new upgrades to equipment.  They soon became aware of the instant formation of a new crater north of New York City and quickly prepped a team to investigate.  Unknown to them, Sentinels were also nearby and had detected the crash.  While the mutant-hunting robots took to the air, so did the X-Jet, Sentinels and X-Men converging on the fallen star's location at the same time.  The star, meanwhile, was shaking off the dust and debris from its crash landing, realizing with surprise *it* was now a *he*.  The star in human form crawled out of the crater just as Sentinels were firing off their first lasers at the X-Men emerging from the jet.  Not sure how to register this new entity, the Sentinels classified him as an unknown threat and fired on him.  The star dodged out of the way and quickly shook off his surprise.  When he'd recovered his footing he instinctively shot a gamma ray at the robot, while Cyclops immediatley followed up with an optic blast.  Professor Xavier distracted the other Sentinel, giving Beast time to rush it and deliver an acrobatic kick.  This gave time for the star to summon down a rain of meteor, which collided into the chest and feet of the Sentinels, knocking them to the ground and pounding into their metal frames.

With the Sentinels defeated, the X-Men celebrated their victory with a new ally.  Beast named this once unnamed star from a distant, empty corner of the universe "Saien," from a name in a novel Beast had been enjoying.  His powers unknown, his mind curious, and his heart full of hope and excitement, Saien decided to join the X-Men and learn and enjoy all he could about what it means to be human.

I'm not really sure why - probably because of Final Fantasy - but the idea of being able to hurl meteors and comets down on your enemies fascinates me.  I've loved the idea of "cosmic" powers for a long time.  The idea for Saien came from wanting to create a character with nearly this exact power set.  As I got better at modding, I realized I could achieve my dream of raining down meteors and opening up black holes, at least by proxy.  Until I have those powers in real life, this mod will have to do.

To encourage leveling up powers, there are big bonuses to damage, range, or debuff chances, etc. for Saien's abilities, even the passives.  He can also dodge starting at level 1 - move in a direction immediately after using a light attack (the equivalent of doing this from a block in MUA1).  Starting at level 7, he can do a counterattack with a small knockback from a dodge roll.  Press the heavy attack button during the dodge roll to activate (uses EP).  The counterattack from a backflip is his special groundattack, unlocked with the Luminosity passive.

Once at least one point has been put into the passive "Luminosity," Saien has some extra powers activated by doing special combos or while flying:
-Do an extra light attack at the end of the light attack 3 finisher.
-Do an extra heavy attack at the end of heavy attack 2 finisher.
-Light attack while flying.
-Heavy attack while jumping or during a backflip dodge.
-After all active powers have been unlocked (powers 1 through 7), a special bonus melee attack is unlocked.  Hint:  Must be flying to use.

Note: Luminosity powers scale with the Striking (melee attack) stat and also by putting more points into Luminosity.

-7 powers, 2 boosts, and 1 Xtreme.  Plus extra special powers and dodges.
-Many powers have two forms, by either doing a quick tap OR a press-and-hold.
-Multiple skins with sound/voice file.  Alternate skins also included if you need lower textures.
-Uses assigned number #201.

Would love feedback!  Especially where balance is concerned (damage, EP use, etc.)

1. Meteor Storm: Direct projectile attack OR create a trap that shoots projectiles.
2. Solar Flare: Fire damage with knockback.  Upgrades to lower enemy defense.
3. Comet: Summon a comet with aoe OR charge into the enemy.
4. Gamma Rays: Shoot a splitting beam of radiation OR summon multiple beams from space.
5. Warped Space: Freeze and slow enemies with a close range radial.
6. Quasar: Like Magneto's ability where he picks up and throws about objects and enemies.
7. Planets Collide: Big boom.
8. (Xtreme) CHAOTIC COSMOS:  Bigger boom.
9. (Boost) Energy Flow: Convert damage received and taken into health OR energy.
10. (Boost) Starburst: Absorb damage.  Lots of damage.  Upgrades to grant extra protective effects.

