
Enigma's Psylocke Mod

Started by Enigma, January 23, 2022, 03:39PM

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January 23, 2022, 03:39PM Last Edit: December 29, 2024, 02:31PM by Enigma
:psylocke: Enigma's Psylocke Mod v10.5 :psylocke:

This is my Psylocke mod. It contains the following improvements over the original mod by nodoubt_jr:

Audio Changes:
*Includes Psylocke's voiced lines and grunts from XML1 by Masasa Moyo, as well as additional voiced lines and grunts by the same actress in the same role from X-Men Next Dimension.
*Includes all new power sounds from taken from Psylocke's power sounds in Marvel Heroes (the only non-MH power sound used is her XML1 Psychic Onslaught sound).
*Fixed the issue of her having missing power sounds. She now has power sounds for all powers, they all work properly, and all of them are now unique.
*Her 2nd Xtreme now has a callout.
*Psionic Blast now has a charge sound.

Power Changes:
*Renamed the following powers: Psychic Knives > Psychic Bolts, Psycho Blast > Psionic Projection, Psionic Whip > Psionic Sweep, Peel From Reality > Crimson Dawn, Telekinetic Katana > Psychic Lunge, Uncanny Reflexes > Precognition
*Fixed many typos and grammar errors in power descriptions, as well as wrote some of the descriptions entirely.
*Removed the whip part of her Psionic Whip power. I felt that it was very out of place, since she takes out a pink whip, uses it, holsters it on her hip when she's done (which doesn't make any sense), and then she swips with her Psychic Blade anyway, so it's not needed.
*Her Psychic Lunge attack now just uses her normal Psychic Blade and not a separate pink sword bolton instead.
*Fixed redundant and non-working parts of her powerstyle coding.
*Her 2nd Xtreme, Peel from Reality, no longer has a skin swap to a special shadow form skin. After discussing it with BaconWizard17, we decided that it doesn't really make sense and that the invisibility effect that this power gives to all other team members would work better. And the Crimson Dawn mark is an effect and not part of the skin so it will still appear on her face as part of this power. I've also recolored the power effect to all be crimson now instead of just the eye effect. I also modified one of the effects to look better.
*Crimson Dawn's defense increase aspect now increases as the Xtreme levels up.
*She now properly uses her psychic bolt bolton for her Psychic Bolts power, and not her Psychic Blade bolton.
*Sorted out issues with how her boltons worked and eliminated the need for separate redundant duplicate effects models files.
*Her Psychic Defense boost no longer uses the same animation Dual Wield, which were ill-fitting, but instead uses the same as her Mental Focus boost, which fits much better. This power also no longer uses Dual Wield's effect.
*Sped up the animation for her Psionic Sweep power, so that the animation would fit this power better and sync up properly with its power sound.
*Psionic Sweep and her knockback now do Telekinetic damage instead of Physical damage.
*Psychic Lunge now does Mental damage instead of Physical damage.
*I removed the coding for Telekinetic Explosion having an impact/hiteffect, as radials having hiteffects can cause issues and the effect appears on objects that can't be damaged or affected by the power, which is confusing.
*Precognition now also dodges projectiles.
*Psychic Onslaught's description now says that it can slow down enemies, which it always could but the description didn't say so.
*Rebalanced the levels at which each power unlocks.
*Replaced her Psychic Defense boost. It no longer increases Mental resistance, as she has Mental damage immunity, and she has another boost that increases her Defense. I've replaced it with a new boost called Extrasensory Perception, which increases the entire team's Movement Speed.
-To compensate for this, I've moved Movement Speed from her Mental Focus boost, which is a boost that only affects her.
-I've also replaced Mental Focus's Attack boost with an $EP boost because Dual Wield boosts her Melee attacks and I wanted that boost to still be useful.
-I also moved the butterfly mask effect to Mental Focus. I've also made it so that Mental Focus unlocks 1st, then the new boost, then Dual Wield.
*Added some missing combo text.
*Streamlined Crimson Dawn coding.
*Psionic Projection now requires Psychic Spikes.
*Telekinetic Explosion now requires Psionic Projection.
*Psionic Sweep now requires Psychic Lunge
*Rebalanced Psionic Sweep.
*Fixed an issue with how her Psionic Combat passive worked.
*Removed hiteffect on Psionic Sweep because it's not needed and it allowed me to reduce the number of effects she uses.
*Fixed issues with her AI.
*Renamed Psionic Strike to Psionic Combat to fit in with naming scheme of default characters' passives like this.
*Changed coding for Psionic Combat's trail effect to match default characters.
*Psionic Sweep now stuns enemies.
*Psionic Sweep is now listed as a Melee power instead of a Special power.
*Psychic Lunge now immobilizes enemies.
*Coding fixes to how Dual Wield works.
*Completely recoded Psychic Onslaught to fix multiple issues with how the power and effects worked.
*Psychic Onslaught now stuns enemies. In XML1, it stops enemies from moving for a couple seconds, but I've had it stun them here which has the same result.
*Fixed issue with Psychic Lunge not doing any damage which included removing its EP drain part and replacing it with HP drain.
*Mental Focus now also makes her immune to slow and stun.
*Telekinetic Explosion can now build bridges.
*Changed her fightstyle to finesse1, which is what she uses in XML1.
*Psionic Projection now properly does Mental damage instead of Physical damage.
*Psychic Blade now actually grows in size as Blade Mastery levels up. I've recoded Blade Mastery so that each size change happens every 5 points, and its level up info now explains this.
*Dual Wield's 2nd Psychic Blade is now affected by Blade Mastery and also increases in size.
*Fixed issues with how Blade Mastery works.
*Rebalanced powers and changed what levels they unlock at.
*Removed unneeded lines of coding.
*Mental Focus's Defense Rating increase now properly scales like it's level up info says it does.
*Psychic Lunge can now target enemies, making it easier to use.
*Psychic Bolts no longer all go directly to one enemy.
*Added grab.

