
Enigma's Voicepacks and Sound Mods

Started by Enigma, January 23, 2022, 03:22PM

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X-Men 90s Theme for Main Menu v1.0

Because someone had to do it, here's a mod that replaces XML2's main menu music with the 90s X-Men cartoon's theme song, using a high quality version I got from the "X-Men The Phoenix Saga CD-Rom".

And yes, I did also include the music file itself.

January 26, 2023, 10:32AM #16 Last Edit: June 20, 2024, 01:31PM by Enigma
Havok Marvel Heroes Voicepack v3.0

*Includes voices by Liam O'Brien from the following sources/performances: as Havok and as Angel from Marvel Heroes as Angel from Marvel Heroes, because the actor is doing exactly the same voice for both of these roles.
*Includes grunts by Liam O'Brien from his performance as Akihiko Sanada from Persona 4 Arena Ultimax.

-Added 1 more CMD Attack Any line.
-Added the following number of banter lines with the following characters: Colossus (2), Cyclops (3), Deadpool (1), Iceman (1), Jean Grey (2), Rogue (2), Storm (1), Sunfire (1), Wolverine (1)
-Added Menu Breaks.
-Now a standalone voicepack.
-Now has Level Up, Can't Go, No Work, and Too Heavy lines.
-Added 1 more grunt of every type.
-Changed how Xtreme 2 callout works.

:spiderman:Spider-Man Dan Gilvezan Voicepack v1.0 :spiderman:

**This is a voicepack of Dan Gilvezan as Spider-Man using his lines and grunts from Spider-Man Shattered Dimensions which I ripped and sorted myself.
*He is most famous for playing Spider-Man in the 80s cartoon Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends.
*He plays Spider-Man 2099 in Shattered Dimensions but he's doing it in the same voice as he did for regular Spider-Man and I made sure not to use any lines that reference 2099 in this voicepack (except for a quick joke about Flipside.)
*Includes Menu Breaks.
*He has the same Xtreme callouts and Banter lines as my MUA1 voicepack that's included in my Spider-Man mod.

:archangel:Angel XML1 Prototype Voicepack v1.0 :archangel:

This is an alternate voicepack for my Angel mod.
-Uses his official XML1 Prototype voiced lines (thanks to Ceamonks890 for cleaning the audio files up). While Angel is credited in XML1 Retail as André Sogliuzzo, he wasn't in that version. But there are cut NPC lines as him and it's tough to tell for sure if it's him in the Prototype voiced lines or a placeholder actor.
-Angel only has 3 Death grunts in the XML1 Prototype. So, I've also used the retail XML1 and unused XML1 Prototype Morlock Thief grunts They're done by André Sogliuzzo, and they do sound like Angel.
-I've made a few of his lines double as Menu Breaks.
-It uses the same Xtreme callouts as the voicepack in my Angel mod.

Ceamonks890: cleaning up the audio files

:archangel:Angel XML2 Archangel Voicepack v1.0 :archangel:

This is an alternate voicepack for my Angel mod.
-Uses Archangel's XML2 x_voice lines as well as more lines taken from his NPC conversations, as portrayed by Dave Wittenberg.
-He'll help you if it means he gets his revenge on Apocalypse, but he's no Angel. He's in this for himself, and he'll insult his teammates as much as he does his opponents.
-There are a few lines I had to edit due to lack of appropriate voices, but I'm very happy with the job I did on them, and I don't think they're very noticeable. (And if you do notice them, I think you'll get used to them pretty quickly. I did at least.)
-Because Archangel's XML2 grunts have a much heavier voice filter over them than his voices, I instead used the grunts by the same actor from his role as Kakashi in Naruto Clash of Ninja 1 and 2, which I also used for the XML2 Angel Voicepack.
-It uses the same Xtreme callouts as the voicepack in my Angel mod.
-I've made a few Menu Breaks.

:thor:Thor Chris Hemsworth Voicepack v1.0 :thor:

**This is a voicepack for my Thor mod using lines and grunts of Chris Hemworth as Thor that I ripped from the PS3 game Thor God of Thunder.
*I gave him his own Xtreme callouts.
*He has menu breaks.
*I should mention PS3 Thor game's tone is signficantly more serious then the MCU movies are. There are almost no jokes anywhere in the game. Hemsworth is taking this very seriously and treating it like a serious drama.

:thing:The Thing Michael Chiklis Voicepack v1.0 :thing:

**This is an alternate voicepack for my mod of The Thing using audio of Michael Chiklis as The Thing which I ripped from the 2005 Fantastic Four movie game. He also has grunts and multiple callouts for both Xtremes also voiced by Michael Chiklis.

X-Men Evolution Theme for Main Menu v1.0

This mod replaces XML2's main menu theme with the theme from X-Men Evolution using a high quality version of the theme I found.

And yes, I did also include the music file itself.

June 20, 2024, 01:32PM #29 Last Edit: February 20, 2025, 11:28AM by Enigma
:hulk_icon: Hulk THQ Avengers Voicepack v1.1 :hulk_icon:

**This is a voicepack for my Hulk mod of an unknown voice actor as the Hulk in the cancelled Avengers game by THQ.
*In addition to the voiced lines and grunts, it also replaces the power sound for his Hulk Roar power with 2 different roar sounds that the game randomly from between.
*I've also made new Xtreme callouts for both his Xtremes. Hulk Smash has 3 different ones the game randomly picks from between and Hulk Strongest has 2.
*If you think you recognize this actor, please let me know so he can be credited properly.
*I've also made Menu Breaks.

-Updated to add new power sound I added for my Hulk mod's new Hulk Clap power.