**Models and Original Textures**
Maxdemon6 -
**Special Thanks**
BaconWizard17 for all the guidance and assistance in helping me make my first models and skins.  Couldn't have done it without his patience and expertise.
Stickbro for Nova's sound packs
**Installation Instructions**
Maegawa (skin swapping)
Additional thanks for effects wizards that came before me, go to Cohollow (Avalanche mod and Iceman booster), nodoubt_jr (Human Torch, Doctor Strange, and Magma XML2 mods), and Shadowslacks (Storm booster)

Let me know if I missed a credit.


I'm so excited to see your Wiccan mod. One of my favorite characters. And your Hela mod is fantastic!

March 27, 2022, 08:37PM #9 Last Edit: May 24, 2022, 05:57PM by Ninja Kyden

!! This is the "first draft" / prototype / beta version of X-Man (Nate Grey).  Sounds and skins will be finalized at a later date. !!

-6 powers, 2 boosts, and 2 Xtremes.
-Multiple skins with sound/voice file.
-Uses assigned number #35.

None.  But would love feedback!

1. Concussive Bolt: A beam of psychically made physical force.
2. Telekinesis+Force Field: Good 'ol telekinesis.  Upgrades to shield X-man at the same time, too.
3. TK Pulse+Hologram: Radial knock back psychic attack.  Upgrades to create a minion.
4. Brainwash: Radial attack with a chance to put enemies under X-Man's control.  Upgrades to paralyze the rest of the enemies so the brainwashed will beat 'em up.
5. Astral Entity: Trap entity.  Used to be the first Xtreme.  Underrated, but actually has lots of damage potential.
6. TK Crush: Raise 'em up and crush 'em with telekinetic force.  More deadly than paralysis.
7. (Xtreme) Telekinetic Flare:  Ever wonder if Gambit could just blow things up with his mind?  That's this power.
8. (Xtreme) Psionic Gloves+Astral Tap: Become a melee powerhouse *and* get a boost to max EP.
9. (Boost) Psychic Fists: Adds mental damage to attacks plus more.
10. (Boost) Clairvoyance+Healing: Move quicker and take less damage.  Upgrades to heal self and teammates.

**X-Man PSP conversion**
Couldn't have done this without nodoubt_jr converting the PSP version of X-Man
Coming soon by BaconWizard17
**Gloves Models**
Whoever else worked on X-Man sounds, thank you
**Installation Instructions**
Additional thanks for effects wizards that came before me, go to nodoubt_jr for the original X-Man XML2 mod




GET IT HERE:  Coming Soon

June 03, 2022, 10:36AM #11 Last Edit: July 17, 2022, 03:02PM by Ninja Kyden

Zaydariel's Backstory:
Earth-777:  A literal paradise populated solely by a race of immortal winged mutants, who call themselves archangels.  It's a dimension without strife and without war, isolated by their power from all other dimensions.  Nothing gets in or out except by the will of the angels.  They posses strong psychic and "divine" powers, and control over the elements.  On the rare occasions they interact with outsiders, they are haughty, arrogant, and judgmental.  Because of their sense of superiority, every 500 years they choose a strong archangel to travel to another dimension to fight whatever evil they come upon.  These angels never return, as they see it as their duty and privilege to protect "lesser" beings.

At the most recent Judgement, a powerful archangel named Zaydariel is deemed worthy and chosen to "save" a random dimension.  Little do the angels know, however, leaving their home dimension leaves them temporarily vulnerable.  Zaydariel lands in a blaze of light in upstate New York, weakened and unconscious from dimensional travel.  Not far from where he arrives, the mutant Mister Sinister is stalking another mutant to capture for experimentation.  Seeing a glorious opportunity in front of him, Mister Sinister abandons the chase and captures Zaydariel instead.  Using nefarious genetic science and leftover DNA from his transformation of Warren Worthington III into Archangel, Mister Sinister conducts painful experiments on the hapless angel from Earth-777.