Visual Changes:
*I've included a remake of her XML1 loading screen I made using a higher quality version of her XML1 loading screen, as well as her unused XML1 X-treme Gear loading screen I made using a high quality version of the image I found.
*I've included a new character select portrait that I made using a higher quality version of her XML1 loading screen.
*I've included her XML1 Prototype conversation hud (as hud_head_15401), which is higher quality than the XML1 retail version nodoubt_jr's mod used.
*She has new icons by BaconWizard17
-I've made 1 new icon by recoloring BaconWizard17's version of Professor X's Cleave icon so that Psychic Lunge and Blade Mastery no longer have the same icon.
*She has new skins numbered 01-08 with matching 3D heads and conversations huds by BaconWizard17
*She has new packages so that she can have unique 3d hud heads and conversation huds for every skin.
-For v7.3, these are also the new X-Men Legends II Ultimate Patch streamlined packages.
*She now uses her XML1 Retail Psychic Blade boltons, as they have higher quality textures.
*Psychic Onslaught has a chance to slow enemies who survive the blast and an effect would appear on them. I have removed this, both out of concerns of hitting an effects limit and also because no other character's slow powers do that and therefore it didn't fit in.
*I removed arc effect from Psychic Bolts, as I felt it wasn't necessaryand to cut down on the number of effects.
*Removed aura effect from Mental Focus and Dual Wield, because it's used by her Extrasensory Perception boost as well and Mental Focus and Dual Wield don't need them as they have other effects.
*Removed charge effect from Dual Wield, because I didn't think it looked good, and I felt that the 2nd Psychic blade was enough of an effect on its own, which also let me cut down on the number of effects.
*I removed the slowing down enemies part of her Psychic Onslaught Xtreme because I felt it was powerful enough without it, and it doesn't do that in XML1 anyway. Plus, it allowed me to cut down on the number of effects.
*Removed both of Crimson Dawn's charge effects, as it felt they were a bit much when combined with the rest of the power's effects. Plus, it allowed me to cut down on the number of effects.
*I replaced the arc effect on her Psychic Slash power with the ones the Dark Psylocke boss uses in MUA1 PS2.
*Psychic Bolts no longer uses Psychic Slash's arc effect, as it was unnecessary and didn't look too good with it anyway.
*Psionic Projection's impact effect has been replaced with Dark Psylocke's power2 impact effect from MUA1 PS2.
*Replaced Psionic Combat trail effect with a new unique effect so it's not the same as Jean's.
*Psychic Bolts's trail effect now actually appears.
*For various technical reasons, Psychic Onslaught's impact effect has been removed.
*The Psychic Bolts model turned out to be really hard to see. So I've replaced them with the smallest sized version of her Psychic Blade bolton.
*Fixed issue with Psionic Combat's trail effect not working.

Misc Changes:
*Removed unused effects and effects model files.
*Eliminated the need for multiple redundant model files and effects model files.
*Removed unneeded coding for skin segments from her powerstyle and herostat.

*During her Crimson Dawn Xtreme, she is invisible but the invisibility causes her Psychic Blade bolton to have a sort of red and black "shell" around it. I was unable to fix this.
*Her Psychic Blade's size doesn't change in the character select menu and will always be the shortest of the 3 versions.

*Custom X-Treme Gear Conversation Hud: A conversation hud I made using her X-Treme Gear loading screen.
*Custom X-Treme Gear Character Select Portrait: A character select portrait I made using her X-Treme Gear loading screen.
*XML1 Prototype Boltons: These are alternate unused versions of her Psychic Blades boltons from the XML1 Prototype.
*Non-Cel Shaded Skins
*Alternate Icons: BaconWizard17 made the default ones. He also remade these alternate ones, which are nodoubt_jr's original icons in higher quality. Because 4 of the icons in the Alternate Icons file are from XML1, I've replaced those with the higher quality XML1 Prototype versions.
*Concept Art: I AI Upscaled the background the XML2 concept art uses and used 2 pieces of concept art of Psylocke from XML1 using higher quality versions I found online. The right one is of her default costume and the left one is an unused variant of it.
*Menu Breaks: The current version of x_voice only added 2 custom Menu Breaks for her, so I've added several more.

*nodoubt_jr = the original Psylocke mod
*BaconWizard17 = X-Men Legends II Ultimate Patch updated powerstyle and talents that I modified for this booster, updated packages, new icons, new skins, new 3D heads, new conversation huds
*coney = bug report
*boycus730 = bug report