After weeks of torture and torment, Mister Sinister succeeds in giving Zaydariel a second set of wings and corrupting his mind so he'll obey his commands.  Zaydariel awakens in a fit of rage, unleashing a psychic call of anguish.  While using Cerebro in the basement of the X-Mansion, Professor X hears Zaydariel's mental cry and dispatches the X-Men to thwart Mister Sinister's plan.  A tense battle ensues, and Mister Sinister commands a fallen Zaydariel to attack in order to make his getaway.  However, having just awoken from his dark transformation, the X-Men overpower Zaydariel and rescue the tortured angel.  As thanks for saving him, Zaydariel joins the X-Men and vows to protect other mutants and humankind, but must now also struggle with the darkness within himself.  His codename:  Dark Angel.

Zaydariel is inspired by several different sources, including Angel/Archangel himself.  He also takes a lot from my favorite Shin Megami Tensei enemy, Metatron.  I love the idea of a winged mutant plus having a variety of powers.

-10 powers (6 archangel, 4 dark angel), 2 Xtremes, and 2 boosts.
-Can change to Dark Angel mode to gain access to different powers.
-Some new unique effects.
-Multiple skins with sound/voice file.
-Uses assigned number #236.

Would love feedback!  Especially where balance is concerned (damage, EP use, etc.).
Do you feel the time you get and the costs during Dark Angel mode are fair?
Have a suggestion for a color or pattern of wings that you'd like to see?
Message me on Discord (Ninja Kyden#2636)

1.  Ray of Light | Wrath of the Fallen:  Standard one-enemy beam attack (archangel) | Fly straight into the enemy and lower their defense (dark angel)
2.  Angel Blade | Poison Plumes:  Throw very sharp swords (archangel) | Loose some very poisonous feathers (dark angel)
3.  Divine Storm | Darknado:  Two types of lightning attacks - because electricity is always fun! (archangel) | Lots of tornadoes (dark angel)
4.  Smite | Debilitate:  Fly high then crush down (archangel) | Severely weaken the enemy (dark angel)
5.  Fire of Sinai:  My favorite move.  Just like Metatron does it.
6.  Seraphic Radiance:  Unleash light from above.
7.  (Xtreme) Judgement:  Holy judgement that uniquely lowers enemy resistances.
8.  (Xtreme) Fallen Angel:  Go really dark and take full advantage of what the darkness offers.
9.  (Boost) Divine Intervention:  Sometimes, thoughts and prayers do make a difference and heal you.
10.  (Boost) Dark Angel:  Dark On!  Enter Dark Angel mode and access dark angel powers.

To encourage leveling up powers, there are big bonuses at max level to damage, range, or debuff chances, etc. for most of Zaydariel's abilities, even passives.  In the enhanced edition (see the Readme), he can also dodge starting at level 1 - move in a direction immediately after using a light attack (the equivalent of doing this from a block in MUA1).  He also has some extra combo moves (see below).

Due to the trauma of Mr. Sinister's genetic experimentation and torture, Zaydariel starts with a lower Mind (Focus) stat and lower max health. (Zaydariel is potentially very powerful, but also a bit of a glass cannon to balance things out for the mod.)  Despite having some natural psychic powers, Zaydariel also now suffers from a lower resistance to mental attacks; this weakness and his lower health can be improved by investing in specific passive abilities.

Boost 2 is both how the boost itself is activated and how dark angel powers are used.
   -Though dark angel powers are used with the boost button, they are improved at the same time as archangel powers 1-4.
   -To activate dark angel mode with Boost 2, hold down the button for the boost. ***NOTE: You may have to use the keyboard for this (my controller could not always get the boost to work by holding down the button, but the keyboard always worked).
   -To use dark angel powers, press the button for the boost power but then immediately press the button for a light attack, heavy attack, jump, or guard. (NOTE: This *did* always work with my controller).
      1) light attack -> Wrath of the Fallen (dark angel power 1)
      2) heavy attack -> Poison Plumes* (power 2)
      3) jump -> Darknado (power 3)
      4) guard -> Debilitate (power 4)
   *Poison Plumes can also be activated during flight in the enhanced edition by combo'ing 3 light attacks together.