-Added grab.
-Minor changes to a couple of power descriptions.
-Rewrote Crimson Dawn and Psionic Combat's descriptions.
-Minor typo fixes.
-Removed a line of unneeded coding from Psionic Sweep.
-Rebalanced multiple powers and starting stats.
-The Psychic Bolts model turned out to be really hard to see. So I've replaced them with the smallest sized version of her Psychic Blade bolton.
-Psychic Lunge can now target enemies, making it easier to use.
-Psychic Bolts no longer all go directly to one enemy.
-Fixed issue with Psionic Combat's trail effect not working.
-Rebalanced Extrasensory Perception.
-Fixed issues with Dual Wield not working.
-Dual Wield now requires Blade Mastery.
-Rebalanced the number of levels Extrasensory Perception has.
-I've added 1 new icon each for both the default and bonus alternate icon files so that Psychic Lunge and Blade Mastery no longer have the same icon.
-Mental Focus's Defense Rating increase now properly scales like it's level up info says it does.
-Streamlined powerstyle coding.
-Completely recoded Psychic Onslaught to fix multiple issues with how the power and effects worked. It's now 2 waves of Psychic Energy because that fits how the power effect looks.
-Psychic Onslaught now stuns enemies. In XML1, it stops enemies from moving for a couple seconds, but I've had it stun them here which has the same result.
-Fixed issue with Psychic Lunge not doing any damage which included removing its EP drain part and replacing it with HP drain.
-Mental Focus now also makes her immune to slow and stun.
-Telekinetic Explosion can now build bridges.
-Changed her fightstyle to finesse1, which is what she uses in XML1.
-Fixed issues with how Blade Mastery works.
-Psionic Projection now properly does Mental damage instead of Physical damage.
-Psychic Blade now actually grows in size as Blade Mastery levels up. I've recoded Blade Mastery so that each size change happens every 5 points, and its level up info now explains this.
-Dual Wield's 2nd Psychic Blade is now affected by Blade Mastery and also increases in size.
-Rebalanced powers and changed what levels they unlock at.
-Removed unneeded lines of coding.
-Rewrote power descriptions, including rewriting Psychic Onslaught's power description to account for it no longer having Psychic Blades raining down.
-Renamed Psychic Spikes to Psychic Bolts.
-Psychic Bolts's trail effect now actually appears.
-For various technical reasons, Psychic Onslaught's impact effect has been removed.
-Because her XML2 Psychic Blade boltons are the same as her XML1 versions but with lower quality textures, I've removed them.
-Because her XML1 Prototype Psychic Bolt projectile model is the same as the XML1 Retail version, I've removed it.
-4 of the icons in the Alternate Icons file are from XML1, so I've replaced those with the higher quality XML1 Prototype versions.
-Fixed a couple of typos.
-I've added some Menu Breaks because the current version of x_voice only added 2 custom for her.
-Coding fixes to how Dual Wield works.
-Rebalanced Dual Wield.
-Reworded some of her power descriptions.
-Fixed some typos in her talents file.
-Changed level at which the final level of Psychic Slash unlocks.
-Rebalanced audio level of Xtreme 2 callout.
-Fixed some audio popping issues.
-Made a couple of No Work lines double as No Power lines because they fit and No Work lines aren't used very much.
-Changed some combo text.
-Renamed Psionic Swipe to Psionic Sweep.
-Renamed Psychic Katana to Psychic Lunge.
-Psionic Sweep is now listed as a Melee power instead of a Special power.
-Rewrote Psychic Lunge and Psionic Lunge's descriptions.
-Made Precognition's description more clear.
-Psychic Lunge now immobilizes enemies and drains EP.
-Removed hiteffect on Psionic Swipe because it's not needed and it allowed me to reduce the number of effects she uses.
-Renamed Psionic Strike to Psionic Combat to fit in with naming scheme of default characters' passives like this.
-Changed coding for Psionic Combat's trail effect to match default characters.
-Replaced Psionic Combat trail effect (which I'd accidentally removed before) with a new unique effect so it's not the same as Jean's.
-Fixed issues with her AI.
-Added bonus concept art.
-Fixed an issue with how her Psionic Strike passive worked.
-Changed how coding for Xtreme 2 callout works.
-Removed unused whip animation file.
-Removed some unused code in her powerstyle file.
-Renamed effects to be easier to keep track of and tell which power they are for.
-Fixed issue where I had accidentially mixed up the Mental Focus and Extrasensory Perception sounds.
-Psychic Spikes no longer uses Psychic Slash's arc effect, as it was unnecessary and didn't look too good with it anyway.
-Psychic Spikes is now available at level 1.
-Psionic Projection now requires Psychic Spikes.
-Telekinetic Explosion now require Psionic Projection.
-Psionic Swipe now requires Psychic Katana
-Rebalanced Psionic Swipe.
-I replaced the arc effect on her Psychic Slash power with the ones the Dark Psylocke boss uses in MUA1 PS2.
-Psionic Projection's impact effect has been replaced with Dark Psylocke's power2 impact effect from MUA1 PS2.
-Replaced packages with new X-Men Legends II Ultimate Patch streamlined packages.
-Added XML2 Boltons as a bonus.
-Added X-Treme Gear character select portrait as a bonus
-Redid X-Treme Gear hud.