Zaydariel has 6 "archangel" powers and 4 "dark angel" powers.

   -Archangel mode is the default mode for Zaydariel.
   -The first 4 archangel powers grant Zaydariel a "blessing" that is stackable - meaning that the buffs stack with repeated uses.
   -Some dark angel powers also have stackable debuffs, so the more it's used on the same enemy, the greater the debuff.

Dark Angel Mode

   -Dark angel mode is activated by using Boost 2 (Dark Angel) or Xtreme 2 (FALLEN ANGEL).
   -Dark angel powers can be used at any time after Boost 2 is learned.  However, if dark angel mode is not active, the EP cost of dark angel powers will be extremely high.
   -Activating dark angel mode will LOWER the cost of dark angel powers but INCREASE the cost of archangel powers.
   -When activating with Xtreme 2, dark angel mode lasts longer, grants more max EP than Boost 2, gives a bigger percentage cost discount for dark angel powers (meaning it lowers the cost to use them even further than Boost 2 does), and does NOT increase the cost of archangel powers.
   -Even during dark angel mode, the EP cost of dark angel powers is high, but the additional max EP and lower EP cost will help.  Be cautious however, because you need the MAX EP cost of the power in reserve, or the power won't activate, even if you have enough current EP to use them with the cost reduction.
   -For example, if you're trying to use dark angel power 3 (Darknado), and it has a base cost of 400, and the EP cost reduction from Boost 2 is 10%, then the actual power cost of power 3 would be 360 EP.  But the game requires you to have 400 EP in reserve to use power 3, even though the cost with discount while the boost is active is only 360.

Grab attacks always drain EP.  After Fallen Angel Mastery (passive) is learned, grab attacks also drain HP during dark angel mode.

   -The amount that is drained can be improved by investing in Fallen Angel Mastery.
   -If grabbing and throwing the enemy, there is extra damage attached to the grab (normally the only damage with a throw is the impact).  The grab damage is *mental* damage because Zaydariel is psychically attacking a person through touch when he grab attacks them - this is how he is able to drain EP and HP with grab attacks.
   -This extra added damage is on par with a basic light attack and like any normal light or heavy attack, improve the damage by putting points into the Strike stat.

Extra combo moves

(all editions)
   -During flight, Zaydariel's flying charge attack (heavy attack while flying), will create a tornado on impact; damage scales with the Strike stat.  Knockback, range, and damage are higher during Dark Angel mode.

(enhanced edition)
   -Zaydariel's flying kick knockback finisher is automatically followed up with another combo that will cause a small area telekinetic push.  Damage, knockback, and powerusage scale with Ray of Light (power 1).
   -Using a 3rd consecutive heavy attack will summon a sword from the heavens to impale an enemy from above.  This attack ignores defense, always crits, and is unblockable.  Damage and powerusage scale with Angel Blade (power 2).

There's lots of ways to power up Zaydariel, so try out different things and see what works best for you!  Have questions about how any of Zaydariel's moves work?  Message me on Discord (Ninja Kyden#2636)

**Models and Original Textures**
LorisC93 -
Maxdemon6 -
UltraMegaMagnus for help on the Hades model extraction
**Special Thanks**
BaconWizard17 for all the guidance and assistance in helping me make this complicated winged model and skins.  Couldn't have done it without his patience and expertise.
Cohollow for his Angel mod.  A special source of inspiration and coding.
Paladins Wiki - Corvus voice lines:
Pixabay for sound effects:
**Installation Instructions**
Maegawa (skin swapping)
Additional thanks for effects wizards that came before me, go to Cohollow (Angel mod and Iceman booster for XML2), Ceamonks890 (Kain and Starbolt MUA1 mods), Dorpond (Saint Walker MUA1 mod), Norrin Radd (Angel MUA1 mod), Outsider (Blue Marvel, Inferno, Sauron, and Captain Universer MUA1 mods), MUALover (Storm booster MUA1).