-Fixed more typos in talent file.
-Added some missing combo text.
-Fixed minor typos in talent file.
-Streamlined Crimson Dawn coding.
-I removed arc effect from Psychic Spikes, as I felt it wasn't necessary and to cut down on the number of effects.
-Removed aura effect from Mental Focus and Dual Wield, because it's used by her Extrasensory Perception boost as well and Mental Focus and Dual Wield don't need them as they have other effects.
-Removed charge effect from Dual Wield, because I didn't think it looked good, and I felt that the 2nd Psychic blade was enough of an effect on its own, which also let me cut down on the number of effects.
-I removed the slowing down enemies part of her Psychic Onslaught Xtreme because I felt it was powerful enough without it, and it doesn't do that in XML1 anyway. Plus, it allowed me to cut down on the number of effects.
-Removed both of Crimson Dawn's charge effects, as it felt they were a bit much when combined with the rest of the power's effects. Plus, it allowed me to cut down on the number of effects.
-Fixed various typos in her powerstyle file.
-Revised some power descriptions.
-Replaced her Psychic Defense boost. It no longer increases Mental resistance, as she has Mental damage immunity, and she has another boost that increases her Defense. I've replaced it with a new boost called Extrasensory Perception, which increases the entire team's Movement Speed. To compensate for this, I've moved Movement Speed from her Mental Focus boost, which is a boost that only affects her. I've also replaced Mental Focus's Attack boost with an $EP boost because Dual Wield boosts her Melee attacks and I wanted that boost to still be useful. I also moved the butterfly mask effect to Mental Focus. I've also made it so that Mental Focus unlocks 1st, then the new boost, then Dual Wield.
-Renamed Uncanny Reflexes to Precognition. It also now dodges projectiles.
-Renamed Psychic Bolts to Psychic Spikes.
-Renamed Psionic Blast to Psionic Projection.
-Rebalanced the levels at which each power unlocks.
-Psychic Onslaught's description now says that it can slow down enemies, which it always could but the description didn't say so.
-I've removed the effect that would appear on enemies affected Psychic Onslaught's slow aspect. The reasoning is both out of concerns of hitting an effects limit and also because no other character's slow powers do that and therefore it didn't fit in.
-Removed Telekinetic Explosion's impact effect, as radials having hiteffects can cause issues and the effect appears on objects that can't be damaged or affected by the power, which is confusing.
-Fixed some capitalization errors in her talent file.
-Crimson Dawn's power effect are now all crimson instead of just the eye effect. I also modified one of the effects to look better.
-Crimson Dawn's defense increase aspect now increases as the Xtreme levels up.
-Fixed minor formatting errors in talent file.
-Fixed minor typos in talent file.
-Added updated skins, conversation huds, 3D heads, icons, bonus alternate icons, bonus non-cel shaded skins and Skins List screenshot by BaconWizard17
-Psionic Swipe and her knockback now do Telekinetic damage instead of Physical damage.
-Telekinetic Katana has been renamed Psychic Katana and now does Mental damage instead of Physical damage.
-Added a charge sound for Psionic Blast.
-Fixed some minor audio popping issues.
-Made minor fixes to description text.
-Removed 2 unused effects.
-Upgraded it to a full standalone mod
-Includes new icons, skins (01-08), 3D heads, and conversation huds by BaconWizard17
-Her Bonus XML1 Prototype conversation hud is now no longer a bonus and is set as hud_head_15401
-Her 2nd Xtreme, Peel from Reality, no longer has a skin swap to a special shadow form skin. It uses the shadow effect Nightcrawler uses instead.
-Renamed Peel From Reality to Crimson Dawn.
-Renamed Psychic Knives to Psychic Bolts
-Added her unused p5_power effect to her Telekinetic Explosion power to make it look like more of an explosion.
-She now properly uses her psychic bolt bolton for her Psychic Bolts power, and not her psychic katana bolton.
-Sorted out issues with how her boltons worked and eliminated the need for separate redundant duplicate effects models files.
-Her Psychic Defense boost no longer uses the same animation Dual Wield, which were ill-fitting, but instead uses the same as her Mental Focus boost, which fits it much better.
-Psychic Defense no longer uses Dual Wield's effect.
-Sped up the animation for her Psionic Swipe power, so that the animation would fit this power better and sync up properly with its power sound.
-Fixed some minor audio crackling issues.
-Added XML1 Prototype Boltons as a bonus
-Rewrote readme and explained changes more clearly and included some I forgot to explain.
-Removed unused effects and effects model files.
-Eliminated the need for multiple redundant model files and effects model files.
-Removed unneeded coding for skin segments from her powerstyle and herostat.
-Removed Can't Talk and Locked lines because they're never used
-Added XML1 Prototype and Custom X-Treme Gear Conversation Huds I made
-Added loading screens

February 11, 2022, 02:38PM #1 Last Edit: February 11, 2022, 07:29PM by Enigma
Upgraded it to a full standalone mod, among many other things. See changelog for details.