And thanks to Crescendo for the idea of Divine Intervention (Boost 1) and BloodyMares for Wrath of the Fallen (dark angel power 1).

Let me know if I missed a credit.

Last updated 7/17/2022 | Released 7/17/2022

July 17, 2022, 07:31PM #12 Last Edit: July 28, 2022, 04:04PM by Ninja Kyden

Need a little bit of iNsAnITY in your mod life?  Then look no further - Abyss is here for all your crazy needs!  The first Horseman of Apocalypse that you face in XML2 finally becomes a playable character.  Parts not sold separately - detachable arms and void-dimension-in-his-chest included!  He's a big guy with a heart of *checks notes* emptiness who really just wants you to give him some love and attention your LIFE!

Abyss has a full moveset that uses his own boss' animation skeleton.  Some of his powers are as close to the boss version as possible, from the animations used to the sounds and effects.  I also expanded on the voice file that Ceamonks890 used for MUA1's Abyss mod to include tons more lines.

-6 powers, 2 boosts, and 1 Xtreme.
-Two skins with fully voiced sound file.
-Uses assigned number #40.

None.  But would love feedback!

1. Slinky Shove:  Stretch those arms as a warm-up for other powers.
2  Sucker Punch:  Pow!  Right in the kisser.
3. Bombs Away:  It's a bomb!  It's more bombs!!
4. Ring Around the Abyss:  Twirl, twirl, until your enemies all fall down.
5. Laughing Leap:  Laugh while you launch yourself right at the enemy.  Makes for a nifty double jump, too.
6. Pull of the Abyss:  Signature suck-them-into-your-interdimensional-void move.
7. (Xtreme) Gleeful Void:  Pull enemies into the void... forever.
8. (Boost) I'm the Boss:  Gain boss resistances like a proper boss.
9. (Boost) Brimstone Combat:  Want more energy damage?  Want more speeeed?  You got it.

Thanks to Ceamonks890 for letting me use his zsm files for the start of Abyss' sound file.
**Installation Instructions**
Additional thanks for effects wizards that came before me, go to Outsider (Kate Bishop MUA1 mod).
BaconWizard17 for all HUDs, including 3d heads


July 28, 2022, 05:40PM #13 Last Edit: August 04, 2022, 09:33AM by Ninja Kyden

Coming soon

-6 powers, 3 boosts, and 2 Xtremes
-9 skins and fully voiced sound file
-Uses assigned number #221

More diverse skins - with cape!

1. Levitation:  Telekinesis with a magical twist.
2  Mystic Trap:  Weaken enemies who fall prey to magical traps.
3. Asgardian Storm:  Throwback to when Wiccan was Asgardian and used lightning powers.
4. Magic Burst:  Some random magic never hurt any- I mean, always hurts your enemies.
5. Demi Hex:  Exploding hex bolts never get old.
6. Twist Reality:  Like mother, like son, turning your foes into crates is fun!  Hey, that rhymes.
7. (Xtreme) Legacy of Chaos:  Placeholder
8. (Xtreme) Reality Check:  Placeholder
9. (Boost) Teleport Blast:  Placeholder
10. (Boost) IWantToHealThisPerson:  Placeholder
11. (Boost) INeedProtection:  Placeholder

Julio Cabral
DeeDooo and everyone who helped DeeDooo
**Installation Instructions**
DeeDooo aka Quentin Hex for everything in his MUA1 mod of Wiccan

GET IT HERE:  Coming soon

August 04, 2022, 09:02AM #14 Last Edit: August 04, 2022, 09:13AM by Ninja Kyden
Miraitto's Danger Room Vs. Mod

Enjoy versing off against friend and foe in a series of custom-made Danger Room challenges.

This mod is by Mairaitto, I take no credit for it.